Mr. Karnish's Website

1. Introduction to Chemistry

Students will be able to:

1.1.1    Identify five traditional areas of study in chemistry.

1.1.2    Relate pure chemistry to applied chemistry.

1.1.3    Identify reasons to study chemistry.

1.2.1    Identify some areas of research affected by chemistry.

1.2.2    Describe some examples of research in chemistry.

1.2.3    Distinguish between macroscopic and microscopic views.

1.3.1    Describe how Lavoisier transformed chemistry.

1.3.2    Identify three steps in the scientific method.

1.3.3    Explain why collaboration and communication are important in science.

1.4.1    Identify two general steps in problem solving.

1.4.2    Describe three steps for solving numeric problems.

1.4.3    Describe two steps for solving conceptual problems.
