Mr. Robert Falkenstein

Student Responsibilities

My ultimate goal is for you to learn how to express yourself when speaking and writing while enjoying the discovery that comes from appreciating literature.  To achieve that goal effectively, I need you, the student, to accept some responsibilities.  You are expected to come to class prepared with texts, notebook, and pens.  At all times, your behavior should be conducive to a learning environment.

Tardiness will not be tolerated.  After your third tardy to class, and each subsequent one after that, you will be referred to the office.

Students who need to use the lavatory facilities should do so before, at the beginning, or at the end of class, so as not to disturb the class.  You are required to have your own handbook and to sign the lavatory log.  NO HANDBOOK? —DON’T ASK.

Formal writing assignments may be typed or printed by a computer.  If you choose to hand-write your assignment, please use dark ink on one side of lined paper.  It is your responsibility to staple papers, if needed.  NEATNESS COUNTS, and will be penalized for sloppy presentation.  You will be given plenty of time to prepare your formal writing assignments.  Please do not waste your time and wait until the last possible moment to hand in your work.

Come to Enrichment prepared to work.  Please do not ask if  you may bring a guest to fEnrichment.  The answer will always be, “No.”

