Paul Frey  



 Teacher: CORE Math Grade 5
 Year:      2007-2008 
 Course:  Math Grade 5 


Place Value, Adding, and Subtracting











Write the standard, word, and expanded forms of whole numbers to billions, and identify the value of digits in whole numbers.

Compare and order numbers through millions.

Write decimals in standard, word, and expanded
form through thousandths, identify the value of digits in decimal numbers, and name equivalent decimals.

Compare and order decimals through thousandths.

Use place-value ideas
to write multiples of 100, 1,000, and 10,000 in different ways.

Tell in words what is known and what needs to be determined in given word problemsTell in words what is known and what needs to be determined in given word problems.


Compute sums and differences mentally using the Commutative, Associative and Identity Properties of Addition, compatible numbers, and compensation.

Round whole numbers through millions and decimals through thousandths.

Use rounding, front-end estimation and front-end estimation with adjusting to estimate sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals.

Give appropriate strategies
and alternate strategies for solving word

Compute sums and differences of two whole numbers greater than 10,000.

Compute sums of decimals involving tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.

Compute differences of decimals involving tenths, hundredths, and thousandths

Tell whether and why the work shown for given problems is correct or not.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters

Use partial products and the standard algorithm to multiply whole numbers by decimals.

Use partial products and the standard algorithm to multiply decimals by decimals.

Use variables to write algebraic expressions.

Write number expressions for phrases.

 Identify patterns and find a rule for the pattern.

Solve equations using mental mathematics and by guessing and testing values for the variable.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Expanded notation

PDE: Standard form

PDE: Word form

PDE: Place value

PDE: Decimals through the hundredths

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Concept of "rounding"

PDE: Whole numbers through millions

PDE: Decimals through hundredths

PDE: Concept of "estimation"

PDE: Concept of "computation"

PDE: Numerical pattern

PDE: Geometric pattern

PDE: Numerical pattern

PDE: Geometric pattern

PDE: Pattern rule

PDE: Concept of "missing number" (blank, question mark, variable)


Expanded form, standard form, word form, digits, place value, period

Tenths, hundredths, thousandths, equivalent decimals

Commutative Property of Addition, Associative Property of Addition, Identity Property of Addition, compatible numbers, compensation


Front-end estimation, rounding

PDE: Use expanded notation to represent whole numbers less than 10,000,000.

PDE: Use expanded notation to represent decimals through hundredths

PDE: Match the standard form to the word form of decimal numbers through the hundredths.

PDE: Identify the place value of a digit (from millions through hundredths).

PDE: Compare decimals through the hundredths.

PDE: Order decimals through the hundredths. (Limit sets for ordering to no more than 4 numbers.

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers (multipliers up to 2 digits – divisors one digit).

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals including money (answer through hundredths – no division with decimals).

PDE: Round whole numbers through millions .

PDE: Round decimals through hundredths.

PDE: Use estimation to solve problems involving whole numbers (up to 2-digit multipliers, single-digit divisors or multiples of 10; whole numbers through thousands.)

PDE: Use estimation to solve problems involving decimals (up to 2-digit multipliers, single-digit divisors or multiples of 10; decimals through hundredths).

PDE: Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to compute accurately without a calculator (multipliers up to 2 digits, single-digit divisors or multiples of 10 – whole numbers through thousands and decimals through hundredths - no division with decimals.

PDE: Extend a numerical pattern (+, -, x or ÷ of whole numbers). Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Find a missing element in a numerical pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers). Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Extend a simple geometric pattern. Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Find a missing element in a simple geometric pattern. Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Create a numerical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used).

PDE: Replicate a numerical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used).

PDE: Create a geometrical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern.

PDE: Replicate a geometrical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern.

PDE: Form a rule based on a given pattern based on a given rule (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used). Patterns must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Solve for a missing number (blank, question mark, variable) in an equation involving a single operation whole numbers only.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 1-Place Value 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1- Lesson 2- Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 3-Place Value Through Thousandths 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 4-Comparing and Ordering Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 5-Place-Value Patterns 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 6-Read and Understand 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 7-Adding and Subtracting Mentally 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 8-Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 9-Estimating Sums and Differences 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 10-Plan and Solve 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson11-Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 12-Adding Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson13-Subtracting Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 14-Look Back and Check 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 1-Lesson 15-Cruise Ships 


M5.A.1.1 ~ Express numbers in equivalent forms. (Reference: 2.1.5.A)


M5.A.1.2 ~ Demonstrate understanding of place value of whole numbers and decimals. (Reference: 2.1.3.I)


M5.A.1.3 ~ Compare quantities or magnitudes of numbers. (Reference: 2.11.5.A)


M5.A.2.1 ~ Solve problems involving decimals, fractions and/or whole numbers (straight computation or word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A, 2.2.5.B, 2.2.5.C, 2.2.5.I)


M5.A.3.1 ~ Apply estimation strategies to a variety of problems. (Reference: 2.2.5.D, 2.2.5.E, 2.2.5.G)


M5.A.3.2 ~ Compute accurately without the use of a calculator (straight computation or 1 operation word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A)


M5.D.1.1 ~ Create or extend patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.A)


M5.D.1.2 ~ Analyze patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.C)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)







Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals











Mentally compute products
of whole numbers using patterns and multiplication properties.

Use rounding and compatible numbers to estimate products of decimal numbers, and identify estimates as overestimates or underestimates.

Mentally multiply numbers
of up to three places by numbers of up to two places.

 Use the standard algorithm to multiply numbers by one- and
two-digit numbers.

 For a variety of problems, state the computation method to be used and multiply using that method.

Use organized lists to solve word problems, and write answers in complete sentences.

Mentally multiply any decimal by a power of ten.

Use partial products and the standard algorithm to multiply whole numbers by decimals.

Use partial products and the standard algorithm to multiply decimals by decimals.

Use variables to write algebraic expressions.

Write number expressions for phrases.

Identify patterns and find a rule for the pattern.

