Mrs. Beahn's Class Website

Math Curriculum

Course:  Math Grade 2 


Understanding Addition and Subtraction











Join two groups together to find how many in all.

Join two groups together and write an addition sentence to tell how many in

Solve a story problem by writing an addition sentence.

Take away a number of objects from a group and count to find how many are left.


Compare two groups to find out how many more or how many fewer.

Write subtraction sentences to solve both separation and comparison problems.

Solve problems by choosing addition or subtraction.

Use the commutative property to find sums.

Recognize facts that have sums of 10.

 Write the addition and subtraction sentences that make up a fact family.

Use counters to find the missing addend in an addition sentence.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this chapter and in previous grades.

Count on to add 1, 2, or 3 to another number.

Recognize doubles as a strategy for remembering sums.


Addend, sum



Related fact

Fact family


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 1-Joining Groups to Add 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 2-Writing Addition Sentences 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 3-Write a Number Sentence 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 4-Taking Away to Subtract 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 5-Comparing to Find How Many More 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 6- Writing Subtraction Sentences 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 7- Choose an Operation 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 8- Adding in Any Order 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 9- Ways to Make 10 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 10- Fact Families 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 11- Finding the Missing Part 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 12- Problem-Solving Applications/Frogs and Toads 


M3.A.2.1 ~ Understand various meanings of operations and the relationship between them. (Reference: 2.1.3.K, 2.2.3.C, 2.5.3.C)


M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)


M3.D.2.2 ~ Determine the missing number or symbol in a number sentence. (Reference: 2.8.3.B, 2.8.3.F)







Fact Strategies for Addition and Subtraction











Count on to add 1, 2, or 3 to another number.

Recognize doubles as a strategy for remembering sums.

Use doubles facts to learn
doubles-plus-1 facts.

Find the sum of three addends.

Find sums by making a 10 when adding a 9.

Find sums by making a 10 when adding a
7 or an 8.

Solve problems by writing number sentences.

Use a number line to count back 1 or 2.

Find differences by using doubles facts.

Find differences by using known addition facts.

Use data in pictures to help find missing numbers in number sentences.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.


Add, count on, sum

Doubles fact, addition fact, addend

Doubles plus 1

Number sentence

Count back, subtract


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 1- Counting On 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 2- Doubles Facts to 18 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 3- Doubles Plus 1 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 4- Using Strategies to Add Three Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 5- Making 10 to Add 9 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 6- Making 10 to Add 7 or 8 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 7- Write a Number Sentence 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 8- Counting Back 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 9- Thinking Doubles to Subtract 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 9- Thinking Addition to Subtract 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 11- Use Data from A Picture 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2- Lesson 12- Problem Solving Applications/Baby Birds 


M3.A.2.1 ~ Understand various meanings of operations and the relationship between them. (Reference: 2.1.3.K, 2.2.3.C, 2.5.3.C)


M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)


M3.D.2.1 ~ Create/model expressions, equations and inequalities to match a problem situation. (Reference: 2.8.3.D)


M3.D.2.2 ~ Determine the missing number or symbol in a number sentence. (Reference: 2.8.3.B, 2.8.3.F)







Place Value to 100 and Money











Count groups of ten, up to 10 tens, and write how many.

Use groups of tens and ones to show a given two-digit number.

Read and write number words for given numbers.

Solve a problem by making an organized list.

Compare numbers using the greater-than, less-than, and equal-to symbols.

Use a number line to determine the closest ten.

Identify and write numbers that are one before, one after, or between given numbers.

Recognize and extend skip-counting patterns.

Identify numbers as odd or even.

Use ordinals through twentieth to identify position.

Solve a problem by using clues and data from a chart.

Identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels, and pennies through 99¢.

Count a collection of coins that includes half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Compare the values of two sets of coins.

Show the same amount of money using different sets of coins.

Count on from the price of an object up to the greater amount paid in order to make change.

Identify the value of a dollar bill and a dollar coin.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.


Tens, ones

Digit, number word

Organized list

Greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (=)

About, closest ten

Before, after, between

Skip counting, pattern

Even, odd

Ordinal number

Coin, cent, dime, nickel, penny

Quarter, half-dollar

Greatest value, least value

Table, tally mark, record

Change, price

Dollar bill, dollar coin, dollar sign ($), decimal point (.)


