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Cultural Anthropology

Week of 1/8

Monday: Students will take their Family & Gender Test.

Tuesday-Wednesday: Last 2 days of the semester will be devoted to finalizing their Wikis/Final Projects.

Week of 1/1

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will have the day to work on their Wiki/Final.

Wedenesday: Students will complete a review puzzle.

Thursday: Students will play a review game.

Friday: Students will take their Family & Gender Test.

Week of 12/18

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss important terms on Family Types.

Tuesday: Students will complete an assignment requiring them to create a genogram for a fictional family.

Wednesday-Friday:  Students will have time to work on their Wiki/Finals or their personal genograms.

Week of 12/11

Family, Gender, Marriage, Dimorphism Notes: Family, Gender, and Marriage.pdf

Monday-Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss different cultures in regards to sexual permissiveness vs. restrictiveness.

Wednesday: Students will watch a documentary on Polygamy in the Mormon Church.



Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss different cultural opinions on marriage. 

Friday: Students will complete a reading assignment about arranged marriage in India.

Week of 12/4

Monday-Tuesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their Religion test.

Wednesday: Students will take a test on their Religion unit.

Thursday-Friday: Students will continue working on their Wiki final projects.

Week of 11/27

Religion Notes: Religion 2017.pdf

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will watch a documentary about "Heaven & Hell."

Wednesday-Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss different cultural opinions about the afterlife.

Friday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their unit test.

Week of 11/20

Monday-Wednesday: Students will watch the film "What Dreams May Come" to explore to topic of heaven & hell.  Students will be required to complete a film review.

Week of 11/13

Monday: Students will finish creating their creation myth video/picture story.

Tuesday: Students will show their creation myth videos in class.  Students will also take notes and discuss various religious components (holy books, intermediaries, fasting, etc.).

Wednesday: Students will complete their notes from the prior day.

Thursday: Students will complete a world religion demographic research activity.

Friday: Students will take notes and discuss the differences in the concept of "heaven & hell" or the afterlife in various world religions.

Week of 11/6

Monday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the Greek myth about the creation of women (Pandora's Box).

Tuesday-Thursday: Students will create a dramatic/theatrical video telling the creation myth of an assigned group of people.

Friday: No school.

Week of 10/30

Monday: Students will take a test on language.

Tuesday: Students will work on their final projects/wikis in the computer lab.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss various religious philosophies.  

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss various Creation and Destruction myths. 

Friday: Students will begin watching the "Story of God: Apocalypse."



Week of 10/23

Monday-Tuesday: Students will create slang dictionaries to illustrate the use of slang in different subcultures.

Wednesday: Students will complete a reading assignment on language loss and renewal among Native American languages.

Thursday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their language test.

Friday: Students will take a test on language.

Week of 10/16

Monday-Tuesday: Students will watch a documentary about Koko the gorilla.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss the origins of language and theories of language acquisition.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss "pidgin" languages and dialects/vernaculars.

Friday: Students will complete a reading assignment on African American Vernacular English/Ebonics.

Week of 10/9

Monday: No School

Tuesday-Wednesday: Students will begin work on their final project (WIKI).

Thursday: Students will begin discussion and notes on language/nonverbal communication.

Friday: Students will complete a reading assignment on nonverbal communication.

Week of 10/2

Monday: Students will finish researching and creating their PowerPoints.

Tuesday: Students will present their Genocide presentations in class.

Wednesday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their unit test.

Thursday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their unit test.

Friday: Students will take a test on Social Stratification.

Week of 9/25

Social Stratification Notes: Social Stratification 2017.pdf

Monday-Tuesday: Students will finish watching the movie "Hotel Rwanda." They will complete a writing prompt about the film.

Wednesday-Friday: Students will research and create a presentation on a major/catostrophic genocide from human history.

Week of 9/18

Monday-Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss different types of class societies (America, India, South Africa, and Rwanda).

Wednesday-Friday: Students will watch the movie "Hotel Rwanda" and complete a writing prompt about the film.

Week of 9/11

Monday: Students will take their unit 1 test.

Tuesday: Students will complete a social stratification/prestige activity and will discuss factors that cause and affect social stratification.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss examples of rank and egalitarian societies.

Thursday-Friday: Students will watch and answer questions about the video "Ongka's Big Moka" to illustrate the concept of prestige.

Week of 9/4

Monday: Labor Day--No School

Tuesday: Students will finish creating their hominid presentations in the computer lab.  

Wednesday: Students will read the article "Two Tales from the Trukese Taproom" and answer questions about it.

Thursday: Students will present their homind PowerPoints in class.

Friday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their Unit 1 test.

Week of 8/28

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss important anthropologists and their importance to their fields.

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss important anthropologists and their importance to their fields.

Wednesday: Students will complete a human evolution webquest.

Thursday: Students will finish their human evolution webquest.

Friday: Students will create and research a presentation about a hominid species to present in class.

Week of 8/21

Unit 1 Notes: Unit 1--Anthro.pdf

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss what "culture" is.

Wednesday: Students will read the article "Body Ritual of the Nacirema" and answer various questions about the article.

Thursday: Students will take notes on various important anthropologists and their importance to their fields.

Friday: Students will complete a human evolution webquest.

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