Hello! Welcome to Mrs. Decker's Webpage

Classroom Expectations

 Be on time and Prepared > You are to enter the room and begin bell work immediately. If there is no bell work, go to your seat and prepare yourself for class ( Do you have your pencils, novels, homework, positive attitude?)

 Be responsible > If you miss a class, it is YOUR responsibilty to come to me for your assignment, complete it and turn it in.

 Respect > We will show proper respect each other, his/ her opnions and comment  

 Respect for school property >You are expected to handle all classroom technology and novels with care

 Restroom > You are expected to use the restroom between classes. If you need to use the restroom, you must receive a signed pass as well as sig out and in to the classroom.

 No Food or Drinks > You are not permitted to have drinks or food in class. Gum is permitted but please keep in mind that this is a privelege. If you   abuse this privelege it will be taken away. 

 No Electronic Devices are permitted

The bell does NOT dismiss you; you are expected to stay in your seat until your teacher dismisses you