 Solve equations using mental mathematics and by guessing and testing values for the variable.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Concept of "computation"

PDE: Numerical pattern

PDE: Geometric pattern

PDE: Pattern rule


Factor, product, Commutative Property of Multiplication, Associative Property of Multiplication

Overestimate, underestimate, rounding, compatible numbers

Partial product


Identity Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of Multiplication


Compatible numbers

Variable, algebraic expression

Variable, algebraic expression, sun, difference, product, quotient

Input/Output table

Equation, solution

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers (multipliers up to 2 digits – divisors one digit).

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals including money (answer through hundredths – no division with decimals).

PDE: Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to compute accurately without a calculator (multipliers up to 2 digits, single-digit divisors or multiples of 10 – whole numbers through thousands and decimals through hundredths - no division with decimals.

PDE: Extend a numerical pattern (+, -, x or ÷ of whole numbers). Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Find a missing element in a numerical pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers). Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Form a rule based on a given pattern based on a given rule (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used). Patterns must show 3 repetitions.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 1-Multiplication Patterns 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 2-Estimating Products 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 3-Algebra Mental Math: Using the Distributive Property 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 4-Mutipling Whole Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 5-Choose a Computation Method 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 6-Make an Organized List 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 7-Decimal Patterns 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 8-Estimating Decimal Products 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 9-Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 10-Using Grids to Multiply Decimals by Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 11-Multiplying Decimals by Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 12-Algebra Varibles and Expressions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 13-Algebra Translating Words and Expressions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 14-Algebra Find a Rule 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 15-Solving Equations 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 2-Lesson 16-Weights 


M5.A.2.1 ~ Solve problems involving decimals, fractions and/or whole numbers (straight computation or word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A, 2.2.5.B, 2.2.5.C, 2.2.5.I)


M5.A.3.2 ~ Compute accurately without the use of a calculator (straight computation or 1 operation word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A)


M5.D.1.1 ~ Create or extend patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.A)


M5.D.1.2 ~ Analyze patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.C)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)







Dividing with One-Digit Divisors











Draw a picture or use objects to show a division situation and find quotients.

Find the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where the division involves a basic fact.

Use rounding, compatible numbers, and multiplication to estimate quotients of whole numbers and money.

Give missing numbers or figures in a pattern.

 Find quotients using the model of sharing money.

Divide with zeros in the quotient.

 Find the quotients of four-digit whole numbers
divided by one-digit divisors.

Determine if numbers are divisible by 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 9, and 10.

Identify numbers as prime or composite.

Interpret remainders by giving total amounts needed to include remainders and amounts left over.

 Evaluate expressions with three or more numbers and two or more operations.

On a coordinate grid, plot points for ordered pairs and identify the ordered pairs for plotted points.

Create a table of values for a rule and a graph based on the table, and use the table or graph to give the output for an input.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "prime number"

PDE: Concept of "composite number"

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Concept of "rounding"

PDE: Whole numbers through millions

PDE: Decimals through hundredths

PDE: Equation

PDE: Table

PDE: Graph


Inverse operations

Compatible numbers, rounding, overestimate, underestimate

Dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder, inverse operations

Divisible, factor, divisibility rules, factor pair

Prime numbers, composite numbers, rectangular array, prime factorization

Order of operations

Coordinates, ordered pair

Variable, table of values

PDE: Define prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers (multipliers up to 2 digits – divisors one digit).

PDE: Round whole numbers through millions .

PDE: Round decimals through hundredths.

PDE: Convert using linear measurements within the same system (customary - in, ft, yd and metric - mm, cm, m and km) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Match a realistic situation to an equation, expression, inequality (, =), table or graph (variable must be isolated, e.g., 17 + 39 = n).


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 1-The Meaning of Division 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 2-Division Patterns 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 3-Estimating Quotients 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 4-Look for a Pattern 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 5-Understanding Division 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 6-Dividing Whole Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 7-Zeros in the Quotient 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 8-Dividing Larger Dividends 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 9-Dividing Money 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 10-Factors and Divisibility 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 11-Prime and Composite Numbers - 01 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 12-Interpreting Remainders 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 13-Algebra Order of Operations 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 14-Algebra Graphing Ordered Pairs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson-15-Algebra Rules, Tables, and Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 3-Lesson 16-High Speed Trains 


M5.A.1.6 ~ Apply number theory concepts (i.e., primes, factors, multiples, composites). (Reference: 2.1.5.E)


M5.A.2.1 ~ Solve problems involving decimals, fractions and/or whole numbers (straight computation or word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A, 2.2.5.B, 2.2.5.C, 2.2.5.I)


M5.A.3.1 ~ Apply estimation strategies to a variety of problems. (Reference: 2.2.5.D, 2.2.5.E, 2.2.5.G)


M5.A.3.2 ~ Compute accurately without the use of a calculator (straight computation or 1 operation word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A)


M5.B.1.2 ~ Solve problems using simple conversions and/or add and subtract measurements. (Reference: 2.3.5.D, 2.3.5.E)


M5.D.1.1 ~ Create or extend patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.A)


M5.D.1.2 ~ Analyze patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.C)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)







Dividing with Two-Digit Divisors











Find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact.

Estimate quotients with whole numbers, decimals, and money divided by 2-digit whole numbers.

Solve problems
using the Try, Check, and Revise strategy.

Use the standard algorithm to divide three-digit whole numbers by two-digit divisors.

 Use the standard algorithm to find the quotient of
four-digit whole numbers divided by two-digit divisors.

Divide numbers whose quotients include

Solve multiple-step word problems.

 Divide decimal numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000.

 Use the standard algorithm to find quotients of money amounts divided by two-digit divisors.

