Mrs. Galla's Math Site



6/3: Today we went over the final study guide/review. Please bring a non graphing calcualator for the final exam on Tuesday.

6/1: Today students were given this final review/study guide final review 2016.pdf  We will go over it on Friday. The final will be on Monday. Here is my key anskey1.pdf    anskey10.pdf    anskey2.pdf     anskey3.pdf   anskey4.pdf    anskey5.pdf     anskey6.pdf    anskey7.pdf     anskey8.pdf    anskey9.pdf

5/25: Due to shortened classes, part 2 of the test was rescheduled - it will be on Friday. 

5/23: Today students completed part one of the chapter 5 test, which was on verifying trig identities.

5/19: Today we went over the test review and practiced problems to prepare for the test next week. 

5/17: Today students were given a test review, that directly mimics the test. Here is the review: ch 5 test review.pdf  Here are the 3 practice worksheets that were also provided to students Solving Trig Equations practice problems.pdf   Using Sum and Difference Formulas to Find Exact Values Practice Problems.pdf   Verifying Trig Identities Practice Problems.pdf

5/12: Today homework was checked for a completion grade, and then we went over it. Students then completed this in class assignment. If you were absent, please have it to turn in on Tuesday. 5.3-5.5 assignment.pdf

5/10: Today we went over homework. We then went over and took notes from 5.5 - we are only going to be learning about double angle formulas. We are not going to do any other parts of the section. This formula handout was given to students. Double angle formuals.pdf  These formulas, as well as the formulas from last class, will be provided to you on the test. The homework is on page 415, #s 10, 12-17, 19-22. It will be checked next class. The test for this chapter will be split into 2 parts. part one will cover sections 1-2 (possibly 3, TBA) and will be on Monday May 23rd. Part 2 will be on the remainder of the chapter. It will be on Wednesday May 25th, or Friday the 27th if the senior awards assembly takes longer than expected on Wednesday.

5/6: Today we took notes on and did examples from section 4 - Sum and Difference Formulas. These will be given to you on the test. Here is a copy of them Sum and Difference Formulas.pdf Homework is page 404, #s 4b, 5b, 6a, 6b, 15-17, 23 and 24.

5/4: Today we went over the homework from 5.3. Students then completed this in class assignment which is due at the start of class on Friday. Here is the worksheet 5.1-5.3 assignment.pdf

5/2: Today I checked that students had completed the trig equations worksheet from last class for completion points. We then went over any questions that existed from the worksheet. We took notes on and did examples from 5.3, which was about solving trig equations. The homework is on page 396 #s 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 29, 31, 35, 39 and 40. (The answers in the back of the book will not/should not match your answers. You are only looking for solutions on the interval [0,2pi) just like we did in class.)

4/28: Today we went over the homework from 5.2, and then we pracied some problems that were a bit more challenging from that section. Students were then given this worksheet, which is due next class. chapter 5 section 2 assignment.pdf

4/26: Today we began section 2 of chapter 5. We took notes and did various examples. The homework is on page 387, #s 1, 3, 8, 9, 18, 19, and 22.

4/22: Today we went over the in class assignment and discussed how there are multiple ways to simplify these trig expressions. There is no homework.

4/20: Today we went over the homework. We then went over the various ways in which we can rearrange the pythagorean and quotient identities. We discussed strategies and methods for simplifying trig expressions. Students were then given and in class assignment which is due on Friday. Please see me for a copy if absent as the website has been down and will not allow attachments to be added.

4/18: Today we went over the homework, and then took notes on and did examples from the second half of chapter 5 section 1. Homework is on page 379-380 #s 45, 48, 49, 51, 54, 61, 78 and 80. There will be a homework check next class.

4/14: Today we began chapter 5. We took notes on and did examples from the first half of section 1. I provided students with a handout in which had all of the Fundamental Trig Identities. These can be found in the text book as well, on the first page of Chapter 5 section 1. Please see me for a copy if absent as the website has been down and will not allow attachments to be added. 

