World Literature


Mrs. Jones

Course Syllabus 2008-2009


Literature: creation myths, The Bible, The Iliad, poetry selections, Night, Don Quixote, I000 and One Nights, Taming of the Shrew,  and The Inferno

Synopsis of class:

This class focuses on some of the major pieces of literature created throughout the world. As a group, you will read and study various genres including myths, poems, short stories, novels, and plays. While reading different selections from these genres, you will also be engaged in activities that require in-depth writing and analyzing of the text. Through our study of classic literature we will be traveling around the world as well as through various time periods. As we take these journeys through literature and history, students will perform close readings and focus on reoccurring themes and archetypes. The class will have a strong writing and speaking components to it. There will be several forms of writing and speaking that take place on a regular basis including both formal and informal. There will be three major writing assignments that will be completed during the year including a research paper. Along with the various writing coursework, there will be many assignments in class that will help foster proper speaking skills including: group presentations, dramatic skits, and in class discussions. Students’ grades will be based upon several assignments such as papers, tests, projects, homework, journals, and quizzes.  

Grading Procedure:

  1. Grade will be determined by a point system
  2. Your final grade will be determined by a total of eight main sections:

                                                               i.      Paper

                                                              ii.      Tests

                                                            iii.      Homework

                                                            iv.      Quizzes

                                                              v.      Projects

                                                            vi.      Writing Assignments

                                                           vii.      Participation

                                                         viii.      In class Assignments

  1. The amounts of points vary per quarter.
  2. Students will have the opportunity to rewrite papers with grades below a seventy.


Students will successfully analyze and interpret classical pieces of literature.

Students will complete several analytical essays interpreting and supporting their thoughts with the literature.

Students will create projects using technology to create a thoughtful research project.   

Students will hold verbal discussions reflecting upon the literature and current event issues.

World Literature