 Use the standard algorithm to find the quotient of two- and three-digit decimal numbers divided by two-digit divisors.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "less"

PDE: Concept of "more"

PDE: Concept of "equal to" (=)

PDE: Concept of "least"

PDE: Concept of "most"

PDE: Concept of "greater than" (>)

PDE: Concept of "less than" (<)

PDE: Concept of "prime number"

PDE: Concept of "composite number"

PDE: Concept of "factors"

PDE: Concept of "mulitples"

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Concept of "rounding"

PDE: Whole numbers through millions

PDE: Decimals through hundredths

PDE: Concept of "estimation"

PDE: Perimeter

PDE: Area of a square

PDE: Area of a reactangle

PDE: Numerical pattern

PDE: Geometric pattern

PDE: Pattern rule

PDE: Concept of "missing number" (blank, question mark, variable)

PDE: Equation


Quotient, multiple of 10

Compatible numbers, estimate, round


Quotient, dividend, divisor, remainder

Tenths, hundredths

PDE: Compare whole numbers through 9 digits using the words more, less, equal, least, most, greater than, less than or the symbols , =.

PDE: Define prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: List factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Identify factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Define multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: List multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Identify multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Round whole numbers through millions .

PDE: Round decimals through hundredths.

PDE: Form a rule based on a given pattern based on a given rule (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used). Patterns must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Illustrate a pattern based on a given rule (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used). Patterns must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Solve for a missing number (blank, question mark, variable) in an equation involving a single operation whole numbers only.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 1-Dividing by Multiples of 10 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 2-Estimating with Two=Digit Divisors 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 3-Try, Check, and Revise 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 4Dividing Whole Numbers by Two-Digit Divisors 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 5-Dividing Larger Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 6-Dividing:Choose a Computation Method 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 7-Dividing with Zeros in the Quotient 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 8-Multiple-Step Problems 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 9-Dividing Decimals by the 10,100, and 1,000 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 10-Dividing Money by Two-Digit Divisors 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 11-Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 4-Lesson 12-Animal Speeds 


M5.A.1.3 ~ Compare quantities or magnitudes of numbers. (Reference: 2.11.5.A)


M5.A.1.6 ~ Apply number theory concepts (i.e., primes, factors, multiples, composites). (Reference: 2.1.5.E)


M5.A.2.1 ~ Solve problems involving decimals, fractions and/or whole numbers (straight computation or word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A, 2.2.5.B, 2.2.5.C, 2.2.5.I)


M5.A.3.1 ~ Apply estimation strategies to a variety of problems. (Reference: 2.2.5.D, 2.2.5.E, 2.2.5.G)


M5.A.3.2 ~ Compute accurately without the use of a calculator (straight computation or 1 operation word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A)


M5.B.1.2 ~ Solve problems using simple conversions and/or add and subtract measurements. (Reference: 2.3.5.D, 2.3.5.E)


M5.B.2.2 ~ Solve problems involving length, time, weight, mass, capacity, temperature, perimeter, area and/or money. (Reference: 2.3.5.A, 2.3.5.B)


M5.D.1.1 ~ Create or extend patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.A)


M5.D.1.2 ~ Analyze patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.C)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)


M5.E.3.1 ~ Predict or determine all possible combinations, outcomes and/or calculate the probability of a simple event. (Reference: 2.7.5.E, 2.7.5.H, 2.7.5.J)







Data, Graphs, and Probability











 Identify a statement as fact or opinion. Interpret a line plot and a frequency table. Write a survey question.

Make double bar graphs to
represent data.

Make line graphs to represent data, and read and interpret given line graphs.

Complete, make, and interpret stem-and-leaf plots.

 Make a line plot and a double bar graph to solve problems.

Find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data, and choose the measure that best represents a given set of data.

 Complete circle graphs based on data given, and interpret given circle graphs.

 Choose the most appropriate type of graph to represent a given set of data.

Interpret line and double bar graphs. Describe trends in data represented by line and double bar graphs.

 Identify events and favorable outcomes, and determine if an outcome is equally likely, impossible, less likely, more
likely, or certain.

 Find all possible outcomes
of an event by making a tree diagram or by multiplying.

Use fractions to represent the probabilities of events, and use probability to decide if a game is fair or unfair.

and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "a realistic situation"

PDE: Equation

PDE: Expression

PDE: Inquality

PDE: Table

PDE: Graph

PDE: Variable

PDE: Concept of "data"

PDE: Tally

PDE: Table

PDE: Chart

PDE: Pictograph

PDE: Bar Graph

PDE: Line Graph

PDE: Elements of display: Title, Appropriate Scale, Labels

PDE: Mean/Average

PDE: Median

PDE: Range

PDE: Mode

PDE: Concept of "outcomes"

PDE: Probability: certain

PDE: Probability: more likely

PDE: Probability: less likely

PDE: Probability: equally likely

PDE: Probability: impossible

PDE: Concept of "outcomes"


Survey, data, line plot, frequency table, sample

Bar graph, double bar graph, scale, axis, interval

Line graph, trend, axis

Stem-and-leaf plot, stem, leaf, range

Average, range, median, mode

Circle graph

Pictograph, line plot, stem-and-leaf plot, line graph, double bar graph, circle graph

Outcome, equally like, event, impossible event, certain event

Sample space, tree diagram


PDE: Match a realistic situation to an equation, expression, inequality (, =), table or graph (variable must be isolated, e.g., 17 + 39 = n).

PDE: Display data in tallies using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in tables using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in charts using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in pictographs using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in bar graphs using a title, appropriate scale, and labels. A grid will be provided.

PDE: Display data in line graphs and using a title, appropriate scale, and labels. A grid will be provided.

PDE: Interpret data shown in tallies.

PDE: Interpret data shown in charts.

PDE: Interpret data shown in pictographs.

PDE: Interpret data shown in bar graphs.

PDE: Determine the mean/average (answer is a whole number).

PDE: Determine the median (answer is a whole number or average of 2 numbers).

PDE: Determine the range of data (up to 10 numbers).

PDE: Identify the mode in a set of data (up to 10 numbers).