4/12: Today we went over the homework. Students then worked on an in class assignment on graphing sine and cosine equations. If it was not completed during class time, it is due at the start of class on Thursday. This is the assignment: graphing sine and cosine class work.pdf

4/8: Today we went over how to graph sine and cosine functions, I provided students with this handout to aid note taking 4.5 notes handout.pdf Students were then given a worksheet to work on during class and as homework. Please see me for a copy as it is not electronic.

4/6: Today students took a test on Chapter 4, sections 1-4.

4/4: Today the chapter 4 sections 1-4 test review was checked for completion. We then went over the review in it's entirety, and I answered all and any questions. The test is Wednesday. Below are copies of practice worksheets, as well as a blank unit circle, filled out unit circle, and blank review.

3/23: Today we went over the homework. We then discussed the upcoming test, which will be on the second "A" day after break - Wednesday, April 6. I provided students with this test review, which mimics the test. Chapter 4, sec 1-4 test 2016 review.pdf. I also created these resources to help them to prepare for the test - these handouts each have practice problems pertaining to the exact types of problems that they will see on the test (also on the review). Answers are included. Coterminal Angles Practice Problems.pdf   Deciphering which Quadrant the Terminal Side of an Angle Lies Practice Problems.pdf    Evaluating Trig Functions at a Given Angle on the Unit Circle Practice Problems.pdf     Finding Sine, Cosine, and Tangent for an Angle Given a Point on its Terminal Side Practice Problems.pdfRadian and Degree Conversions Practice Problems.pdfSketching Angles in Standard Position Practice Problems.pdf      Using a Triangle to Find the 6 Trig Functions Practice Problems.pdf      Using Trig Identities to Transform an Equation Practice Problems.pdf A filled in and blank unit circle can be found below (posted on 3/11 and 3/15)

3/21: Today we went over homework from section 4.3. We then took notes on and did examples from section 4.4 Here is the notes handout I provided to students to aid their note taking. Chapter 4 Section 4 notes.pdf. Homework is page 318, #s 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 15, 16, 37, 38, 51, 52.

3/17: Today we took notes on and did examples from 4.3 Here is the notes handout I provided to students to aid their note taking. Chapter 4 Section 3 Notes.pdfThe homework is page 308, #s 1, 2, 9, 10, 27, 8, 34, 38.

3/15: Today we went over the homework. I then reviewed the construction of the unit circle by showing this PowerPoint Presentation1 unit circle.pdf. Students were given the option of taking either of these Unit Circle handouts: blank unit circle template.pdf (blank)  unit circle filled in (black and white).pdf (filled in). The blank and filled in color-coated Unit Circle can be found attached to the information for the previous class (below). Students completed classwork which became homework if not completed. It is on page 299, #s 16, 19, 20, 27, 28, 32, 33, 39, 40, 46. This will be graded. Also, here is a link to a website that explains how to memorize the unit circle using your hand: 

3/11: Today homework was checked, woth 5 points. We then went over the homework. Then, we took notes on and did examples from section 4.2. We constructed the unit circle to understand where the parts come from. Here is a blank color coated unit circle as well as one that is filled in. UnitCircleGraphicOrganizerColorCoded.pdf  Homework is on page 299, #s 13-15, 23-26, 29-31, 37, 38, 43-45.

3/9: Today we began chapter 4, which introduces us to trigonometry. We took notes on section one and did examples. I gave students this handout to aid their note taking. Chapter 4 Section 1 (4).pdf Homework is on page 291, #s 31, 34-36, 43, 44, 47-49, 51-52.

3/4: Today students completed optional test corrections on the test they took on Wednesday.

3/2: Today students took a test on Chapter 3.

