Mr. Dermes's Classroom                                                                                        


LSD- Lebanon School District Website

Thomas Nast- Political cartoons from reconstruction by Thomas Nast.  Great primary sources!

MSNBC- National and World news

CPI Inflation Calcuator- Have you ever wondered what something from the past would cost today?  This free site calcutates for inflation to determine what something would cost in today's money. 

US & World Population Clock- US Census site which shows the current population of the world and United States. 

CIA World Factbook- provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.

Browse the Excellent world cultures site for middle school students.  This site contains links for world history as well as databases to compare world countries. 

GoogleEarth- Free software download.  This program allows you to year a collection of satalite images of anywhere in the world and much more. 