PDE: Predict whether some outcomes are certain, more likely, less likely, equally likely, or impossible (information could be represented by pictographs, bar graphs, charts, tables and/or spinners)

PDE: Determine whether some outcomes are certain, more likely, less likely, equally likely, or impossible (information could be represented by pictographs, bar graphs, charts, tables and/or spinners)

PDE: Determine the probability of an outcome (e.g., a coin toss, a roll of a number cube)

PDE: Express the probability of an outcome as a fraction without reduction.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 1-Collecting Data from a Survey 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 2-Bar Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 3-Line Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 4-Stem-and-Leaf Plots 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 5-Make a Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 6-Mean, Median, and Mode 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 7-Circle Graphs 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 8-Choosing an Appropriate Graph 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 9-Writing to Compare 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 10-Predicting Outcomes 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 11-Listing Outcomes 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 12-Expressing Probability as a Fraction 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 5-Lesson 13-Population Growth 


M5.A.1.6 ~ Apply number theory concepts (i.e., primes, factors, multiples, composites). (Reference: 2.1.5.E)


M5.A.3.1 ~ Apply estimation strategies to a variety of problems. (Reference: 2.2.5.D, 2.2.5.E, 2.2.5.G)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)


M5.E.1.1 ~ Organize, display and/or interpret data using pictographs, tallies, tables, charts, line, bar graphs. (Reference: 2.6.5.A, 2.6.5.C)


M5.E.2.1 ~ Describe data sets using mean, median, mode and/or range. (Reference: 2.6.5.B)


M5.E.3.1 ~ Predict or determine all possible combinations, outcomes and/or calculate the probability of a simple event. (Reference: 2.7.5.E, 2.7.5.H, 2.7.5.J)


















Identify important geometric terms relating to lines, parts of a line, angles, and planes.

Measure and draw angles, and classify angles according to their measures.

Identify relationships between parts of a circle such as center, radius, diameter, chord, and central angle.

Identify and classify polygons.

Identify and classify triangles.

Identify and classify quadrilaterals.

Some complex problems can be solved by breaking them apart or changing them into smaller parts.

Describe differences and similarities in geometric figures.

Identify congruent figures and similar figures.

Determine whether a pair of congruent figures are related by a slide, flip, or turn.

Identify and make symmetrical figures and draw a line or lines of symmetry.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Faces of a three-dimensional geometric shapes

PDE: Vertices

PDE: Edges of three-dimensional geometric shapes

PDE: CubeRectangular prism

PDE: Pyramid

PDE: Parallelogram

PDE: Rectangle

PDE: Rhombus

PDE: Square

PDE: Trapezoid

PDE: Properties of quadrilaterals

PDE: Point

PDE: Line

PDE: Line Segment

PDE: Ray

PDE: Translation (slide)

PDE: Reflection (flip)

PDE: Rotation (turn)

PDE: Lines of symmetry


Point, line, line segment, midpoint, ray, plane, parallel lines, interescting lines, perpendicular lines

Angle, vertex, sides, interior, exterior, degrees, protractor, acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle, straight angle

Circle, center, radius, diameter, chord, central angle

Polygon, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, regular polygon

Equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene traingle, right triangle, acute triangle, obtuse triangle

Parallelogram, trapezoid, rectangle, rhombus, square

Similar figures, congruent figures

Transformations, slide, flip, turn

Symmetric figure, line of symmetry

PDE: Identify cubes using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify cubes using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Identify rectangular prisms using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify rectangular prisms using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Identify pyramids using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify pyramids using faces, vertices and edges

PDE: Identify properties of all types of quadrilaterals (parallogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid)

PDE: Describe properties of all types of quadrilaterals (parallogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid)

PDE: Identify points.

PDE: Draw points.

PDE: Label points.

PDE: Identify lines.

PDE: Draw lines.

PDE: Label lines.

PDE: Identify line segments.

PDE: Draw line segments.

PDE: Label line segments.

PDE: Identify line rays.

PDE: Draw line rays.

PDE: Label line rays.

PDE: Draw or identify a translation (slide) of a 2-dimensional shape.

PDE: Draw or identify a reflection (flip) of a 2-dimensional shape.

PDE: Draw or identify a rotation (turn) of a 2-dimensional shape.

PDE: Draw all lines of symmetry in a two-dimensional polygon

PDE: Identify the number of lines of symmetry in a two-dimensional polygon.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 1-Geometric Ideas 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 2-Measuring and Classifying Angles 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 3-Segments and Angles Related to Circles 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 4-Polygons 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 5-Classifying Triangles 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 6-Classifying Quadrilaterals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 7-Solve a Simpler Problem 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 8-Writing to Describe 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 9-Congruence and Similarity 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 10-Transformations 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 11-Symmetry 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 6-Lesson 12-Skyscraper 


M5.A.3.1 ~ Apply estimation strategies to a variety of problems. (Reference: 2.2.5.D, 2.2.5.E, 2.2.5.G)


M5.C.1.1 ~ Define and/or use basic properties of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombi), triangles, circles, pyramids, cubes, and/or prisms. (Reference: 2.9.5.B, 2.9.5.C, 2.9.5.F, 2.10.5.A)


M5.C.1.2 ~ Represent and/or use properties of lines, line segments, rays, points and planes. (Reference 2.9.5.I)


M5.C.2.1 ~ Analyze transformations and/or use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations. (Reference: 2.9.5.K, 2.9.5.L)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)


M5.E.3.1 ~ Predict or determine all possible combinations, outcomes and/or calculate the probability of a simple event. (Reference: 2.7.5.E, 2.7.5.H, 2.7.5.J)





Fraction Concepts











Identify and show fractional parts of regions and sets and locations on a number line.

Division can be used to divide objects into equal parts where the parts are fractions of a whole.

Express fractions greater than 1 as mixed numbers or improper fractions.

Estimate fractional parts of regions.

Identify and locate fractions and mixed numbers on a number line.

Solve problems involving too much information by using only the information needed, and decide when there is not enough information to solve a problem.

Identify and write equivalent fractions.


Identify fractions that are equivalent and find fractions equivalent to a given fraction using models and/or a computational procedure.

Determine common factors and the greatest common factor of numbers.

Identify fractions that are in simplest form and find the simplest form of a fraction.

Determine which of two fractions is greater or less and write a comparison.

Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers.

Represent decimals (tenths and hundredths) as fractions and simple fractions as decimals.

Label a point on a number line using a fraction and a decimal, and write a fraction and decimal for a point on a number line.

Use the information given in the problem to make conclusions.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Process of "reducing fractions"

PDE: Concept of "regions"

PDE: Concept of "sets"

PDE: Fractions through hundredths

PDE: Mixed numbers through hundredths

PDE: Process of "reducing fractions"

PDE: Concept of "prime number"

PDE: Concept of "composite number"

PDE: Concept of "factors"

PDE: Concept of "mulitples"


Fraction, numerator, denominator

Mixed number, improper fraction

Benchmark fractions

Equivalent fractions

Factor (p.66), common factors, greatest common factor (GCF)


Simplest form

Common denominator

Benchmark fractions (p. 402)

PDE: Use regions and/or sets (e.g., circle graph, base ten blocks) to model fractions through hundredths (may include reducing the fractions).

PDE: Develop regions and/or sets (e.g., circle graph, base ten blocks) to model mixed numbers through hundredths (may include reducing the fractions).

PDE: Use regions and/or sets (e.g., circle graph, base ten blocks) to model mixed numbers through hundredths (may include reducing the fractions).

PDE: Define prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: List factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Identify factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Define multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: List multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Identify multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 1- Meanings of Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 2- Fractions and Division 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 3- Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 4- Estimating Fractional Amounts 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 5- Fractions and Mixed Numbers on the Number Line 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 6- Extra or Missing Information 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 7- Understanding Equivalent Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 8- Equivalent Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 9- Greatest Common Factor 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 10- Fractions in Simplest Form 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 11- Understanding Comparing Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 12- Comparing and Ordering Fractions and Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 13- Fractions and Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 14- Fractions and Decimals on the Number Line 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 15- Use Logical Reasoning 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 7-Lesson 16- Extreme Machines 


M5.A.1.2 ~ Demonstrate understanding of place value of whole numbers and decimals. (Reference: 2.1.3.I)


M5.A.1.5 ~ Use or develop models to represent fractions and/or mixed numbers. (Reference: 2.1.5.D)


M5.A.1.6 ~ Apply number theory concepts (i.e., primes, factors, multiples, composites). (Reference: 2.1.5.E)


M5.A.2.1 ~ Solve problems involving decimals, fractions and/or whole numbers (straight computation or word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A, 2.2.5.B, 2.2.5.C, 2.2.5.I)


M5.A.3.1 ~ Apply estimation strategies to a variety of problems. (Reference: 2.2.5.D, 2.2.5.E, 2.2.5.G)


M5.A.3.2 ~ Compute accurately without the use of a calculator (straight computation or 1 operation word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A)


M5.C.2.1 ~ Analyze transformations and/or use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations. (Reference: 2.9.5.K, 2.9.5.L)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)







Fraction Operations











Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.

Find a common denominator for two fractions using fraction strips.

Find a common denominator for two fractions.

Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.

Add and subtract mixed numbers with and without renaming.

Estimate sums and differences of  mixed numbers.

Estimate sums and add mixed numbers.

Estimate differences and subtract mixed numbers.

Solve problems that require finding the original times, measurements, or quantities that led to a result that is given.

Use models or mental math to find fractions of whole numbers.

Use compatible numbers and mental math to estimate the product of a whole number and a fraction.

Use models or paper and pencil to multiply fractions.

Multiply mixed numbers.

Use models or mental math to divide fractions.

Solve a problem by choosing an operation.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "regions"

PDE: Concept of "sets"

PDE: Fractions through hundredths

PDE: Mixed numbers through hundredths

PDE: Process of "reducing fractions"

PDE: Concept of "prime number"

PDE: Concept of "composite number"

PDE: Concept of "factors"

PDE: Concept of "mulitples"

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Operations +,-,x,÷


Numerator (p.394), denominator (p.394), common denominator (p.420)

Equivalent fractions (p. 410)

Multiple, least common multiple (LCM), divisible (p. 162), least common denominator (LCD)

Mixed number (p. 400)

Benchmark (p. 402), compatible numbers (p. 22)

PDE: Use regions and/or sets (e.g., circle graph, base ten blocks) to model fractions through hundredths (may include reducing the fractions).

PDE: Develop regions and/or sets (e.g., circle graph, base ten blocks) to model mixed numbers through hundredths (may include reducing the fractions).

PDE: Use regions and/or sets (e.g., circle graph, base ten blocks) to model mixed numbers through hundredths (may include reducing the fractions).

PDE: Define prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify prime numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: List composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Identify composite numbers less than or equal to 100.

PDE: Define factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: List factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Identify factors of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Define multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: List multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Identify multiples of a given whole number less than or equal to 50.

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers (multipliers up to 2 digits – divisors one digit).

PDE: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals including money (answer through hundredths – no division with decimals).

PDE: Solve problems involving addition of fractions (through 16ths – like and unlike denominators – for unlike denominators, the LCD must be one of the given denominators).

PDE: Solve problems involving subtraction of fractions (through 16ths – like and unlike denominators – for unlike denominators, the LCD must be one of the given denominators).

PDE: Choose the correct operation(s) to solve a problem (no more than 2 operations).


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 1- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 2- Understanding Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 3- Least Common Denominator 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 4- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 5- Understanding Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 6- Estimating Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 7- Adding Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 8- Subtracting Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 9- Work Backward 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 10- Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 11- Estimating Products of Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 12- Multiplying Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 13- Multiplying Mixed Numbers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 14- Understanding Division with Fractions 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 15- Choose an Operation 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 8-Lesson 16- Shoreline Animals 


M5.A.1.5 ~ Use or develop models to represent fractions and/or mixed numbers. (Reference: 2.1.5.D)


M5.A.1.6 ~ Apply number theory concepts (i.e., primes, factors, multiples, composites). (Reference: 2.1.5.E)


M5.A.2.1 ~ Solve problems involving decimals, fractions and/or whole numbers (straight computation or word problems). (Reference: 2.2.5.A, 2.2.5.B, 2.2.5.C, 2.2.5.I)


















Change between one customary unit of length and another, and add and subtract customary units of length.

