Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Welcome to Miss Peiffer's Room

A told B, and B told C, Kindergarten is the best place to be!

Field Trips

Field Trips

Please check back here for information on the fun and exciting trips we will be taking to enrich our curriculum!


If for any reason you are unable to pay for a field trip please let me know and arrangments can be made. I want everyone to be able to particiapte in these experiences.




Way Fruit Farm (fall)- Monday, September 29th

Please pack a lunch to eat on the field trip. There are no microwaves.

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We will travel to Way Fruit Farm and take a tractor ride through the field and see where the apples are picked. We will walk through the factory where they clean and store the apples. We will also take a look at the shop where they sell the products. The students will each get to fill a bag of apples to take home with them. This ties into our social studies curriculum and learning about where our food comes from and how products are made.


Eisenhower Shows:

Monday, November 10th: Charlotte's Web




Shaver's Creek (spring)

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Muddy Paws Wetlands (May)

muddy paws 031.JPG

