Mr. Putorek - K-12 Vocal Music

MS Chorus Course Syllabus


Instructor: Mr. Putorek Where: Auditorium When: Days 3, 4, & 5


Welcome back for another great year for the Glendale Middle School Chorus!  Hopefully, you had a happy, safe summer.  The following is a course syllabus for the MIDDLE SCHOOL CHORUS.  It tells you what you can expect as a chorus member, my expectations for the ensemble, how you are graded, etc.  Please make sure to read over ALL of the information provided.  If you or your parents have any questions, please ask, e-mail me at, or call my office at 814-687-5026.  I’m looking forward to another successful year.



The Glendale Middle School Chorus is made up of about 80 students in grades 7 – 9.  The chorus sings in a variety of settings, including, but not limited to: The annual holiday concert; The annual spring concert; various neighborhood churches (when applicable); Johnstown, PA (when applicable); Local fundraisers, etc.  



The Glendale Middle School Chorus meets every day 3, 4, and 5.  There will also be mandatory dress rehearsals, fundraiser performances, etc. scheduled in the evenings before our upcoming concert.  Students will be given at least a ONE WEEK verbal notice before the scheduled event as a reminder.  It will also be posted on the monthly choral calendar.



The Glendale Middle School Chorus will meet and rehearse on the high school auditorium stage.  This is also where we will have our dress rehearsals and present our concerts.





The following information breaks down many of the elements that come along with making a commitment to a performance ensemble.  This section is designed to answer many of the questions that I have previously received, inform you of the grading/discipline policies, and for keeping you informed of everything the chorus has to offer.  There is a lot of information, so please read carefully!





Since this chorus only meets three days in a five day cycle, attendance is EXTREMELY important.  This means attendance in school, attendance in rehearsals, and attendance at all chorus functions (dress rehearsals, performances, fundraisers, etc.).  Every VOICE is IMPORTANT to the success of the ensemble.  During rehearsals, it is vital for each member to be present to learn their share of the music!  Attendance is part of your grade, and you are allowed to miss TWO CHORUS DAYS PER NINE WEEKS without penalty.  After missing two chorus days, you will lose attendance/participation points (more details in grading).  There is NO WAY to get these points back.  

Why this is important: If your overall chorus attendance is poor, you will not benefit from the in class rehearsal time allotted to learn your music.  This will hurt your quarterly singing test grades, as well as preventing you from being FULLY prepared for YOUR concert! If your overall SCHOOL attendance is poor, you WILL NOT be able to participate in scheduled trips and/or activities.  We had this issue last year when students tried to participate in the Walt Disney trip.  If this is the case, there is nothing I can do to help you, even if you already paid for the trip!!  This is an ADMINISTRATIVE policy, and is out of my hands.  So, please make EVERY attempt to be in school!  



Attendance during our dress rehearsals is mandatory and a part of your grade.  The dress rehearsal date and time will be provided on the monthly choral calendar.  Also, verbal reminders will be given during the scheduled in class rehearsals.

 Since some may not know, and I’ve had this question before, here is a brief description of what a dress rehearsal is, and why we need them.  A dress rehearsal is a dry run of our entire concert.  While we use school time to rehearse our music, we use a dress rehearsal to run our entire concert from start to finish, practice entering/exiting the choral risers, etc.  It is a chance to listen to the choir and add any finishing touches to become fully concert ready.  It is the goal of this ensemble to present the very best concerts we possibly can.



Sometimes during the nine week period, you may get sick and/or have a doctor’s appointment. While I would beg and plead that you or your parents schedule doctor’s appointments for after school, I realize that sometimes this is not possible.  If you miss a chorus rehearsal (in class or extra), a chorus event (concert, dress rehearsal, etc.) due to a doctor’s visit or illness, a doctor’s excuse for the exact date and time of your appointment is required to not hinder your grade.  Please do not come to me three weeks after the fact and try to tell me you were at the doctors.  No written excuse, no credit, end of story.

Also, you are in high school.  It is YOUR responsibility to make sure I get the written excuse…I will not hunt you down to find out where you were.  Finally, if you do have an appointment, make sure YOU are the one who tells me about your appointment.  Do not make it the responsibility of one of your friends to tell me where you are.  They are not your mommy and daddy!  Take care of YOUR OWN business!