Measure and draw lengths to the nearest inch, quarter inch, and eighth inch.

Choose the most appropriate metric unit of length, and measure lengths to the nearest centimeter and millimeter.

Change among measurements in metric units of length.

Find the perimeter of a polygon.

Find the circumference of a circle by using models and by using a formula.

Find the area of irregular shapes by counting square units.

Find the area of a rectangle or square by using a formula.

Find the area of a parallelogram by using a formula, and find the length when the area and other side length are known.

Find the area of a triangle by using a formula, and find a missing length when the area and other dimension are known.

Draw pictures that represent the information given in problems.

Change from one unit of time to another.

Given any two of these times, elapsed time, starting time, or ending time, find the third.

Read temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and in degrees Celsius on a thermometer with both scales, and give changes in temperature indicating the amount of increase or decrease.

Write to explain how a broken ruler can be used to measure.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "appropriate unit of measure"

PDE: Concept of "mass"

PDE: Concept of "capacity"

PDE: Concept of "length"

PDE: Concept of "perimeter"

PDE: Concept of "area"

PDE: Units of linear measurement

PDE: Units of capacity measurement

PDE: Units of weight measurement

PDE: Customary units of measure

PDE: Metric units of measure

PDE: Concept of "unit conversion"

PDE: Linear measurements

PDE: Concept of "units of time"

PDE: Polygon

PDE: Concept of "area"

PDE: Concept of "perimeter"

PDE: Irregular Figure

PDE: Concept of "area"

PDE: Concept of "ruler as a measurement tool"

PDE: Concept of "nearest 1/8 inch"

PDE: Concept of "nearest centimeter"

PDE: Perimeter

PDE: Area of a square

PDE: Area of a reactangle

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Faces of a three-dimensional geometric shapes

PDE: Vertices

PDE: Edges of three-dimensional geometric shapes

PDE: CubeRectangular prism

PDE: Pyramid

PDE: Parallelogram

PDE: Rectangle

PDE: Rhombus

PDE: Square

PDE: Trapezoid

PDE: Properties of quadrilaterals

PDE: Point

PDE: Line

PDE: Line Segment

PDE: Ray


Kilometer, meter, centimeter, millimeter

Kilometer (p. 534), hectometer, dekameter, meter (p. 534), decimeter, centimeter, (p. 534), millimeter (p. 534)

Perimeter, formula

Circumference, diameter (p. 336), pi, radius (p. 336)


Base, height

Elapsed time

Fahrenheit, Celsius

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring weight (mass).

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring capacity.

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring length.

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring perimeter

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring area.

PDE: Convert using linear measurements within the same system (customary - in, ft, yd and metric - mm, cm, m and km) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Convert using capacity within the same system (customary - cup, pint, quart, gallon and metric - mL and L) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Convert using weight (mass) within the same system (customary - oz, lb and metric - g and kg) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Add linear measurements (feet and inches) - answers should be in simplest form.

PDE: Subtract linear measurements (feet and inches) without having to regroup - answers should be in simplest form.

PDE: Add units of time (hours and minutes) - answers should be in simplest form

PDE: Subtract units of time (hours and minutes) without having to regroup - answers should be in simplest form.

PDE: Estimate which polygon (shown on a grid) has a greater perimeter

PDE: Estimate which polygon (shown on a grid) has a greater area

PDE: Estimate the area of an irregular figure shown on a grid.

PDE: Use a ruler to measure to the nearest 1/8 inch.

PDE: Use a ruler to measure to the nearest centimeter.

PDE: Find the perimeter of a figure drawn and labeled (with the same units throughout).

PDE: Find the area of a square (with the same units throughout - whole numbers only).

PDE: Find the area of a rectangle (with the same units throughout - whole numbers only).

PDE: Solve problems involving weight (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving time (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving temperature (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving length (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving capacity (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Identify cubes using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify cubes using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Identify rectangular prisms using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify rectangular prisms using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Identify pyramids using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify pyramids using faces, vertices and edges

PDE: Identify properties of all types of quadrilaterals (parallogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid)

PDE: Describe properties of all types of quadrilaterals (parallogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid)

PDE: Identify points.

PDE: Draw points.

PDE: Label points.

PDE: Identify lines.

PDE: Draw lines.

PDE: Label lines.

PDE: Identify line segments.

PDE: Draw line segments.

PDE: Label line segments.

PDE: Identify line rays.

PDE: Draw line rays.

PDE: Label line rays.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 1- Customary Units of Length 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 2- Measuring with Fractions of an Inch 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 3- Metric Units of Length 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 4- Converting Metric Units Using Decimals 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 5- Finding Perimeter 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 6- Finding Circumference 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 7- Finding Area 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 8 Areas of Squares and Rectangles 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 9- Areas of Parallelograms 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 10- Areas of Triangles 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 11- Draw a Picture 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 12- Time 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 13- Elapsed Time 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 14- Temperature 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 15- Writing to Explain 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 9-Lesson 16- Statue of Liberty 


M5.B.1.1 ~ Select appropriate units (customary or metric) to measure specific attributes of objects. (Reference: 2.3.5.A)


M5.B.1.2 ~ Solve problems using simple conversions and/or add and subtract measurements. (Reference: 2.3.5.D, 2.3.5.E)


M5.B.1.3 ~ Estimate and/or compare the perimeters or areas of 2 figures without computation. (Reference: 2.11.5.E, 2.3.5.C).


M5.B.2.1 ~ Use appropriate tools to determine measurements. (Reference: 2.3.5.B)


M5.B.2.2 ~ Solve problems involving length, time, weight, mass, capacity, temperature, perimeter, area and/or money. (Reference: 2.3.5.A, 2.3.5.B)


M5.C.1.1 ~ Define and/or use basic properties of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombi), triangles, circles, pyramids, cubes, and/or prisms. (Reference: 2.9.5.B, 2.9.5.C, 2.9.5.F, 2.10.5.A)


M5.C.1.2 ~ Represent and/or use properties of lines, line segments, rays, points and planes. (Reference 2.9.5.I)







Measuring Solids











Describe the number of faces, edges, and vertices for a polyhedron and use features to identify polyhedra and other solids.

