Welcome to Mr. Pastva's Webpage!


Calculator Policy

Students will be allowed to use calculators at the discretion of the teacher. They will not be allowed to use a calculator when they are working on fundamental math skills. Students will be allowed to use them in more advanced settings and when practicing for standardized test.

Homework Policy

Typically, homework is a 4 point grade per assignment. They will be given a 4 for having it completely done (this means that they attempted every problem and show work where possible), a 2 for having most of it done or a 0 for having very little or nothing done. These scores are at my discretion. For example, if a student has 6 or 7 problems out of 20, but were given 10-15 minutes of time in class to complete, I may opt to give a 0 based on attitude and/or circumstance. There will be no 1's or 3's given. This eliminates gray area of what is a 1, 2 or 3.
