Mr. Rick Morgans

Advanced English 11, English 11, and  Journalism

Creative Writing

Creative Writing will not be offered for the 2013-14 school year.




Creative writing assignments will be teacher-generated.

Elements of a short story.

Characterization/description assignments to begin the year.

Index card(novel of your life)


Line drawing and teacher-generated prompts

Ways to reveal a character

Week 3:

Setting exercises with teacher-generated prompts

Setting as narration and setting as description

Week 4:

Continue with setting exercises

Create a passage describing an Historical event.

Week 5:

Picture this.  Given a photo, students write a descriptive passage using sensory detail.

Week 6:

Write a descriptive Personal narrative

Week 7:

Using an anecdote, the students will create an essay on a given point.

 Week 8:

Elements of Horror in writing (view "The Laurel and Hardy Murder Case"
List the elements of horror found in the work.

Week 9:

Elements of horror    "Psycho"  view the movie and list the elements of horror

students will create a horror story of their own and use the elements discussed in class.

Week 10:

Point of view

students will create an essay from a pet's point of view

Week 11:

students will rewrite a fairy tale from the villain's point of view

Week 12:

students become archaeologists and discover something from today's society that would have an outdated use in the future. story is to be written in the First person point of view.

Week 13:

Write a narrative story from the point of view of a pilgrim

Week 14:

You are scientist and have discovered a cure for a disease.  You must create both the disease and the cure.  Write a narrative in first person point of view.

Week 15:

Plot structure

Given a beginning of a story, students will create the ending(using logic, transitions,  and dialogue)

Week 16:

Given the beginning and end to a story, students will create the middle (using logic, transitions, and dialogue)

Week 17:

Christmas puzzles and anecdote writing

Week 18:

Poetry unit

Week 19:

continue with poetry unit