Identify solids from their nets, and draw front, top and side views of solids.

Use a formula to find the surface area of rectangular prisms.

Use objects to solve a problem that involves finding a pattern.

Use cubes and a formula to find the volume of rectangular prisms.

Change among the customary units of capacity and add and subtract customary units of capacity.

Estimate and measure capacity using metric measures, and change millimeters to liters and vice versa.

Change between customary units of weight, and add and subtract customary units of weight.

Estimate and measure mass using metric measures, and change between these measures.

Give an exact answer or an estimate depending on what the problem asks.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "appropriate unit of measure"

PDE: Concept of "mass"

PDE: Concept of "capacity"

PDE: Concept of "length"

PDE: Concept of "perimeter"

PDE: Concept of "area"

PDE: Units of linear measurement

PDE: Units of capacity measurement

PDE: Units of weight measurement

PDE: Customary units of measure

PDE: Metric units of measure

PDE: Concept of "unit conversion"

PDE: Linear measurements

PDE: Concept of "units of time"

PDE: Concept of "ruler as a measurement tool"

PDE: Concept of "nearest 1/8 inch"

PDE: Concept of "nearest centimeter"

PDE: Perimeter

PDE: Area of a square

PDE: Area of a reactangle

PDE: Concept of "problem solving"

PDE: Faces of a three-dimensional geometric shapes

PDE: Vertices

PDE: Edges of three-dimensional geometric shapes

PDE: CubeRectangular prism

PDE: Pyramid

PDE: Parallelogram

PDE: Rectangle

PDE: Rhombus

PDE: Square

PDE: Trapezoid

PDE: Properties of quadrilaterals


Polyhedron (pl. polyhedra), solid figure, faces, edge, vertx, prism, cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere


Surface area

Volume, cubic unit

Capacity, teaspoon, tablespoon, fluid, ounce, cup, pint, quart, gallon

Milliliter, liter

Weight, ounce, pound, ton

Mass, gram, kilogram, milligram

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring weight (mass).

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring capacity.

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring length.

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring perimeter

PDE: Select the appropriate unit for measuring area.

PDE: Convert using linear measurements within the same system (customary - in, ft, yd and metric - mm, cm, m and km) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Convert using capacity within the same system (customary - cup, pint, quart, gallon and metric - mL and L) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Convert using weight (mass) within the same system (customary - oz, lb and metric - g and kg) to the unit immediately above or below the given unit (using only the units below – use a conversion chart or a

PDE: Add linear measurements (feet and inches) - answers should be in simplest form.

PDE: Subtract linear measurements (feet and inches) without having to regroup - answers should be in simplest form.

PDE: Add units of time (hours and minutes) - answers should be in simplest form

PDE: Subtract units of time (hours and minutes) without having to regroup - answers should be in simplest form.

PDE: Use a ruler to measure to the nearest 1/8 inch.

PDE: Use a ruler to measure to the nearest centimeter.

PDE: Find the perimeter of a figure drawn and labeled (with the same units throughout).

PDE: Find the area of a square (with the same units throughout - whole numbers only).

PDE: Find the area of a rectangle (with the same units throughout - whole numbers only).

PDE: Solve problems involving weight (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving time (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving temperature (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving length (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Solve problems involving capacity (with the same units throughout - limited to 3 digits).

PDE: Identify cubes using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify cubes using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Identify rectangular prisms using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify rectangular prisms using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Identify pyramids using faces, vertices and edges.

PDE: Classify pyramids using faces, vertices and edges

PDE: Identify properties of all types of quadrilaterals (parallogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid)

PDE: Describe properties of all types of quadrilaterals (parallogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid)


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 1-Solid Figures 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 2-Views of Solid Figures 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 3-Surface Area 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 4-Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Objects 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 5-Algebra: Volume 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 6-Customary Units of Capacity 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 6-Customary Units of Capacity - 01 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 7-Metric Units of Capacity 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 8-Customary Units of Weight 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 9-Metric Units of Mass 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 10-Problem-Solving Skill: Exact Answer or Estimate 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 10-Lesson 11-Problem-Solving Applications: Water 


M5.B.1.1 ~ Select appropriate units (customary or metric) to measure specific attributes of objects. (Reference: 2.3.5.A)


M5.B.1.2 ~ Solve problems using simple conversions and/or add and subtract measurements. (Reference: 2.3.5.D, 2.3.5.E)


M5.B.2.1 ~ Use appropriate tools to determine measurements. (Reference: 2.3.5.B)


M5.B.2.2 ~ Solve problems involving length, time, weight, mass, capacity, temperature, perimeter, area and/or money. (Reference: 2.3.5.A, 2.3.5.B)


M5.C.1.1 ~ Define and/or use basic properties of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombi), triangles, circles, pyramids, cubes, and/or prisms. (Reference: 2.9.5.B, 2.9.5.C, 2.9.5.F, 2.10.5.A)





Ratio, Proportion, and Percent











Read and write ratios for various kinds of comparisons, and tell which situation represents a ratio that is a fraction (part-whole) and which represents a ratio that is not a fraction.

Use a table to generate equal ratios, write equal ratios, and tell if two ratios form a proportion.

Generate a table of equal ratios and graph the ordered pairs.

Read and write rates, and change a rate to a unit rate.

Make tables and use them to solve word problems.

Create scale drawings.

Write to explain a prediction.

Write a percent for a given situation on a 100-grid, and create a 100-grid that shows various percents.

