Paul Frey  



 Teacher: CORE Science Grade 5
 Year:      2007-2008 
 Course:  Science Grade 5 








Current Electricity
- kinds of energy
- forms of energy
- types of circuits
- how energy is produced
- renewable resources

Static Electricity
- examples of staic electricity
- defined
- understanding of causes of static

- practical application of magnetism
- magnetic theory
- structure of an atom
- laws of magnetism

-  law of reflection
- refraction of light
- wave motion
- colors of light
- prisms, lens, mirrors
- light sources

- wave motion
- cause of sound
- families of instruments
- concepts of pitch, frequency
- sound measurement: decibels

PDE: Appropriate use of instruments

PDE: Forms of energy (e.g., electrical, mechanical, chemical, heat, light, sound, nuclear)

PDE: Sources of energy (i.e., renewable and nonrenewable energy)


PDE: Describe the appropriate use of instruments to accurately measure time safely under a variety of conditions

PDE: Distinguish among forms of energy and sources of energy


Harcourt Science - Unit F - Chapters 3 & 4 


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.1.3 ~ Identify evidence that certain variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.E, 4.7.7.C, 4.8.7.C)


S8.A.2.1 ~ Apply knowledge of scientific investigation or technological design in different contexts to make inferences to solve problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.B, 3.1.7.C, 3.1.7.D)


S8.A.2.2 ~ Apply appropriate instruments for a specific purpose and describe the information the instrument can provide. (Reference: 3.3.7.A, 3.7.7.B, 3.1.7.D)


S8.A.3.1 ~ Explain the parts of a simple system, their roles, and their relationships to the system as a whole. (Reference: 3.1.7.A, 3.4.7.B, 4.3.7.C, 4.2.7.D, 4.6.7.A)


S8.A.3.2 ~ Apply knowledge of models to make predictions, draw inferences, or explain technological concepts. (Reference: 3.1.7.B, 3.2.7.B, 4.1.7.B)


S8.A.3.3 ~ Describe repeated processes or recurring elements in scientific and technological patterns. (Reference: 3.1.7.C, 3.2.7.B)


S8.C.1.1 ~ Explain concepts about the structure and properties (physical and chemical) of matter. (Reference: 3.4.7.A)


S8.C.2.1 ~ Describe energy sources, transfer of energy, or conversion of energy. (Reference: 3.4.7.B, 4.2.7.B)


S8.C.2.2 ~ Compare the environmental impact of different energy sources chosen to support human endeavors. (Reference: 3.4.7.B, 4.2.7.B)






Building Blocks of Matter






 Matter and its Properties
- physical properties
- chemical properties
- states of matter
- parts of an atom
- elements, compounds, mixtures

Atoms and elements

PDE: Questions answered through: Scientific inquiry

PDE: Use of Observations

PDE: Experimental results

PDE: Descriptions using evidence

PDE: Explanations using evidence

PDE: Predictions using evidence

PDE: Scientific Concepts

PDE: Concept of "order in a system" [e.g., (first to last: manufacturing steps, trophic levels); (simple to complex: cell, tissue, organ, organ system)].

PDE: Elements

PDE: Compounds

PDE: Mixtures

PDE: Physical properties of substances (e.g., streak test)

PDE: Chemical properties of substances (e.g., density, thermal expansion/contraction, freezing/melting points)

PDE: Reactants of simple chemical reactions

PDE: Products of simple chemical reactions

PDE: Simple chemical reactions


PDE: Explain how new data may change existing practice

PDE: Explain how certain questions can be answered through scientific inquiry

PDE: Use evidence, such as observations, to support inferences about a relationship

PDE: Use evidence, such as experimental results, to support inferences about a relationship

PDE: Develop descriptions using evidence

PDE: Develop explanations using evidence

PDE: Develop predictions using evidence

PDE: Describe fundamental scientific concepts that could solve practical problems (e.g., Newton's laws of motion, Mendelian genetics, mechanical advantage)

PDE: Explain the concept of order in a system

PDE: Explain the differences among elements, compounds, and mixtures.

PDE: Use characteristic physical properties to distinguish one substance from another

PDE: Use characteristic chemical properties to distinguish one substance from another

PDE: Identify reactants of simple chemical reactions

PDE: Identify products of simple chemical reactions

PDE: Describe reactants of simple chemical reactions

PDE: Describe products of simple chemical reactions


Harcourt Science - Unit E - Chapters 1 & 2 


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.3.1 ~ Explain the parts of a simple system, their roles, and their relationships to the system as a whole. (Reference: 3.1.7.A, 3.4.7.B, 4.3.7.C, 4.2.7.D, 4.6.7.A)


S8.A.3.2 ~ Apply knowledge of models to make predictions, draw inferences, or explain technological concepts. (Reference: 3.1.7.B, 3.2.7.B, 4.1.7.B)


S8.A.3.3 ~ Describe repeated processes or recurring elements in scientific and technological patterns. (Reference: 3.1.7.C, 3.2.7.B)


S8.C.1.1 ~ Explain concepts about the structure and properties (physical and chemical) of matter. (Reference: 3.4.7.A)


