Hopewell High School Chorus


Hopewell Elementary General Music Page

HS Chorus Guidelines


High School Chorus Guidelines

These guidelines identify the goals and requirements for the future success of vocal music and the students who participate.  These guidelines have been coordinated to create consistency for all students participating in choral music.  

Please take the time to review these guidelines.  Past experience has indicated a need to state all details in these guidelines for the “good of the order.”

Student success is enhanced when there is sincere effort, a willingness to learn, an ever-increasing sense of self-control and discipline, and support by parents.  By insisting on these things, Hopewell High School can foster student achievement and creativity in, with and through the musical arts.

Content Requirements

Participation in choral music has educational objectives consistent with other disciplines within the school with the added dimension of musical performance in the public setting.  Chorus is a curricular class.  Vocal music is designed to provide young musicians with critical thinking skills.  This enables them to comprehensively speak the language of music through vocal music performance.  Musical instruction focuses on the following concepts: 

1.       Following instructions (non-verbal from the conductor and verbal from the teacher)

2.       Vocal technique as taught by the teacher/conductor

3.       Music reading skills and applied theory

4.       Large group (ensemble) performance

5.       Active Listening training (musical and verbal)

6.       Balance (volume and dynamics)

7.       Intonation (singing in tune)

8.       Historical and Cultural Perspective of Repertoire

9.       Music Theory and Ear training using the Kodaly solfege system

10.    Stylistic interpretation of vocal music

 Students Will:

1.       Accurately follow the conductor’s gestures

2.       Demonstrate self-control and appropriate class participation in a large group setting

3.       Maintain their chorus folder and return it to the assigned storage area

4.       Be prepared for every class with a pencil

5.       Complete written theory assignments and take appropriate quizzes

6.       Perform voice evaluations as necessary

7.       Participate in all required performances and rehearsals

Class/Rehearsal Guidelines

1.      When the bell rings, students must quickly get their chorus folder from the cabinet and be seated in their assigned seats.  Students should have folders, pencils, and any items from the table that were to be picked up as they entered.


3.      Students will be seated by voice range and gender.

4.      Restroom passes will be very limited to emergency situations. 

5.      THERE WILL BE NO GUM OR FOOD DURING CLASS, REHEARSALS OR PERFORMANCES.  This defeats the proper singing embouchure (musical mouth shape for good tone production).  It is a choking hazard while singing. 

6.      The director will give ample clean up time near the end of the class.    Students will be dismissed to put their folders back in the assigned cabinet. Following instructions is vital for classroom safety and management. 

Being Prepared for Class

1.       Student has a pencil.  A pencil is a tool for school.  It applies to chorus too. 

2.       Students earn 5 points per class for coming prepared with a pencil, attitude that is ready to learn, using singing posture and demonstrating the breath support and embouchure needed for good ensemble singing.   Not doing these things will result in the student earning a zero for the day.


Performances and rehearsals are gradedMark your calendars when concert dates are published and memos are sent home.   Performances are organized homework.

The expectation is that students will take notices to their parents/guardians.  If notices do not make it home to parents from the classroom, it becomes an issue that we ask the student and parent to address.

Responsibility is taught by insisting that students manage all of their responsibilities and give the director the courtesy of advanced notice when there are conflicts.  This can be done in advance with a hand written note, email, or a phone call.  Students can expect make-up performing work just as in other classes. 

kobalyj@hopewellarea.org            724-378-6691 x1105 

It is also expected that the chorus schedule not be the one always sacrificed when conflicts occur.  Care is taken to keep chorus commitment to a reasonable number required to improve the quality of the group and/or the quality of individual musical experience.

Emergency situations such as a death in the family, accident, serious student illness will be accepted excuses from a performance or rehearsal.  The director must be contacted in such a situation.  The student will need to make up the performance as scheduled by the conductor. 


*******For every THREE unexcused absences from chorus class, the student must make up the work he/she missed. He/she may write a one page report on an approved topic (i.e., vocal health, the history of a song we are singing, the importance of attendance in a musical ensemble) OR take an individual vocal test. If students fail to complete this task by the end of the nine-weeks, their unexcused absences will turn into 0/5.

Grading System

Chorus is graded like other classes using A,B,C,D, E grades and included in the grade point average on the report card.  An automatic A should not be expected.  Often, “class smart” students who enjoy straight A’s in “book related” classes have to work harder in a “performance based” class because the style of learning is different than other classes.  The opposite occurs for many students who need to work harder in “book related” classes.  They often “shine” and find greater ease earning good grades through choral performance.  This is natural and all learning styles have value.

Grades for Chorus are established using the following criteria:

* Musical performance and vocal technique as assessed through individual and group performance and teacher/conductor observation. 

This includes:

Following the conductor’s instruction (verbal and conducting gestures), preparation, cooperative attitude, rehearsal discipline and skills, and daily participation (diligence to task, commitment to excellence, effort, cooperation)

*Five daily participation points are earned when students are prepared for class, actively participate, and follow all Rehearsal/Class Guidelines.  Four points are earned when students are prepared for class and follow all Rehearsal/Classroom Guidelines, and so on. VERY rarely should a student earn below 4 points.

*Students earn approximately much of their nine-weeks grade simply by participating!

Quality performance is defined as: knowledge of music material to be performed, demonstration of instrumental or vocal technique, and demonstration of proper stage presence as taught by the instructor.   

*Vocal Evaluations and/or Sight-Singing will constitute 75 points per nine-week grading period.

*Concerts will be worth 200 points and will include any full ensemble rehearsals. Students must attend 2/3 of the after-school full-ensemble rehearsals to receive full credit.

There will be assignments, quizzes, and voice evaluations given throughout the year.   Music is part of the curriculum and is an opportunity to think, learn, create, and perform on the highest levels.  Having self-control in class, self-discipline in practice and performance and respect for the other ensemble members is vital to the learning process. Students must exhibit self-control. 

Concert Attire

Students will be expected to present a professional appearance for every performance. Robes will be provided.  Closed-toe shoes are the ONLY acceptable footwear.

Attendance is MANDATORY at concerts!!

