Laughing  Mrs. Michael's Second Grade Classroom  Laughing

Data Analysis and Probability

By the end of Second Grade, you will be expected to be able to:

  • Gather data from surveys or observation
  • Organize data using charts and graphs
  • Compare data from two categories
  • Make predictions using data
  • Determine the likelihood of an event

Here are some fun game websites about Data Analysis and Probability that you might enjoy:


Wart Games

Probability Games



Here are some ways that your parents can practice with you:

  • Make up some survey questions that you can ask people about.  "How many pockets do you have?"  "What's your favorite color?"
  • Organize the results of your survey in a chart or graph
  • Compare the data in the different categories--"Five more people like pink than blue"
  • Make a prediction about what would happen next--"If I asked ten more people, I predict that most will like pink"
  • Have your parent ask you how likely it is that something will happen today--"Is it certain, somewhat certain, somewhat unlikely, or unlikely that we will eat lunch today?"
  • Sort objects depending on their characterictics--Sort a bag of candy, sort the socks, sort your laundry.