Mr. Miller's Homework Site

B1 Religions of the World IB/Honors


All students should come to class prepared with a notebook, writing utensil, and their iPad.  Necessary text books will be discussed on the first day of class.


--Homework Assignments--


---Download the QuranExplore app for your iPad.  Note, IT'S FREE.  So, don't pay for aything.  If you are, you're using the wrong app.  You will select the Sura (second word/number) from the drop down heading in the middle of the page.  The first number is the verse number and should always be set at one.  If you have trouble using it, please email me any questions.  You'll have reading in the Qur'an for next class.  

Date Assigned:  5 January

Date Due:  7 January


---Read Sura # 1, 76, 79, 80, 82, 85, 89, 90, 92, 96, 97, 102, 107, 110, and 112 in the Qur'an.  Get a feel for th beauty and rhythm of the text.  Come to class ready to discuss insights and feelings about the work.

Date Assigned:  5 January

Date Due:  7 January


---Read the excerpts from Rumi.  Come to class ready to discuss thoughts, insights, questions, and (obvioulsy, since it's poetry) feels.

Date Assigned:  19 January

Date Due:  21 January



---Write a Reflection Paper on the following:  We watched the Season Seven episode of The Office entitled "Christening."  Using multiple examples from the episode, discuss both how you think they present the Christian community, the sacrement of Baptism, and Christianity in general as well as what Michael finds so attractive about the church and the mission trip.

Date Due:  5 February


----Write a one page (non extra credita) paper on the Season Three episode of The Office, "Diwali."  Evaluate, using your class notes as a guide, how the episode does with its depiction of Hindu culture, tradition, and the festival of Diwali.  Point out all the accurate notes you saw and discuss things you think were misrepresented.  Also, discuss briefly if you thihk this sort of medium (meaning, a sitcom) is a good avenue to introduce someone to another culture/religion and why.

Date Assigned:  22 February

Date Due:  10 March











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