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 1- Counting with Tens and Ones 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 2- Using Tens and Ones 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 3- Number Words 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 4- Make an Organized List 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 5- Comparing Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 6- Find the Closest Ten 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 7- Before, After, and Between 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 8- Skip Counting on the Hundred Chart 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 9- Even and Odd Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 10- Ordinal Numbers Through Twentieth 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 11- Use Data from a Chart 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 12- Dime, Nickel, and Penny 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 13- Quarter and Half-Dollar 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 14- Counting Sets of Coins 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 15- Comparing Sets of Coins 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 16- Ways to Show the Same Amount 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 17- Making Change 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 18- Dollar Bill and Dollar Coin 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3- Lesson 19- Problem-Solving Applications/Money, Money, Money 


M3.A.1.3 ~ Count, compare and make change using a collection of coins and one-dollar bills. (Reference: 2.1.3.E)


M3.A.2.1 ~ Understand various meanings of operations and the relationship between them. (Reference: 2.1.3.K, 2.2.3.C, 2.5.3.C)


M3.D.1.1 ~ Recognize, describe, or extend a variety of patterns. (Reference: 2.8.3.A, 2.11.3.D)


M3.D.2.1 ~ Create/model expressions, equations and inequalities to match a problem situation. (Reference: 2.8.3.D)


M3.D.2.2 ~ Determine the missing number or symbol in a number sentence. (Reference: 2.8.3.B, 2.8.3.F)


M3.E.1.1 ~ Answer questions based on data shown on tables, charts, or bar graphs. (Reference: 2.6.3.B, 2.7.3.D, 2.11.3.B)







Mental Math: Addition and Subtraction











Add a multiple of 10 to a two-digit number using models or mental math

Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number using models or mental math.

Add a two-digit number to a two-digit number using models or mental math.

Estimate the sum of 2 two-digit numbers.

Subtract a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number using models or mental math

Subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number using models or mental math.

Determine whether the difference between a multiple of 10 and another amount is more or less than
a given multiple of 10.

Solve a problem by finding pairs of numbers, the sums of which are a given multiple of 10.

 Discover a numeric pattern made by repeatedly adding or subtracting the same number.


Find the missing part of 100 when the given part is a multiple of 5 or 10.

"Look back and check" is a strategy that can help confirm the solution to a problem.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

Regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when adding.

Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number, regroup, and record the process in the vertical format.

Use the standard algorithm to add 2 two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

 Use the standard algorithm symbolically to add two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Add two money amounts (less than $1.00) using paper and pencil. Add two money amounts (less than $1.00) using paper and pencil.


Add 3 two-digit numbers with paper and pencil.


Solve problems involving addition by using data from a table.

Estimate a sum as a multiple of 10 and compare the estimate to the exact sum.

Recognize and use different ways to add two-digit numbers.

Solve a problem by estimating, checking the estimate, and then revising the estimate until the final answer is reached.


Mental math, tens digit

ones digit

More, less




Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 1- Adding Tens 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 2- Adding Ones 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 3- Adding Tens and Ones 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 4- Estimating Sums 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 5- Subtracting Tens 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 6- Subtracting Tens and Ones 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 7- Estimating Differences 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 8- Try, Check, and Revise 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 9- Addition and Subtraction Patterns 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 10- Finding Parts of 100 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 11- Look Back and Check 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4- Lesson 12- Problem-Solving Applications/Take Me Out to the Ball Game! 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 1- Adding With and Without Regrouping 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 2- Recording Addition 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Adding Two-Digit Numbers With and Without Regrouping 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 4- Practice with Two-Digit Addition 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 5- Adding Money 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 6- Adding Three Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 7- Use Data from a Table 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 8- Estimating Sums 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 9- Ways to Add 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 10- Try, Check, and Revise 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5- Lesson 11- Problem-Solving Applications/The Wonderful World of Plants 


M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)


M3.A.3.2 ~ Use estimation skills to arrive at conclusions. (Reference: 2.2.3.E)


M3.D.1.1 ~ Recognize, describe, or extend a variety of patterns. (Reference: 2.8.3.A, 2.11.3.D)





Two-Digit Addition













Add, regroup, sum

Two-digit number

Table, data




M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)


M3.A.3.2 ~ Use estimation skills to arrive at conclusions. (Reference: 2.2.3.E)


M3.D.2.1 ~ Create/model expressions, equations and inequalities to match a problem situation. (Reference: 2.8.3.D)


M3.E.1.1 ~ Answer questions based on data shown on tables, charts, or bar graphs. (Reference: 2.6.3.B, 2.7.3.D, 2.11.3.B)







Two-Digit Subtraction











Regroup 1 ten as 10 ones when subtracting.

Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number with or without regrouping using the standard algorithm.

Use the standard subtraction algorithm to subtract a two-digit number from another two-digit number.

Use the standard subtraction algorithm symbolically to subtract a two-digit number from another two-digit number.

Solve problems by writing number sentences.

Subtract amounts of money less than $1.00 with and without regrouping.

Relate addition to subtraction by using one operation to check the other.

Estimate a difference to the nearest ten and then use that estimate to check the reasonableness of an exact answer.

Choose an appropriate method for subtracting.

Solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems after identifying and eliminating extra information.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

Identify solid figures (cone, cube, cylinder, pyramid, rectangular prism, sphere) and count their flat surfaces, vertices, and edges.


Subtract, regroup, difference

Number sentence

Price, change



Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 1- Subtracting With and Without Regrouping 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 2- Recording Subtraction 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 3- Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers With and Without Regrouping 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 4- Practice with Two-Digit Subtraction 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 5- Write a Number Sentence 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 6- Subtracting Money 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 7- Using Addition to Check Subtraction 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 8- Estimating Differences 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 9- Ways to Subtract 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 10- Extra Information 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6- Lesson 11- Problem-Solving Applications/Here Kitty, Kitty! 


M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)







Geometry and Fractions











Identify solid figures (cone, cube, cylinder, pyramid, rectangular prism, sphere) and count their flat surfaces, vertices, and edges.

Match a geometric solid to an outline of one of its flat surfaces and match that flat surface to a plane shape.

Solve problems by matching solid figures with their two-dimensional nets.

Recognize and name trapezoids, parallelograms, and hexagons and identify the number of sides and angles in a polygon.

Identify and create congruent figures.

Perform a slide, flip, or turn on an object and identify the resulting orientation.

Identify and create symmetrical shapes.

Solve a problem by using logical reasoning.

Determine whether a shape has been divided into equal or unequal parts; identify halves, thirds, and fourths. Determine whether a shape has been divided into equal or unequal parts; identify halves, thirds, and fourths.

Identify and show a unit fraction of a region.

Identify and show any fraction of a region.

Estimate the fraction for a given part of a region. Estimate the fraction for a given part of a region.

Identify and show fractions of a set of objects.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

Tell time to five-minute intervals.

Tell time after the hour.

Tell time before the hour.

 Estimate whether an activity takes minutes, hours, or days to complete.


Determine the amount of time that passes between the start of an event and the end of an event, and determine the ending time when given the elapsed time.

Determine whether events occur in the A.M. or P.M. hours.

Complete, read, and use a calendar.

Solve problems involving equivalent times.

Solve a problem by making a table.

Collect and analyze data that have been gathered using a survey.

Collect, record, and analyze data using a Venn diagram

Collect and analyze data using a pictograph.

Create and analyze   bar graphs.

Create and analyze line plots.

Locate and name points on a coordinate grid.

Solve problems using data from a pictograph and a bar graph.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters. Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters


Solid figure, cube, rectangular prism, sphere, pyramid, cylinder, cone, flat surface, vertex (vertices), edge

Plane shape, circle, square, triangle, rectangle


Trapezoid, parallelogram, hexagon, side, angle


Flip, slide, turn

Line of symmetry

Equal, halves, thirds, fourths, unequal



Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 1- Flat Surfaces, Vertices, and Edges 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 2- Relating Plane Shapes to Solid Figures 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 3- Use Data from a Picture 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 4- Making New Shapes 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 5- Congruence 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 6- Slides, Flips, and Turns 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 7- Symmetry 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 8- Use Logical Reasoning 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 9- Equal Parts 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 10- Unit Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 11- Non-Unit Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 12- Estimating Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 13- Fractions of a Set 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7- Lesson 14- Problem-Solving Applications/Under the Sea 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 1- Telling Time to Five Minutes 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 2- Telling Time After the Hour 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 3- Telling Time Before the Hour 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 4- Estimating Time 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 5- Elapsed Time 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 6- A.M. and P.M. 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 7- Using a Calendar 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 8- Equivalent Times 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 9- Make a Table 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 10- Recording Data from a Survey 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 11- Using a Venn Diagram 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 12- Pictographs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 13- Bar Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 14- Line Plots 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 15- Coordinate Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 16- Use Data from a Graph 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8- Lesson 17- Problem-Solving Applications/Fly, Butterfly, Fly! 