S8.C.2.1 ~ Describe energy sources, transfer of energy, or conversion of energy. (Reference: 3.4.7.B, 4.2.7.B)






Weather and Climate






Weather and Climate
- weather instruments
- weather forecasting
- comparing weather with climate
- climate regions
- weather history
- types of clouds
- weather patterns
- water cycle

PDE: Positive effects of technological developments

PDE: Technological advancements (e.g., transportation, processing, production, storage) and impact on:

PDE: Appropriate use of instruments

PDE: Appropriate use of scales to measure temperature

PDE: Concept of varying conditions

PDE: Measurement systems (e.g., time, mass, distance, volume, temperature)

PDE: Technology (e.g., microscope, telescope, micrometer, hydraulics, barometer)

PDE: Enhancement of human ability

PDE: Prediction of results

PDE: Earth's nonliving resources (i.e., air, water, or earth materials)

PDE: Water cycle

PDE: Physical processes the water cycle depends on (i.e., evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff, infiltration, energy inputs, and phase changes).

PDE: Impact of water systems on the local weather (lake effect snow)

PDE: Impact of water systems on regional climate (land/ocean breezes)

PDE: Global patterns of atmospheric movement

PDE: Regional weather

PDE: Regional climate

PDE: Cloud types

PDE: Wind direction

PDE: Barometric pressure changes

PDE: Regional weather patterns


PDE: Describe the intended effects of specific scientific results (e.g., air/space travel, genetic engineering, nuclear fission/fusion, artificial intelligence, lasers, organ transplants)

PDE: Explain society's standard of living in terms of technological advancements

PDE: Describe the appropriate use of instruments to accurately measure time safely under a variety of conditions

PDE: Describe the appropriate use of instruments to accurately measure volume safely under a variety of conditions

PDE: Describe the appropriate use of instruments to accurately measure temperature safely under a variety of conditions

PDE: Apply appropriate measurement systems to record observations under varying conditions

PDE: Describe ways technology extends human abilities for specific purposes

PDE: Describe ways technology enhances human abilities for specific purposes

PDE: Describe potential impacts of human-made processes on Earth’s living resources

PDE: Describe the water cycle

PDE: Describe the physical processes on which the water cycle depends (i.e., evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff, infiltration, energy inputs, and phase changes).

PDE: Explain the impact of water systems on the local weather

PDE: Explain the impact of water systems on the climate of a region

PDE: Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional weather

PDE: Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional climate

PDE: Identify how cloud types are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country

PDE: Identify how wind directions are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country

PDE: Identify how barometric pressure changes are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country


Harcourt Science - Unit C - Chapter 3 


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.1.3 ~ Identify evidence that certain variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.E, 4.7.7.C, 4.8.7.C)


S8.A.2.2 ~ Apply appropriate instruments for a specific purpose and describe the information the instrument can provide. (Reference: 3.3.7.A, 3.7.7.B, 3.1.7.D)


S8.A.3.2 ~ Apply knowledge of models to make predictions, draw inferences, or explain technological concepts. (Reference: 3.1.7.B, 3.2.7.B, 4.1.7.B)


S8.D.1.2 ~ Describe the potential impact of human made processes on changes to Earth’s resources and how they affect everyday life. (Reference: 3.5.7.B, 3.6.7.A, 4.2.7.C)


S8.D.1.3 ~ Describe characteristic features of Earth’s water systems or their impact on resources. (Reference: 3.5.7.D, 4.3.7.B, 4.1.7.A, 4.1.7.B, 4.1.7.C)


S8.D.2.1 ~ Explain how pressure, temperature, moisture, and wind are used to describe atmospheric conditions that affect regional weather or climate. (Reference: 3.5.7.C)




Solar System






Earth Moon and Beyond
- components of the solar system
- phases of the moon
- space exploration

The Sun and other Stars
- types of stars
- constellations
- stages of stars
- star theory




Harcourt Science - Unit D - Chapters 1 & 2 


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.3.2 ~ Apply knowledge of models to make predictions, draw inferences, or explain technological concepts. (Reference: 3.1.7.B, 3.2.7.B, 4.1.7.B)


S8.D.3.1 ~ Explain the relationships between and among the objects of our solar system. (Reference: 3.4.7.D)












- names of the oceans
- parts of the ocean
- ocean life
- ocean exploration
- ocean problems today
- ocean patterns
- ocean resources




Harcourt Science - Unit C - Chapter 4 


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.1.3 ~ Identify evidence that certain variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.E, 4.7.7.C, 4.8.7.C)


S8.A.2.1 ~ Apply knowledge of scientific investigation or technological design in different contexts to make inferences to solve problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.B, 3.1.7.C, 3.1.7.D)


S8.B.3.1 ~ Explain the relationships among and between organisms in different ecosystems and their abiotic and biotic components. (Reference: 4.4.7.B, 4.6.7.A, 4.1.7.C, 4.1.7.D)


S8.B.3.2 ~ Identify evidence of change to infer and explain the ways different variables may affect change in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.C, 4.3.7.B, 4.6.7.C, 4.8.7.D, 3.1.7.E, 4.3.7.C)


