Hello! Welcome to Mrs. Decker's Webpage

Grade 8a Sylllabus

                                                                                              Course Description

* length of course > one year

* Classes per week > 5

* Materials> Classroom noves, Accelerated Novels, Daily Journals, Literary Skills Supplements, Laptops, ipads

> Daily Journal Writing

> 1. 5 days for building upon literary skills

> 2 day per week in classroom novel

> Classroom  Discussion

> Accelerated Reading

> Research paper

> Weekly quiz


Point Value system is used. every quiz, test, journal writing, and homework assignment has a point value. Points are also given daily for class participation and preparation. Accelerated Reading accounts for approximately 20% of your grade.

Please be aware that Accelerated Reading points are not calculated in your grade until the end of the nine week grading period. You are required to accumulate 15 Accelerated Reading Points
