Rules & Expectations
Classroom Rules & Expectations


  1. Treat others as you would want to be treated. No teasing, no name calling, and no profanity.
  1. Listen to others. When another student or teacher is speaking, you should not be talking. 
  1. Keep the room clean. All laboratory equipment, materials, and trash should always be placed in the proper location(s).
  1. Be prepared for class. Always bring with you your notebook, pencil, and agenda book unless your teacher tells you otherwise.



Laboratory Rules & Expectations


  1. Handle and operate laboratory equipment with care. It is expensive. I will show you how to properly handle all equipment. You are responsible for any broken equipment caused by horseplay or by not following procedures.
  1. DON’T write on the laboratory tables. That is vandalism! 
  1. NEVER play with the propane gas jets. Gas is explosive and dangerous when inhaled.
  1. Be aware of the location of all safety equipment in the room in case of an emergency.



Behavior Policy

No student has the right to disrupt other students from receiving an education or the teacher from teaching. I have had very little behavior problems in the past due to my highly successful “Baseball Policy.” If a student is exhibiting an undesirable behavior, he or she may receive a “1.” If the student continues to be disruptive, he/she may receive a “2.” Finally, if the student still refuses to cooperate, the teacher may give a “3.” Go Phillies!


  1. You have a one” --- the student is being disruptive. The student must stop the behavior.

  2. “You have a two” --- the student continues to display poor behavior and will have to stay and talk to the teacher after class. Usually a seat change, lunch detention, or after school detention may be given based on the severity of the behavior(s).

  3. “You have a three” --- the student has made numerous distractions in class that has impaired the teacher’s ability to teach and other students’ ability to learn. The teacher will write a Major Referral to the office.

  4. If a student acquires two or more detentions as a result of behavior, the teacher will contact a student’s parent or guardian to discuss the child’s actions.

