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Science Curriculum - Grade 3

 Teacher: CORE Science Grade 3
 Year:      2010-2011
 Course:  Science Grade 3 


















Life Science











PDE: Living components of an ecosystem

PDE: Concept of "interaction"

PDE: Interaction of living components of an ecosystem (e.g., plants, animals)

PDE: Living Organisms

PDE: Food Supply

PDE: Non-living components of an ecosystem

PDE: Ecosystem

PDE: Interaction of nonliving components of an ecosystem (e.g., water, soil, sunlight, carbon dioxide, temperature, shelter, oxygen)

PDE: Concept of "models"

PDE: Models for observation

PDE: Systems (e.g., water cycle, sun-Earth-moon system)

PDE: Patterns (e.g., day/night, seasons, sunrise/sunset, lunar phases)


PDE: Describe living components of a local ecosystem (e.g., lentic and lotic systems, forest, cornfield, grasslands, city park, playground)

PDE: Describe interactions between living and nonliving components of a local ecosystem

PDE: Explain what happens to a living organism when its food supply is changed (e.g., they might die, migrate, change behavior, eat something else)

PDE: Describe non-living components of a local ecosystem (e.g., lentic and lotic systems, forest, cornfield, grasslands, city park, playground)

PDE: Identify what different models represent (e.g., maps show physical features, directions, distances; globes represent Earth; drawings of watersheds depict terrain; dioramas show ecosystems; concept maps show relationships of ideas).

PDE: Use models to make observations

PDE: Explain how systems work

PDE: Identify observable patterns

PDE: Describe observable patterns


Harcourt Science - Unit B - Chapter 1 - Where Living Things Are Found 

Harcourt Science - Unit B - Chapter 2 - Living Things Depend on One Another 


S4.A.1.3 ~ Recognize and describe change in natural or human-made systems and the possible effects of those changes. (Reference: 3.1.4.C, 3.1.4.E, 4.7.4.B, 4.8.4.A, 4.8.4.C)


S4.A.3.2 ~ Use models to illustrate simple concepts and compare the models to what it represent. (Reference: 3.1.4.B, 4.3.4.C)


S4.A.3.3 ~ Identify and make observations about patterns that regularly occur and reoccur in nature. (Reference: 3.1.4.C, 3.2.4.B)


S4.B.1.1 ~ Identify and describe similarities and differences between living things and their life processes. (Reference: 3.3.4.A, 3.3.4.B, 4.3.4.A, 4.3.4.C, 4.6.4.A)


S4.B.2.1 ~ Identify and explain how adaptations help organisms to survive. (Reference: 4.7.4.B )


S4.B.3.1 ~ Identify and describe living and nonliving things in the environment and their interaction. (Reference: 4.6.4.A)







Earth Science











Earth's Land

Cycles on Earth and in Space

PDE: Earth features (e.g., mountains, valleys, caves, sinkholes, lakes, rivers)

PDE: Earth structures (e.g., mountain, watershed, peninsula, lake, river, valley)

PDE: Soil

PDE: Weathered rock

PDE: Basic cloud types (i.e., cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and cumulonimbus)

PDE: Basic elements of weather (e.g., changes in temperature, precipitation)


PDE: Identify various Earth structures through the use of models

PDE: Describe the composition of soil as weathered rock and decomposed organic remains

PDE: Identify basic cloud types

PDE: Make connections between basic cloud types and basic elements of weather


Harcourt Science - Unit C - Chapter 2 - Forces That Shape the Land 

Harcourt Science - Unit C - Chapter 3 - Soils 

Harcourt Science - Unit D - Chapter 2 - Observing - 01 


S4.D.1.1 ~ Describe basic landforms in Pennsylvania. (Reference: 3.5.4.A)


S4.D.2.1 ~ Identify basic weather conditions and how they are measured. (Reference: 3.5.4.C, 3.7.4.B, 3.2.4.B)







Physical Science











Investigating Matter

Exploring Energy and Forces

PDE: Physical properties [e.g., mass, shape, size, volume, color, texture, magnetic property, state (i.e., solid, liquid, and gas), conductivity (i.e., electrical and heat)]

PDE: Matter

PDE: Physical characteristics of objects

PDE: Energy forms (e.g., light, heat, electrical)

PDE: Motion

PDE: Forces (e.g., magnetic, pushes or pulls, gravity, friction)

PDE: Relative movement of objects

PDE: Types of motion (e.g., bouncing ball, moving in a straight line, back and forth, merry-go-round)

PDE: Objects

PDE: Organisms

PDE: Events

PDE: Scientific investigations

PDE: Investigation (a fair test)

PDE: Concept of Variable


PDE: Use physical properties to describe matter

PDE: Categorize objects using physical characteristics

PDE: Group objects using physical characteristics

PDE: Identify energy forms

PDE: Identify energy form examples

PDE: Describe changes in motion caused by forces

PDE: Describe types of motion that are evident

PDE: Generate questions about organisms that can be answered through scientific investigations

PDE: Design an investigation to test one variable

PDE: Describe an investigation to test one variable


Harcourt Science - Unit E - Chapter 1 - Properties of Matter 

Teacher resources: Mystery Powders 


S4.A.1.1 ~ Identify and explain the pros and cons of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to possible solutions to problems. (Reference: 3.2.4.A, 3.2.4.C, 3.8.4.C)


S4.A.1.3 ~ Recognize and describe change in natural or human-made systems and the possible effects of those changes. (Reference: 3.1.4.C, 3.1.4.E, 4.7.4.B, 4.8.4.A, 4.8.4.C)


S4.A.2.1 ~ Apply skills necessary to conduct an experiment or design a solution to solve a problem. (Reference: 3.2.4.C)


S4.A.2.2 ~ Identify appropriate instruments for a specific task and describe the information the instrument can provide. (Reference: 3.7.4.A, 3.7.4.B)


S4.C.1.1 ~ Describe observable physical properties of matter. (Reference: 3.4.4.A, 3.2.4.B)


S4.C.2.1 ~ Recognize basic energy types and sources, or describe how energy can be changed from one form to another. (Reference: 3.4.4.B, 3.4.4.C)


S4.C.3.1 ~ Identify and describe different types of force and motion, or the effect of the interaction between force and motion. (Reference: 3.4.4.C, 3.6.4.C, 3.2.4.B)