2/29: Today the chapter 3 review was checked for completion. We then went over all of the answers and I took any questions. Students were given the option of taking any of the following handouts to aid their studying for specific content that will show up on the test on Wednesday.compound interest practice problems.pdf  Condensing Logarithms Practice Probs.pdf  Continuous Compounding Practice Problems.pdf  expanding logs practice probs.pdf  Finding the Inverse of an Exponential Practice Problems.pdf  Graphing an Exponential and its Inverse Practice Problems.pdf  Rewriting a Logarithm as an Exponential Practice Problems.pdf  Rewriting Exponentials as Logarithms Practice Problems.pdf  Solving Exponential Equations Practice Problems.pdf  Solving Logarithmic Equations - no properties needed.pdf  Solving Logarithms Practice Problems.pdf  Solving Natural Logarithms Practice Problems.pdf The answer to the problems are found in eah document as well.

2/25: Today students were given this handout to go over a few final topics. ch 3 topic review.pdf Students were also given a review for the test ch3 test 2016 review.pdf

Answer keys for review: answer key part 1.pdf  answer key part 2.pdf  answer key part 3.pdf  answer key part 4.pdf

2/23: Today we took notes on and did examples from the remainder of section 3.4. This handout was provided to aid students note taking. 3.4 part 2 notes solving logs.pdf Homework is pages 253-254, #75, 76, 78, 79, 82, 91-97

2/19: Today we went over the homework and did any problems that were giving students trouble. We then took notes on and did examples from the first half of section 3.4, which was about solving logarithmic and exponential equations. This handout was given out as a tool. 3.4 guide.pdf Homework is page 253 #9-12, 15-18, 25, 26, 29-32, 53 and 55. There will be a homework quiz next class.

2/17: Today we took notes on and did examples from section 3.3 which was about logarithm properties and change of base formulas. I provided students with this handout to save time during class when taking notes. We did many examples that were based on the information covered in this handout. Chapter 3 Section 3 notes (2).pdf. Homework can be found on page 243, #s 10-14, 18, 19, 21-26, 35, 39, 42, 61, and 64. There will be a homework quiz on Friday and we will go over the homework after the quiz. 

2/12: Today there was a short homework quiz. We then went over the homework and went over any questions. Students then completed the following class work. 3.1 and 3.2 cw.pdf If you were absent, you may turn it in at the begining of next class.

2/10: Today, homework was checked for completion. We then went over the homework. Then, we did section 3.2. I have provided the class with this notes handout to help them through the class due to shortened classes today. We filled things in as we went along. 3.2 notes guide.pdf Homework is: pg 236 # 2,6,10,12,17,20,39-42,46,48,56,60.

2/8: Today we began CHapter 3 titled "Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. We took notes on and did examples from section 3.1, which was all about exponential functions and their graphs. Homework was assigned for this section. Homework can be found on page 226, #s 7-10, 17-20, 46, 48, 50, 62 and 74. We did problems simular to all of these in our notes during class today. If you were absent, I wouls recommend copying notes from a reliable classmate. I would greatly suggest, as well, that you come see me at some point to review some key aspects, as some of the material from this section is better explained in person than through the decoding of notes and/or the textbook. Homework will be dur Wednesday. I also handed back tests at the end of class.

2/3: Today students completed the test on Chapter 2 (sections 1-5).

2/1: Today the reviews were checked for completion and we went over each question as a class. I took any questions regarding the test on Wednesday.

1/28: Today we took about a half an hour to review some key concepts found within sections 2.1-2.5. Students were given a review for their test and were given class time to work on completing it. They were able to ask me questions and check answers. I will be checking to ensure all reviews are completed during class on Monday. The test for these sections will be on Wednesday 2/3/16.

1/26: Today we finished taking notes on section 2.5. We covered Descartes's Rule of Signs and reviewed additional examples similar to those we had done on Friday. The class was then given classwork to complete with a partner, although each student had to hand in a copy of their work. This assignment was page 179, # 1, 4, 5, 11-14, 55, 91. This work was due during class, with an exception for students who were not finished but had been working diligently. These students are to turn their assignment in at the beginning of class on Thursday.

12-9:  Today we went through the combinations and compositions of functions. You then began to do an assignment in class on sections 6-8. Only a few of you finished so I will give you time Monday to finish. Homework is page 89 #2, 7, 14, 16, 35, 36, 43, 44. 