Give several fraction-percent benchmarks, and estimate a percent of a whole number using benchmark percents.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Concept of "missing number" (blank, question mark, variable)

PDE: Equation

PDE: Concept of "a realistic situation"

PDE: Equation

PDE: Expression

PDE: Inquality

PDE: Table

PDE: Graph

PDE: Variable

PDE: Concept of "data"

PDE: Tally

PDE: Table

PDE: Chart

PDE: Pictograph

PDE: Bar Graph

PDE: Line Graph

PDE: Elements of display: Title, Appropriate Scale, Labels

PDE: Mean/Average

PDE: Median

PDE: Range

PDE: Mode

PDE: Concept of "outcomes"

PDE: Probability: certain

PDE: Probability: more likely

PDE: Probability: less likely

PDE: Probability: equally likely

PDE: Probability: impossible

PDE: Concept of "outcomes"

PDE: Reduction of fractions



Equal ratios, proportion, terms

Rate, unit rate

Scale drawing, scale


PDE: Solve for a missing number (blank, question mark, variable) in an equation involving a single operation whole numbers only.

PDE: Match a realistic situation to an equation, expression, inequality (, =), table or graph (variable must be isolated, e.g., 17 + 39 = n).

PDE: Display data in tallies using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in tables using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in charts using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in pictographs using a title, appropriate scale, and labels.

PDE: Display data in bar graphs using a title, appropriate scale, and labels. A grid will be provided.

PDE: Display data in line graphs and using a title, appropriate scale, and labels. A grid will be provided.

PDE: Interpret data shown in tallies.

PDE: Interpret data shown in charts.

PDE: Interpret data shown in pictographs.

PDE: Interpret data shown in bar graphs.

PDE: Determine the mean/average (answer is a whole number).

PDE: Determine the median (answer is a whole number or average of 2 numbers).

PDE: Determine the range of data (up to 10 numbers).

PDE: Identify the mode in a set of data (up to 10 numbers).

PDE: Predict whether some outcomes are certain, more likely, less likely, equally likely, or impossible (information could be represented by pictographs, bar graphs, charts, tables and/or spinners)

PDE: Determine whether some outcomes are certain, more likely, less likely, equally likely, or impossible (information could be represented by pictographs, bar graphs, charts, tables and/or spinners)

PDE: Determine the probability of an outcome (e.g., a coin toss, a roll of a number cube)

PDE: Express the probability of an outcome as a fraction without reduction.


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 1-Understanding Ratios 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 2-Equal Ratios 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 3-Graphs of Equal Ratios 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 4-Rates 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 5-Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Table 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 6-Scale Drawings 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 7- Proble-Solving Skill: Writing to Explain 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 8- Understanding Percent 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 9-Mental Math: Finding a Percent of a Number 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 10-Estimating Percents 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 11-Lesson 11-Problem-Solving Applications: Food 


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)


M5.D.3.1 ~ Describe the relationship between rate of change and another variable (e.g., time, temperature). (Reference: 2.11.5.D) OBSOLETE AS OF 2006-2007


M5.E.1.1 ~ Organize, display and/or interpret data using pictographs, tallies, tables, charts, line, bar graphs. (Reference: 2.6.5.A, 2.6.5.C)


M5.E.2.1 ~ Describe data sets using mean, median, mode and/or range. (Reference: 2.6.5.B)


M5.E.3.1 ~ Predict or determine all possible combinations, outcomes and/or calculate the probability of a simple event. (Reference: 2.7.5.E, 2.7.5.H, 2.7.5.J)







Algebra; Integers, Equations, Graphing











Identify and solve equations, and identify variables and the role of variables in equations.

Solve equations involving addition and subtraction.

Solve equations involving multiplication and division.

Write equations for word problems.

Read, write, compare, and order integers.

Add integers using a number line.

Subtract integers using a number line.

Write to explain a pattern.

Identify and graph points on a coordinate plane.

Make a table of x- and y- values for an equation and then graph the equation.

Review and apply key concepts, skills, and strategies learned in this and previous chapters.

PDE: Numerical pattern

PDE: Geometric pattern

PDE: Numerical pattern

PDE: Geometric pattern

PDE: Pattern rule

PDE: Concept of "missing number" (blank, question mark, variable)

PDE: Equation

PDE: Concept of "a realistic situation"

PDE: Equation

PDE: Expression

PDE: Inquality

PDE: Table

PDE: Graph

PDE: Variable


Equation, properties of equality, inverse operations

Inverse operations


Integers, positive integers, negative integers, opposites

Positive integers, negative integers

Coordinate plane, ordered pair, origin, x- value, y- value

Linear equation

PDE: Extend a numerical pattern (+, -, x or ÷ of whole numbers). Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Find a missing element in a numerical pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers). Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Extend a simple geometric pattern. Pattern must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Create a numerical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used).

PDE: Replicate a numerical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used).

PDE: Create a geometrical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern.

PDE: Replicate a geometrical pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern.

PDE: Form a rule based on a given pattern based on a given rule (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used). Patterns must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Illustrate a pattern based on a given rule (+, -, x or ¸ of whole numbers may be used). Patterns must show 3 repetitions.

PDE: Solve for a missing number (blank, question mark, variable) in an equation involving a single operation whole numbers only.

PDE: Match a realistic situation to an equation, expression, inequality (, =), table or graph (variable must be isolated, e.g., 17 + 39 = n).


Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 1-Algebra: Properties of Equality 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 2-Algebra: Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 3-Algebra: Solving Multiplication and Division Equations 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 4-Algebra: Problem-Solving Strategy: Write an Equation 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 5-Algebra: Understanding Integers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 6-Algebra: Adding Integers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 7-Algebra: Subtracting Integers 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 8-Algebra: Problem-Solving Skill: Writing to Explain 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 9-Algebra: The Coordinate Plane 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 10-Algebra: Graphing Equations - 01 

Foresman Wesley: Chapter 12-Lesson 11-Problem-Solving Applications: Solar System - 01 


M5.D.1.1 ~ Create or extend patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.A)


M5.D.1.2 ~ Analyze patterns. (Reference: 2.8.5.C)


M5.D.2.1 ~ Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve or represent expressions or number sentences. (Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G)





