Mrs. Fiebig's Website

Reading Lesson Plans

December 4-8

Think Central Link


Story: Ah, Music!   pages  410


Vocabulary: pages 406 and 407  - These are words we will be seeing a lot!


Focus Skill:  Text and Graphic features    pages  408  and 422


Your Turn: pg 424   - These are good questions to ask during and after reading.



Extension Story "There's a Hole At the Bottom of the Sea"   pgs 426-429



Each student has created a Reading Homework Journal already in class. It will come home Monday, August 28. Directions for homework can be found inside the journal. It's simple! Your child gets to pick any reading material they want, read it for 20 minutes, then write a sentence about what they've read. Don't forget capital letters and a punctuation mark!

 It is important that your child has at least 20 minutes of practice reading aloud each night!!!

If reading is torture for you or your child (as it was for me when I was young) please don't feel you need to read for an hour every night or read until the story is over!

20 minutes of quality reading is our goal!!!!


On the same note, if the story does not take your child 20 minutes to read, please have them pick any other reading material to read until they've had 20 minutes of reading!! Thank you!


Remeber that the whole 20 minutes does not have to be your child can take part as well!!! Children need to hear a good reading model to help them grow as a reader themselves!! So you could take turns each reading a page, or a sentence, etc. Have fun!!

 Thank you for helping your child become a better reader!!


Also, I am a parent. I understand that there are some nights when getting homework done seems impossible. Therefore, your child may do homework in advance. For example, if I know my child has dance class on Wednesday nights and we will have a hard time getting homework done, your child may write 2 sentences on Tuesday night. One will be checked on Wednesday and the other can be saved to be checked on Thursday. I would still ask that you try to get some reading practice every night. This could just be a bedtime story or something like that. 

If your child forgets his/her homework journal at school, you may write your sentence on any piece of paper. The journal is just for organization purposes. Your child will get credit for having homework done no matter where it is written :-) 


Spelling Words: Saxon List 8 - ur


Please study these every night with your child. We will have a weekly spelling test on Fridays!

 We will also have a weekly selection test on Fridays. This will check to see if your child understands out Story of the Week and their Vocabulary Words!