12-7:  We worked more on transformations of functions today, adding non-rigid transformations.  Homework is page 81 #24, 26, 28, 33, 41, 66

12-3:  You completed an assignment on transformations of the parent functions today.  Homework is page 79 #5 and 6 your answers for a - g be 4 ordered pairs

Also, copy the blue box on page 84 into your notes.

11-30:  We worked with transformations of parent functions today.  Homework is to graph the 4 functions from the board plus write the equation for #53-58 on page 72. 

11-18:  In class today, we are reviewing for your test Friday. Chapter 1 sections 1 - 5 Study Guide 2015.pdf  I emailed you the problems worked out.

11-16:  We finished section 4 today using the difference quotient and average rate of change.  Homework is page 49 #13 - 24, 54, 60, 61, 62, 79 and page 62 #15, 20, 64, 66

Chapter 1, section 1 - 5 test is Friday, 11-20

11-12:  Today we learned what a function is and determined the domain and range of a function.  Homework is the domain and range worksheet on my desk and also page 49 #51, 52, 55  Don't do 13 - 24 just yet, if you see this:)

11-6:  Today we went over the answers to the homework, did a review of linear functions which was section 3, then did 10 problems to hand in.  If you missed class, do them for next class.  Chapter 1, sections 1 - 3 - 2.pdf

11-4:  We started chapter 1 today and covered sections 1 & 2.  I also showed you how to use your graphing calculator to graph a few functions. 

Homework is page 10 #28, 32 and page 22 #11 - 17 odds

10-30:  I passed your tests back today and we went over a couple of the commonly missed problems.  You then worked on practice problems from the last 2 tests.  Finish for homework.  Extra practice from Intro to Algebra 2.pdf

10-22:  We reviewed for your test Monday in class today.  I emailed you some problems to practice. 

10-20:  We reviewed a few problems today, then worked with the imaginary number.  Homework is page 167 & 168 #18, 27, 33, 50, 59, 61, 64, 67, 70.

Your next test will be Monday, October 26

10-6:  Today we reviewed homework, did some examples of solving radical equations, and you completed 10 problems to hand in. If you were absent, have them done for Thursday.  Solving equations.pdf 

Homework is page A57 #55-64, solving quadratics by factoring. 

10-2:  We finished solving rational equations today and reviewed linear and absolute value equations.  Homework is  Solving absolute value and rational equations.pdf.  Next class you will be doing an assignment to hand in on these 3 equations.

9-30:  We started the next unit today on solving equations.  Today we looked at linear and absolute value.  Homework is page A66 #30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 57, 58 

9-24 & 9-28:  You took your first test one of these days. Your assignment due for next class is page A56 (in the back of the book) #11-32, 45-48 plus the 3 problems from the board. 

Due to the junior ring ceremony and several tests scheduled Thursday, you may take the test Monday if you would like to do so.  It will be a different version of the test given Thursday.  Please let me know if you would like to take the test Monday instead.  The majority will still take it Thursday.

9-22:  We reviewed everything we've done so far today.  Your quest (50 points) will be Thursday.  There are practice problems with answers attached on my desk if you'd ike some.  It is on sets of numbers, exponents, radicals, and polynomials.

9-15:  Today we practiced with operations on nth roots.  We have done simplifying, adding, subtracting, and multiplying so far.  Next class we will rationalize denominators which is our last topic before your first test next week.  Homework is on ebackpack.  Just numbers 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18

9-11:  We reviewed the exponent homework then worked with partners reviewing all of the concepts.  This assignment is due on Tuesday.  Intro to Alg 2 worksheet.pdf

9-9:  We reviewed all exponent rules and reviewed everything we've done so far.  Homework is Exponent Practice Worksheet.docx.pdf to be done in your notebooks.

9-2:  Today we reviewed simplifying and factoring all polynomials.  Homework is page A32 #48, 50, 51, 82, 83, 159 - 170, 175, 182.  Next class you will be doing an assignment to hand in on what we've covered so far. 

8-31:  We started the year reviewing the sets of numbers, interval notation, and solving absolute value equations and inequalities. 