S8.B.3.3 ~ Explain how renewable and non-renewable resources provide for human needs or how these needs impact the environment. (Reference: 3.6.7.A, 4.4.7.A, 4.4.7.C, 4.5.7.C, 3.8.7.C)


S8.C.2.2 ~ Compare the environmental impact of different energy sources chosen to support human endeavors. (Reference: 3.4.7.B, 4.2.7.B)


S8.D.1.1 ~ Describe constructive and destructive natural processes that form different geologic structures and resources. (Reference: 3.5.7.A, 4.4.7.B)


S8.D.1.2 ~ Describe the potential impact of human made processes on changes to Earth’s resources and how they affect everyday life. (Reference: 3.5.7.B, 3.6.7.A, 4.2.7.C)


S8.D.1.3 ~ Describe characteristic features of Earth’s water systems or their impact on resources. (Reference: 3.5.7.D, 4.3.7.B, 4.1.7.A, 4.1.7.B, 4.1.7.C)






Living Things - 






Cell structure
- three parts of a cell
- use of a microscope and microviewer
- parts of a microscope
- making a slide
- kinds of cells

Animal growth and reproduction
- basic needs of animals
- life processes
- reproducion in animals
- body systems

Life cycles of animals

Genetics in animals
- cell reproduction
- chromosomes
- physical traits

- parts of plants
- types of roots
- life processes in plants
- photosynthesis
- reproduction in plants
- uses of plants
- factors that influence plant growth

Eggs and their development
- tools in incubation
- the incubation process
- parts of an egg
- care for the embryo
- care for the hatchling
- the reproduction process




Egg Unit 

Harcourt Science - Unit A - Chapters 1 & 4  


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.1.3 ~ Identify evidence that certain variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.E, 4.7.7.C, 4.8.7.C)


S8.A.2.1 ~ Apply knowledge of scientific investigation or technological design in different contexts to make inferences to solve problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.B, 3.1.7.C, 3.1.7.D)


S8.A.2.2 ~ Apply appropriate instruments for a specific purpose and describe the information the instrument can provide. (Reference: 3.3.7.A, 3.7.7.B, 3.1.7.D)


S8.A.3.3 ~ Describe repeated processes or recurring elements in scientific and technological patterns. (Reference: 3.1.7.C, 3.2.7.B)


S8.B.3.1 ~ Explain the relationships among and between organisms in different ecosystems and their abiotic and biotic components. (Reference: 4.4.7.B, 4.6.7.A, 4.1.7.C, 4.1.7.D)


S8.B.3.2 ~ Identify evidence of change to infer and explain the ways different variables may affect change in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.C, 4.3.7.B, 4.6.7.C, 4.8.7.D, 3.1.7.E, 4.3.7.C)


S8.C.1.1 ~ Explain concepts about the structure and properties (physical and chemical) of matter. (Reference: 3.4.7.A)






Changes to the Earth






- types of soil
- soil characteristics
- soil testing techniques
- modifications to soil
- how soil is formed




Harcourt Science - 05 

Soil Packet 


S8.A.1.1 ~ Explain, interpret and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs). (Reference: 3.2.7.A, 3.2.7.B)


S8.A.1.2 ~ Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solution to practical problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.C, 3.8.7.A, 3.8.7.B, 4.3.7.A)


S8.A.1.3 ~ Identify evidence that certain variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.E, 4.7.7.C, 4.8.7.C)


S8.A.2.1 ~ Apply knowledge of scientific investigation or technological design in different contexts to make inferences to solve problems. (Reference: 3.2.7.B, 3.1.7.C, 3.1.7.D)


S8.A.2.2 ~ Apply appropriate instruments for a specific purpose and describe the information the instrument can provide. (Reference: 3.3.7.A, 3.7.7.B, 3.1.7.D)


S8.B.3.1 ~ Explain the relationships among and between organisms in different ecosystems and their abiotic and biotic components. (Reference: 4.4.7.B, 4.6.7.A, 4.1.7.C, 4.1.7.D)


S8.B.3.2 ~ Identify evidence of change to infer and explain the ways different variables may affect change in natural or human-made systems. (Reference: 3.1.7.C, 4.3.7.B, 4.6.7.C, 4.8.7.D, 3.1.7.E, 4.3.7.C)


S8.B.3.3 ~ Explain how renewable and non-renewable resources provide for human needs or how these needs impact the environment. (Reference: 3.6.7.A, 4.4.7.A, 4.4.7.C, 4.5.7.C, 3.8.7.C)


S8.C.1.1 ~ Explain concepts about the structure and properties (physical and chemical) of matter. (Reference: 3.4.7.A)


S8.C.2.2 ~ Compare the environmental impact of different energy sources chosen to support human endeavors. (Reference: 3.4.7.B, 4.2.7.B)


S8.D.1.1 ~ Describe constructive and destructive natural processes that form different geologic structures and resources. (Reference: 3.5.7.A, 4.4.7.B)


S8.D.1.2 ~ Describe the potential impact of human made processes on changes to Earth’s resources and how they affect everyday life. (Reference: 3.5.7.B, 3.6.7.A, 4.2.7.C)