M3.A.1.2 ~ Use fractions to represent quantities as part of a whole or part of a set. Reference: 2.1.3.D


M3.C.1.1 ~ Identify and/or describe two- and three-dimensional objects. (Reference: 2.9.3.A)


M3.C.2.1 ~ Apply the concepts of transformations and symmetry. (Reference: 2.9.3.E, 2.9.3.F, 2.9.3.H)


M3.D.2.1 ~ Create/model expressions, equations and inequalities to match a problem situation. (Reference: 2.8.3.D)





Time, Data, and Graphs













Hour hand, minute hand, hour, half hour

Quarter past, half past, after

Before, quarter to

Midnight, A.M., noon, P.M.



Survey, data

Venn diagram


Bar graph

Line plot

Coordinate graph, ordered pair, grid, located




M3.B.1.1 ~ Determine or calculate time and elapsed time. (Reference: 2.3.3.C, 2.3.3.D)


M3.B.1.2 ~ Use the attributes of length, area, volume and weight of objects. (Reference: 2.3.3.A, 2.3.3.E)


M3.E.1.1 ~ Answer questions based on data shown on tables, charts, or bar graphs. (Reference: 2.6.3.B, 2.7.3.D, 2.11.3.B)







Measurement and Probability











Objective: Measure the Lengths and Heights of objects using non-standard units.

Estimate and Measure the lengths or heights of objects in inches or feet, using a ruler.


Estimate and measure the lengths or heights of objects in inches, feet, or yards, using a ruler.

Estimate and measure lengths in centimeters and meters, using a centimeter ruler or a meter stick.

Solve problems involving perimeter by acting them out.

Estimate, measure, and order objects by their capacities, using non-standard units.

Compare the capacities of cups, pints, and quarts.

Estimate and measure  capacity in liters.

Count and compare the numbers of cubes needed to build or fill various rectangular prisms.


Estimate and measure the weights of different objects by comparing each of them to a non-standard unit of weight.

Compare and estimate the weight of objects in ounces and pounds.

Compare and estimate the masses of objects in grams and kilograms.


Show, read, and write temperatures on Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers.

Predict the outcomes of simple experiments.

Record and analyze data collected from performing an experiment.

Solve multiple step problems involving addition and subtraction.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.


Height, length

Inch (in.), ruler, foot (ft)

Width, yard (yd), yardstick

Centimeter (cm), centimeter ruler, meter (m), meter stick

Perimeter, area, square unit


Cup (c), pint (pt), quart (qt)


Volume, cubic unit


Pound (lb), ounce (oz)

Kilogram (kg), gram (g)

Temperature, Fahrenheit, Celsius, degrees

Predict, more likely, less likely, equally likely

Certain, probable, impossible



Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 1- Understanding Length and Height 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 2- Inches and Feet 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 3- Inches, Feet, and Yards 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 4- Centimeters and Meters 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 5- Act It Out 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 6- Understanding Capacity 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 7- Cups,Pints, and Quarts 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 8- Liters 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 9- Understanding Volume 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 10- Understanding Weight 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- 11- Pounds and Ounces 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 12- Grams and Kilograms 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 13- Temperature: Fahrenheit and Celsius 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 14- Understanding Probability 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 15- Using Probability 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 16- Multiple-Step Problems 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9- Lesson 17- Problem-Solving Applications/How Do You Measure Up? 


M3.B.1.2 ~ Use the attributes of length, area, volume and weight of objects. (Reference: 2.3.3.A, 2.3.3.E)


M3.B.2.1 ~ Determine the measurement of objects with non-standard and standard units. (Reference: 2.3.3.B, 2.3.3.F)


M3.B.2.2 ~ Estimate measurements of familiar objects. (Reference: 2.3.3.G)







Numbers to 1,000











Count by hundreds to one thousand.

Count sets grouped in hundreds, tens, and ones.


Read and write 3-digit numbers using expanded form, standard form, and number words.

Add and subtract multiples of ten or one hundred to and from a 3-digit number without regrouping.

Compare 3-digit numbers using the symbols <, >, and =.

Use counting on to find missing parts of 1,000.


