Mr. Robert Falkenstein


College Prep English 11


Mr. Falkenstein


Reading selections, literary elements, and page numbers


Historical background to the Old English and Medieval periods 2 - 16

Anglo-Saxon lyrics, elegy 18

"The Seafarer," "The Wanderer," "The Wife's Tale"  19 - 32

epic 34 - 39

Beowulf 40 - 65 

online encyclopedia article and Wikipedia article 70 - 75 

historical writing 82

A History of the English Church and People 83 - 89

Introduction to The Canterbury Tales 90 - 94

characterization 95

"The Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales  96 - 120

allegories and archetypal narrative elements 123

"The Pardoner's Prologue" 124 - 135

frame story and setting 137

"The Wife of Bath's Tale" 138 - 151


Medieval romances and legends 168 - 169

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 170 - 183

Morte D'Arthur  184 - 196

primary sources, letters, and ballads 198 - 199

letters of Margaret Paston 200 - 204

"Twa Corbies," "Lord Randall," "Get Up and Bar the Door,"Barbara Allen," music 205 - 212

historical background to the English Renaissance 236 - 250

sonnet 252

Edmund Spenser sonnets 253 - 256

Sir Philip Syndey sonnets 257 - 261

pastoral poetry 264 - 265

"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" and "The Nymph's Reply" 266 - 270

Shakespearean sonnets 272 - 279

Macbeth 314 - 416

Elizabethan drama, tragedies, soliloquy 321

blank verse, iamb, trochaic foot, anapestic foot, prose, comic relief 342

conflict and dramatic irony 360

imagery 378

tragic flaw 400
