Mrs. Klebon - 5th Grade
Learning Support

Accelerated Reading Program

Your child is expected to read between 15-20 minutes each day/night, for a total of 75 minutes per week.  In addition, an adult needs to sign the Accelerated Reader Signature Sheet nightly.  This sheet is checked weekly and will constitute a weekly homework grade, with a possibility of 10 points.  The point system is as follows:


100% of points read = 10 points

99%-90% of points read = 9 points

89%-80% of points read = 8 points

79%-70% of points read = 7 points

69%-60% of points read = 6 points

59%-50% of points read = 5 points

49%-40% of points read = 4 points

39%-30% of points read = 3 points

29%-20% of points read = 2 points

19%-10% of points read = 1 point

9%-0% of point read= 0 points


Please make sure to fill in the entire Signature Sheet with correct date, title of book read, and number of minutes they read, along with your signature.
