Ms. Barb Neilson, Port Allegany High School Math Teacher

How to Contact Ms. Neilson

To contact Ms. Neilson, please fill out the form below, or use one of the following means:


PHONE                         (814) 642-2544, ext. 135

ADDRESS                    Port Allegany High School
                                       20 Oak Street
                                       Port Allegany, PA 16743

TWITTER                    @MissNeilson1

REMIND                      To sign up for Remind, text one of the following to 81010

                                        Period 1           msneilson1

                                        Period 2           msneilson2

                                        Period 3           msneilson3

                                        Period 6           msneilson6

                                        Period 7           msneilson7

                                        Period 8           msneilson8



