My Website

Grading Policy



Grades will be weighted according to the following criteria:

Class participation: 10%

Class work: 10%

Quizzes: 20%

Exams: 30%

Labs: 20%

Projects: 10%

Any student found cheating, in any manor (including plagiarism or copying another students work) will receive a failing final grade (F) for the given assignment.

I do not expect students to waste time.  I do not give them busy work.  If I give them an assignment, I am going to check it and I am going to grade it.  Everything completed in this class counts towards their grade. 

        Class participation:

            Students can receive a total of five points for every class.  This will be entered into their grades on Fridays.  Students will earn one point for each of the following: having all materials ready, not  interrupting while I am talking, not distracting other students in any way, sitting attentively with theirhead up, and trying


Exams will be announced at least 4 days prior.  They will include material covered in classroom lectures and discussions, electronic discussions, reading assignments, homework assignments, and lab activities.  The exams may consist of any of the following or combination of the following types of questions: true/false, multiple choice, short answer, matching, or essay.  Students are required to come to class prepared on exam days, with a pencil.

         Group Activities:

Each student in the group will receive their share of the grade based on THEIR level of contribution.


Grades will be earned by students according to the following scale:




D-70-75 in danger of failing

F-below 69 Failing
