8-White Physical Science

Home Page

Welcome Parents & Students!

Thank you for visiting our class Website. Please visit often to get the latest news and information on what is happening in our class. If you have any questions about our class or progress please don't hesitate to contact me!  Physical Science is the study of matter and energy.  In this class we will take a look at the basics in physics, chemistry, and energy.  You will find links for the online textbook, study guides and other important information on a daily/weekly basis.  Please check the website often. 

Parents, my contact information can be found under the contact me tab.  Feel free to contact me via email or telephone if you ever have any kind of a question.  I keep my website up to date not only for the students but also, for the parents as well.  This is a great way to learn what we are studying in class on a daily basis and also access class documents/materials. 

I also keep my power school up to date everyday with homework assignments and grades.  This is the easiest and best way to check up on your child/children's grades and homework assignments as well.  If your child needs additional help, I am available during the school day but can offer help after school as well.  If you ever need anything or want to know more of what you can do to further help your child, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.     

Please check under "Classroom Work, Homework, and Warm-Up page" for any missed work in class on a daily basis.  For 8-White Electricity and Electronics information, click on the tab "Electricity and Electronics" and you will see a brief description as to what we accomplished in class that day.  


 Mr. Eck