Hundreds, thousand


Three-digit number, digit


Expanded form, standard form, number word 


Mental math

Compare, equals (=), greater than (>), less than (<)

Chart, data

Before, after, between

Order, least, greatest

Pattern, increase, decrease


Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 1 Building 1,000 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 2 Counting Hundreds, Tens,and Ones 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 3 Writing Numbers to One Thousand 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 4 Changing Numbers by Hundreds and Tens 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 5 Comparing Numbers 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 6 Parts of 1,000 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 7 Use Data from a Chart 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter10- Lesson 8 Before, After, and Between 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 9- Ordering Numbers 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 10- Lesson 10 Looking for a Pattern 


M3.A.1.1 ~ Apply place-value concepts and numeration to counting, ordering, grouping and equivalency. (Reference: 2.1.3.C, 2.1.3.I, 2.11.3.A)


M3.A.2.1 ~ Understand various meanings of operations and the relationship between them. (Reference: 2.1.3.K, 2.2.3.C, 2.5.3.C)


M3.D.1.1 ~ Recognize, describe, or extend a variety of patterns. (Reference: 2.8.3.A, 2.11.3.D)


M3.D.2.2 ~ Determine the missing number or symbol in a number sentence. (Reference: 2.8.3.B, 2.8.3.F)


M3.E.1.2 ~ Organize or display data using tables, charts, or bar graphs. Reference: 2.6.3.A, 2.7.3.C







Addition and Subtraction of Three-Digit Numbers











Add three-digit numbers mentally, without regrouping.

Decide whether the sum of 2 three-digit numbers is more or less than a given number.

Use place-value models to add 2 three-digit numbers with regrouping.

Use paper and pencil to add 2 three-digit numbers with one regrouping.

Add 2 three-digit numbers in vertical form when they are given in horizontal form.

Solve word problems by displaying information in a graph.

Given a quantity and one of its parts, find the missing part by counting on or counting back.

Use estimation to select two numbers that have a given difference.

Use models to subtract three-digit numbers with regrouping

Use the standard algorithm to subtract three-digit numbers with regrouping.

Subtract three-digit numbers written in horizontal form.

Distinguish between story problems that need exact answers and problems that need only estimated answers.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.


Three-digit number




Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 1- Using Mental Math 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 2 Estimating Sums 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 3 Adding with Models 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 4- Adding Three-Digit Numbers 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 5 Practice with Three-Digit Addition 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 6 Make a Graph 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 7 Ways to Find Missing Parts 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 8 Estimating Differences 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 9 Subtracting with Models 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 10 Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 11 Practice with Three-Digit Subtraction 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 11 Lesson 12 Exact Answer or Estimate? 


M3.A.2.1 ~ Understand various meanings of operations and the relationship between them. (Reference: 2.1.3.K, 2.2.3.C, 2.5.3.C)


M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)


M3.A.3.2 ~ Use estimation skills to arrive at conclusions. (Reference: 2.2.3.E)


M3.E.1.2 ~ Organize or display data using tables, charts, or bar graphs. Reference: 2.6.3.A, 2.7.3.C







Understanding Multiplication and Division











Make equal groups of objects and find the total number of objects in those groups.

Write equivalent repeated addition and multiplication number sentences.

Build an array to model a multiplication situation.

Multiply numbers in any order to get the same product.

Multiply numbers written in vertical format.

Solve a problem by drawing a picture.

Divide a set of objects into a given number of equal groups.

Write a division sentence to represent a sharing situation.


Choose a number sentence to represent a problem situation.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.


Equal groups

Multiply, multiplication sentence, times (x), product

Array, factor


Equal share

Divide, division sentence, divided by


Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Kip counting Equal Groups 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 2 Repeated Addition and Multiplication 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 3 Building Arrays 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 4 Multiplying in Any Order 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 5 Vertical Form 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 6 Draw a Picture 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 7 Making Equal Groups 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 8 Writing Division Sentences 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 9 Choose an Operation 

Foresman-Wesley: Chapter 12 Lesson 10 Up, Up and Away! 


M3.A.2.1 ~ Understand various meanings of operations and the relationship between them. (Reference: 2.1.3.K, 2.2.3.C, 2.5.3.C)


M3.A.3.1 ~ Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication (straight computation and word problems). (Reference: 2.1.3.L, 2.2.3.B)


M3.A.3.2 ~ Use estimation skills to arrive at conclusions. (Reference: 2.2.3.E)





