Mr. Burt ~ Physics & Engineering


Capstone Proposal Description.pdf 


No Bike Rack
Tabletops in ceramics studio hard to keep clean
Water dispenser for football team is broken
Screen printing drying rack is shoddy
Doors in stairwells are always closed
Sidewalk in entryway slippery/chipping
Classrooms are hot in summer months
Classroom temperature control is inconsistent
Student chairs are noisy and easily breakable
Altar for school mass needs to be carried
wasteful and excessive restroom flushing
Some lockers are too small
Urinals lack privacy
Computer lab wires are cumbersome (safety)
Chargers for laptop storage is messy
Wires on dream lab tables fall through table
Water temperatures in showers fluctuate
Green beans are cooked inconsistently
Limited student parking
Gym floor gets dusty/hairy
Table organization in library is limited
Weight room layout is uncomfortable/unsafe

