Mrs. Bernaski

Elementary Technology

Typing Agent Link & Info

Typing Agent is Available!

If you would like to keep up your great typing skills, or improve even more, you can work on Typing Agent at home. I will put the link below, but you can also access it through the Student Resources link. Please make sure you use that link or the one below--bookmark it, you know how! Any login page that DOES NOT say Palmerton Area School District on the top won't work. You can ask me for help anytimeYou can send me an email, and I promise I'll write back :-)

Email Address 

Link to Typing Agent

Things to Remember

Sit high enough so your not reaching up for the keyboard
Don't use your thumbs for anything other than the space bar!
Make sure the G and the H are lined up at your middle

Good posture

Back straight
Feed down
Wrists off the desk/table/keyboard
Fingers curved
Eyes on the copy

 Tricky Spots

Top Row

y   right hand pointer finger
r    left hand pointer finger
o    right hand ring finger

Bottom Row

b    left hand pointer finger
c     left hand middle finger
m   right hand pointer finger


