Mrs. McCarty


Civics & Government (9th Grade)

Founding Fathers

Constitution Day Activity


Part 1:


  1. So what’s your Constitution IQ?  Follow this link: and discover how much you know about the U.S. Constitution.  Record your score.


       2.  Then discover which Founding Father you are most like by taking this fun quiz:  Record your results.


        3.  It has been said that you could study our Constitution for a lifetime and still never understand it all.  With the help of the Interactive Constitution, studying it gets a little easier:   Look at the Preamble, one of the first three articles, and at least two amendments.  Write a brief summary of what you learned and a review about your thoughts of the Interactive Constitution.




Part 2:


  1. Go back to your Founding Fathers quiz.  Do some research your Founding Father and create a poster using Word, PowerPoint or Publisher.  Include the Founding Father’s name, photograph, his contributions to the Constitution and three other facts.  Be creative and neat this will count as a grade!

