Mrs. Orrico's Kindergarten        


Classroom Rules and Behavior Plan

School-Wide Discipline Letter - kindergarten.docx

In my classroom, discipline is handled respectively and teaches children that there are positive and negative consequences on how one acts and the choices one makes.  We have five rules which we review daily.  They are…


  • Always use good manners.
  • Always keep objects and body parts to yourself.
  • Always walk.
  • Always use kind words and actions.
  • Always use inside voice.


You may want to review these rules with your child at the beginning of the year.


In the event that a student cannot follow classroom rules, I have a series of consequences, which uses a card system to keep track of behavior.  They are…


Purple – “Perfect”  Your child has gone above and beyond what is expected of a kindergarten child.


Green – “No Problem Day”  Expected Behavior


Yellow – warning and lost not time away from recess


Red – 5 minutes of recess missed


White – half of recess missed


Blue – all of recess missed and a phone call home


Your child also has the chance to earn back any negative colored cards throughout the day.  However, once a child receives any other colored card except green, he or she is no longer eligible for a purple.


We also keep a daily chart of the color of card we end the day with.  This chart is sent home each day in the Home/School folder and should be signed and returned to school the following day.


