Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Welcome to Miss Peiffer's Room

A told B, and B told C, Kindergarten is the best place to be!






A few parents have asked me what we need for our classroom and if there were any games or activities that we could use. I had come up with the following list. If you are out and about and see these things on sale and would like to purchase them or you have them at home and would like to donate them to our classroom it would be greatly appreciated. Please do not feel obligated, it is just some ideas if would like to send something in. Many of the items can be found at the dollar store. Thank you!


glue sticks

magic erasers

sharpie markers

paper plates

blank greeting cards for writing notes

fun pens (furry, sparkly, colored, etc.)


foam stickers

letter stickers

small items to count


tissue paper (any color)

dry erase markers


games ( or any great kid game you have found)

hi ho cherry oh

trio builder sets (colored plastic blocks for building)

Don't spill the beans

Don't break the ice

Eric Carle games








The Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck

The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers

The Library Gingerbread Man

Sourdough Man: An Alaskan Tale

El Hombre de Pan de Jengibre

Stop that Pickle

Press Here

My Friend is so Fun!

The Pigeon Needs a Bath

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