Sometimes, family things happen that are out of your control (i.e. accidents, illness, death, etc.).  All I ask is that your parents send in a note, send me an e-mail, or give me a call to let me know so I do not lower your grade.  



There are several excuses that are just unacceptable to miss a chorus event, concert, fundraiser, etc.  I know this sounds funny or weird, but in the past two years, I’ve heard many of the following examples.  “I have a date with ________.”  “My great grand-parent’s third uncle’s nephew’s cousin is having her 4th birthday party, and I have to help set up for the party.”  “I, um…I have too much homework.”  “I don’t have a ride.” “My mom/dad said this isn’t important.”  These examples seem crazy, but I heard them over the past two years.  However, they are not acceptable excuses for missing out on YOUR chorus events.  Like I said before, EVERY VOICE is IMPORTANT!  Each student brings his/her best to this ensemble, and is expected to be present!  

If transportation becomes an issue, please let me know.  There have been several parents/students who have contacted me and are willing to give you a ride!  Please do not let that prevent you from giving your all!



Sometimes, people have tried to use work as an excuse.  While I recognize that some students may need to work due to harder economic times, work is not a valid excuse to miss a chorus concert, rehearsal, or event.  Employers require a 2 week WRITTEN notice to be given off of work.  If you pay attention to the verbal announcements and the monthly choral calendar, you will have NO problem getting off of work for the event.



There are various ways in which you will be graded.  They are as follows:


Syllabus returns

Class participation

Singing tests (up to 2 per nine weeks)

Written tests 


Being prepared for class (having folder/music/pencil)

Dress Rehearsals

Choral worksheets

The grades will be distributed in accordance with the Glendale School District grading policy.  For more information, please see your student handbook.



All singers will be assigned a folder and music with a specific number on it.  Each singer is responsible for THEIR OWN music.  Please keep in mind that this music is on loan from the school district and is not yours.  It is not to be folded, stuffed in a locker, stained, etc.  Music will be collected after each concert, and folders will be collected at the end of the school year.  Please make sure you have your music at all times.  I usually find 2 – 3 folders a week, and frantic singers trying to locate their music!

If the music or folder is not returned or returned in a damaged state, the member of the corresponding number WILL BE CHARGED TO REPLACE THE MUSIC AND/OR FOLDER at the cost of replacement PLUS shipping.  Each folder costs $15 to replace including shipping.  Music cost is determined based on the individual price of the song, but can range from $2 - $5 per song!  If you lose/damage the music/folder, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to pay for the replacements.  If you do not bring in the money to replace the folder/music, a debt slip will be turned into the main office, and your report card and/or diploma will be held until your debt is resolved. (This is in accordance with Glendale School District Policy).



Each student will be given a warm-up packet in their folder.  This packet is a written outline of all the vocal warm-ups we will be singing throughout the year.  It will also include various worksheets and resources to aid each singer to become a better musician, a better singer, and aid in the study for written tests.  This packet is required for each class, just like the folders and music.  Additional material will be added throughout the year.



This year, each student will be assigned a particular robe.  In the past, students were able to grab their own robe, which led to major chaos, and robe damage.  This year, the robes will be numbered and handed out based on height, size (S, M, L), etc.  The robes will be dry-cleaned by the school district.  However, if the robe is returned damaged or stained, it will be the responsibility of the singer to have it CLEANED ($11) or REPLACED ($120 per robe).  While this sounds harsh, this is the best policy to protect the property and investment of the school district and the choral boosters.



There are several rules in place for the enhancement and enjoyment of every singer in the chorus.  These rules are meant to enhance the productivity and efficiency for everyone involved.  The rules are as follows:


#1 – Be on time (Students are expected to be in the auditorium and ON THE RISERS by the time the late bell rings.  All personal belongings are able to be placed BEHIND the risers.  If you are late without a pass, you WILL be written up).


#2 – Be prepared (Students are expected to have their folder, music, warm-up packets, and a pencil on hand at all times.  Students who are not prepared to sing will be subject to the consequences (listed below)).


#3 – No talking (Students are expected to maintain a quiet, efficient working environment.  At times, I will need to work with a specific section of the choir, and need your cooperation and behavior.  Please do not talk and disrupt the rehearsal process).


#4 – No gum/food/drinks (Students are not permitted to chew gum, eat, or drink in the auditorium.  We have a freshly cleaned/varnished stage floor along with brand-new, carpeted choral risers.  Gum, food, or drinks will NOT be tolerated, and result in disciplinary action).



