North Schuylkill

Junior High School Guidance

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling

Sometimes things happen in your life that you just can't understand or know how to handle; individual counseling can help you through these situations.  Individual counseling means that only you and the counselor will talk about what is going on in your life that you are struggling with.

You can talk to someone who ... is sensitive to your feelings, can listen to you without judging or making fun of you, not share the information with anyone (Confidentiality), and help you with ways to deal with (cope) with whatever is going on in your life.

Many times, the counselor has also had the same experiences.

If you need someone to talk to about a change in your family ... new to the area, new brother or sister; about mom and dad splitting up or getting a divorce; about how to deal with living in two homes (dad's during the week, mom's on the weekends); problems with school work; or someone close to you has died ... stop by to see Ms. Prushinski.

The only time the counselor would need to share your information, is if you tell her that someone is hurting you, or you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else; then the counselor can get you the extra help you need!
