Laughing  Mrs. Michael's Second Grade Classroom  Laughing

Parent Resources

Here is a list of links to Parent Resource websites and other links that connect to our classroom:

Scholastic Book Orders:  Please consider purchasing books for your child using this inexpensive website!  You can order the books online using your credit card and they will be sent to our classroom for your child.  Plus, I collect Bonus Points for every order to purchase even more items for our classroom use!  Please let me know if you purchase books that will be used as a gift and I can hold them aside secretly for you!  Our class code to use for your online purchase is: GLD8Y.


Remind101:  This is a wonderful new free smartphone app that allows me to send text messages to your cell phone to remind you about special events and happenings in our classroom.  You can access our class by signing up for the app and connecting to our classroom using the #717-312-4995 and using our class code: @4685a.  I will be using this app frequently to remind you about weekly things like sneakers for gym and books for library return.  I will also use it to remind you about school events such as Picture Day and Book Fair.  Please make sure that your phone plan will be able to accept 1-2 texts per week from me without adding lots of extra charges to your bill!   
