Mrs. Steffens

Mrs. Steffens' Model Citizens


We strive to be...



In addition to the Love and Logic philosophy, I expect model citizens in our classroom, school, and community.  Students are expected to behave as model citizens at all times, in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, playground, etc.
Everyday, they will rate their behavior (this includes effort and learning) on a 1-10 scale (10 being a model citizen and 1 being an unproductive citizen).  Students will record this number in their assignment book at the end of the day.  As I come around to sign their book, I may either agree with their behavior rating, or I edit it. 




 ...So, what does that mean?




An Unproductive Citizen…




use foul language,


disobeys rules,


disrespects property,


is bossy,




contributes nothing to society,


takes away from society,


makes the world a worse place to be.




 A Citizen…


sometimes does their best,


socializes inappropriately,


hears, but doesn’t listen,


spaces out,


pays an average amount of attention,


reviews, but doesn’t learn,




shows up,


keeps the world the same 



A Good Citizen…


respects property,


is safe,


pays attention,


listens intently,


is proud,


listens to the opinions of others,


sets goals,


achieves goals,




respects people,


knows that, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”,


makes the world a better place to be.





take care of themselves and others,


are problem solvers,


have a positive energy,


are helpful,








are humble,


apply what they have learned,


push beyond their goals,


give constructive criticism,


lend a hand,


change the world for the best.

