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Ancient History Syllabus

7th Grade Ancient History Syllabus

Mr. Haney             Room 157

5 Periods a week       Nine week course


Course Content:

               This course primarily examines Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.  We will look at the religions, the governments and the ways of life of these civilizations.  We will also look at how they rose to power and how they declined.  We will also look at the people who obtained information about these ancient civilizations and how they went about getting that information.  Additionally, we will study how these civilizations changed during their time and how they influenced our current society.

               At the end of this course, the students will be able to describe Ancient Greece and Rome’s governments, religious views, how they rose to power and how they eventually lost power and how they influenced the modern world.



Karpiel, Frank, and Krull, Kathleen, and Wiggins, Grant.  My World History. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Charles E. Pearson Education, Inc, 2012.



  • Tests – Tests will be worth 100 points each.  We will have two tests per 9 weeks.
  • Quizzes – Quizzes will be worth 20 to 50 points and will be given occasionally to gauge student learning on specific topics.  We will have two to four quizzes per 9 weeks.
  • Classwork / Homework – Classwork and homework are a significant part of this course.  Homework will be given regularly and will be worth 20 points per assignment.  Students will be given time during class to work on these assignments.  Classwork and homework will often include completing an assigned portion of a larger packet which will then can be used to study for tests.
  • Class Participation – Class participation grades will be given periodically during the 9 weeks.  Students will receive up to 70 participation points per 9 weeks.


Class Rules:

  • Arrive to class on time.
  • Students must be in their assigned seats at the bell. Anyone late, without a pass, will receive a disciplinary referral (“write up”).
  • Be prepared for class.
  • Students are expected to have their textbooks, notes, homework, and a pen or pencil for EACH class period.
  • Do not keep me from teaching or another person from learning:
  • Any disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom during class. (Except for Emergencies)
  • No candy, food or drinks are allowed in the classroom.
  • Treat yourself and others with respect.
  • Raise hand to answer or ask a question.
  • When the teacher is talking, NO ONE else is.
  • Do not talk when someone else is answering a question.
  • Keep your hands and mean, inappropriate opinions to yourself.
  • Follow the other school rules.




All disciplinary penalties will follow the standards set forth in the Student Handbook. 

  • Minor offenses not covered in the student handbook will result in a warning and loss of class participation points.  A low level referral may also be issued.  If the problem continues or reoccurs, then a disciplinary referral (“write up”) that will be addressed by the assistant principal will be issued. 
  • Cheating
    • 1st Offense:          Repeating the assignment for half credit.
    • 2nd Offense:         A zero for the assignment.
    • 3rd Offense:          Different assignments from the rest of the class.


Late Work:

Each student should make every effort to hand their work in on time.  Late work will follow the guidelines set forth in the student handbook.  If you are absent the day of a test or quiz you will be expected to make it up within 5 days of your return to school.  If you have an extended illness or other special circumstances, please inform me so we can potentially reach an alternative.

  • If a student is not absent the day that the assignment is assigned or due: