"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
                                                                 --  Ralph Waldo Emerson
Historical Analysis Tools

toolbox copy.jpgThink Like A Historian

How do people make sense of the world that we share?

One way that Historians attempt to develop reasonable answers to questions is the development of analytical skills that they employ reading documents, viewing shows and movies, and examining maps and painting.  These skills seek to develop an understanding of the authors, directors, or artists information by constructing their own understanding of the content, bias, reliability, and point of view. 

This webpage has a link to the National Archive Doucment Tools that we will utilize.  The worksheets are designed to help you weed through the information and generate your understanding and knowledge. 

Check back and utilize the resources that are made available to you to help construct meaning of the world we share together.

National Archives Document Study Tools



More Documents to Utilize in your Studies