The following are consequences for breaking one of the rules/procedures:


First offense – Verbal warning

Second offense – Verbal warning #2

Third offense – Write-up and phone call home

Fourth offense – Write-up and lowered 9 week grade

Fifth offense – Write-up and removal from the choir (student will report to main office and have an alternate assignment)



This year, as in past years, information will be distributed during the IN CLASS CHORAL TIME.  Please make sure you listen and pay attention to the announcements at the BEGINNING of each class.  These announcements will be an overview of upcoming events, concerts, fundraisers, etc.  If you happen to miss something, or not hear or understand, RAISE YOUR HAND AND ASK!  If you do not understand or ask, I can not help you.

Papers and handouts are also provided with a summary of information on them.  PARENTS, PLEASE make sure your students are responsible enough to bring this information home.  I have had several phone calls from parents about “not knowing what is going on” when the information was clearly provided for each student on the TOP OF MR. PUTOREK’S PIANO.  There are always plenty of copies available for each student, and it is THEIR responsibility to pick them up and take them home.  I do NOT hand them out before chorus begins, as if I do, I end up picking up 30 papers off of the ground that do not get home.  



Sometimes, several middle school members will be asked to participate with the high school chorus.  This is done to give developing, committed singers a chance to sing more often.  This is done by Mr. Putorek’s assignment only.  Please do not ask to be in both choirs.  This is only done on a minimal basis.



Fundraisers are a great opportunity for you to raise money for trips.  Fundraisers will be discussed in greater detail as they become available.  It is YOUR responsibility to make sure this information gets home to your parents!



The choral boosters are a group of choral parents dedicated to enhancing the high school and middle school choirs.  All parents are encouraged and invited to attend the monthly meetings.  The booster organization is charged with helping Mr. Putorek in fundraisers, purchasing items for the good of the choir (folders, music, etc.), and helping to raise funds for the choir for senior gifts, trips, etc.  For more information, please see the “Choral Boosters” link on the choir website (listed below) or call:

President: Pam Reese - 672-3538
Vice President: Melissa Foster - 687-4842
Secretary: Jodi Chilcote - 687-3917
Treasurer: Rick Gates - 687-3120


All students that are in the choruses are official student members of the choral boosters.  As with the band and band boosters, we are asking that all students contribute $1 to the boosters to make their annual registration valid.  Call an officer listed above for more information!




You can access the Glendale Vocal Music Webpage at the following address:



This year, there will be several smaller ensembles.  I will be ordering music specific to these smaller ensembles (4 – 20 singers).  These smaller ensembles will be on an audition or assignment basis only, and be singing during the normally scheduled concerts.  This is an extra commitment, so is for the more dedicated, developing singer.  It is a great opportunity for our talented students to showcase the work they are capable of, and will include barbershop music, era pieces, etc.  More information will be given as it becomes available, but I can tell you this much…it’s going to be a LOT of fun!



This year, there will be a monthly choral calendar.  The calendar will be distributed in class at the beginning of each month to outline all of the things that will be going on for the month.  This will help students and parents plan their schedule, and make sure you are off of work for the concerts, dress rehearsals, etc.  These calendars will include as much information as possible.  It is YOUR responsibility to get these home to your parents.



We are still in the first years of our brand new choral risers.  Please keep in mind that these risers are an investment in our chorus, and are not a place for you to “kick it” or “hang out.”  Anyone caught abusing the risers in ANY way, including food/drinks/gum, will be subject to the strictest consequences available.  These risers are SCHOOL PROPERTY, and we need to treat them, and each other, with respect.


These rules, regulations, and guidelines were set up for your information, safety, and efficiency.  While it may seem very strict, this is an attempt to be as informative as possible, and to express my expectations for the committed singer.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via phone (814)-687-5026 or e-mail  I look forward to a productive, fun, and positive school year with you!



Mr. Putorek

Vocal Music

Glendale School District




Please return the following to Mr. Putorek NO LATER than Wednesday, September 8th, 2010  This is the first 15 points of your grade!


I have read and understand the course syllabus for the Middle School Chorus.  If I have any questions at any time, I can contact Mr. Putorek via phone, e-mail, or in person.


Student Signature:___________________________________________ Date:______________


Parent Signature:____________________________________________ Date:______________
