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Business Math Syllabus


  1. Subject: Business Math

Teacher: Mr. Pastva

Prerequisite: A minimum of 75% in previous basic math courses.

Textbook(s):  Mathematics with Business Applications - by Lange, Rousos and Mason,

                        copyright - 1993

Supplemental Materials: calculator


  1. Course Content:


a.)  Meaning of numbers

b.)  Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills

c.)   Skill with fraction

d.)  Comparison of numbers

e.)  Employee Compensation

f.)    Interest computations

g.)  Trade and cash discounts

h.)   Depreciation

i.)    Personal Investments

j.)    Consumer credit

k.)   Taxes

l.)    Insurance



  1. Requirements:

a.)  Students graded on tests, quizzes, homework, projects and class participation

b.)  Homework is given either a score of 4 (complete), 2 (partially complete) or 0 (little or nothing complete). NOTE: I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO COLLECT, CHECK AND GRADE HOMEWORK FOR ACCURACY!!

c.)   It is the responsibility of the student to have homework completed by the due date.

d.)  All students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to go. This means all students should have their PENCIL, NOTEBOOK, TEXTBOOK, and ANY OTHER NECESSARY MATERIALS!!!


  1. Grading System:

a.)  A nine-weeks grading system with FINAL EXAM at end of the year.

b.)  Generally, there will be AT LEAST ONE formal assessment (Test, Quiz, Project, etc.) per week.

c.)   Tests are usually around 50 points, Quizzes are around 20 points and projects are assessed points based on level of difficulty.

d.)  No exemptions from the final exam!!!


  1. Classroom Rules:

a.)  All students are expected to be seated and starting on the warm-up problem when the bell rings.

b.)  Students are to sign out when using the restroom. I will not allow ANY student to abuse this privilege (you should not be leaving my room on a daily basis to use the restroom).


d.)  All students are expected to show respect to their teacher, their peers and themselves. (I believe that the get respect, you have to show respect. That being said, I will treat each and every student with respect until I’m given a reason not to. I expect the same attitude from my students.)

e.)  Students who are late for class will be assigned detention unless they come with a valid pass.
