Advanced World Literature

Advanced World Literature

Advanced Literature Extra Reading Requirements 09-10

Quarter One

- Reading of A Separate Peace by John Knowles

- Questions and journals due for Friday discussions

- Creation of theme project and correlating paper


Quarter Two

-Reading of Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

-Weekly discussion and handouts due for Friday

-Compare/ Contrast paper in regards to A Separate Peace and Kite Runner


Quarter Three

-Reading of the Odyssey by Homer                                            

- Group discussion activities

-Journey personal narrative paper


Quarter Four                                                                              

 - Short Story or poetry collection

-Analysis of stories or poems

- Dramatic presentation of story or poem

NOTE:  We try to have our novel discussions each and every Friday; however, due to schedule and weather intrusions sometimes we lose out on class time. You will be responsible for having your work done and then turned in the following Monday. On Fridays, I expect each student to have read their assignment and be prepared to discuss the reading. I build my Fridays around your discussions. If you do not discuss then I am forced to provide you with quizzes to asses your understanding. 
