Mrs. McCarty


Mexico Webquest

History of Mexico Webquest


                     You will be working with a partner to complete the following tasks.  Using your textbook, notes, and the internet you will search to find the answers.  Some internet sites have been given, while you will need to use a search engine to find others.


The Olmecs


1.  The Olmecs may have been the first people to use writing.  Check out the National Geographic article about a sample of the writing that was found.  What did some of the symbols look like?  Try your hand at drawing and copy two of the symbols onto your worksheet.

       Olmec Writing: National Geographic Kids


2.  Read a little bit more about the Olemc’s from the websites below.  On your paper write two important facts to remember about these amazing people.

       Kid’s Past:

      Discover Mexico:


3.  You might have noticed, or even written about the amazing Olmec heads.  Look at the drawings of the heads from the following website and pick one of your favorites.  Draw it on your paper and write a fact about it (this can be found when your click on the picture).

       Olmec heads:




Mesoamerica Ballgame


4.  The first team sport in history was played over 3,500 years ago in Mesoamerica.  Go to the website below and learn more about this “Game of Life and Death.”  Answer the questions below and then play the game yourself and see if you can win.

       Ballgame -


 4a. Click on “Explore World,” explore the map of Mesoamerica by clicking on the different names or moving the icon on the timeline.  Click on “Olmecs,” click on culture, and find out what Olmec means in the Aztec language.  Write it on your paper.  Next, click through the other information on the Olmecs.  Write a new fact you learned about them.


4b. Write down the names of two more cultures of Mesoamerica besides the Olmecs.  Click on their information, explore their culture, artwork, sites, and relation to the ballgame.  Write down two facts for each of the cultures you chose.


4c. Now, at the top of the website click on “Explore the Ball Game.”  Click on “The Ball.”  Explore this section.  What native plant was used to make the ball?  What was added to the ball to make it bounce?


4d. Now, click on “the uniform” to learn more about what the ballplayers wore.  Help get the player dressed for a game.  Write the most interesting fact you learned from this section. 


4e. Now, click on “the court” to learn more about where the game was played.  Explore this section for a few minutes and again write the most interesting fact you learned. 


4f. Now, click on “the game” to learn more about the game.  Explore this section for a few minutes.  Answer this question:  What are some similarities between the ancient ball game and our modern athletic events?


4g. Now, at the top of the website click on “Experience the Ball Game.”  Click on “Play the Game.”  Play the game and record who you do on your worksheet.  You may also watch a game if you wish. 




The Mayans


5.  What modern day countries were once part of the Mayan empire?  Look at map on the link to find the answer.


6.  One of the most famous websites of the Mayans is the new world wonder:  Chichen Itza.  The website listed below contains a wealth of information on this site.  Take a few minutes to explore the history, Mayan mythology, map, and alignments.


6a. What was the purpose of Chichen Itza? (Found under history)


6b. What is the central pyramid of Chichen Itza called?  (found under mythology)


6c. Every year many visitors come to see “The Snake.”  What is the snake and when does it appear.  (found under alignment: about & El Castillo).


6d. What do we think El Caracol was used as?  (found under alignment: El Caracol)


The Aztecs


7.  Watch the video: History Channel: Aztecs, What things did the Aztecs have that the Spanish did not have?  What did the Spanish have that the Aztecs did not have?  Who were the Aztecs?


8.  Do you like chocolate?  Watch the video and find out more about the history of chocolate: Modern Marvels: History of Chocolate. How did the Spanish learn about chocolate?


Use the website below to learn more about the Aztecs and answer the following questions 9-12.


9.  Where and when did they live?


10.  How did they adapt to their environment?


11. What were their homes like?


12. What was their religion like?



Hernán Cortés


13.  Read the article to learn about the conquistador Hernán Cortés.   Why was he, at first, welcomed by the Aztecs?


14.  What city was built by the Spanish over the ruins of Tenochtitlán? 


15. After becoming Captain General and returning to Mexico, what did he explore to find?  What did he end up naming instead?




Benito Juarez & Porfirio Diaz


16.  Two famous leaders in Mexican history were Benito Juarez and Porfirio Diaz.  Choose one of these leaders.  Use your textbook, do a web search or use the websites listed below to write a brief summary of why they were important in Mexican history.




Mexican Revolution


17.  Why did the Mexican Revolution begin?


18.  The Revolution is said to lasted over two decades.  What is seen as the official end of the Revolution, even if fighting continued after this?



Mexico Today


19.  Need a vacation?  Look at some modern day tourist sites for Mexico.  Find a destination that interests you and write three things you could do if you went there for vacation.

       Visit Mexico -





Mini-Museum Activity


Once you have finished your webquest choose one of the ancient cultures of Mexico (Aztecs / Mayans/ Olmecs).  Research that culture.  You may use the websites I have here, or do a web search yourself. 


Go to PowerPoint, Word or Publisher.  Create a Poster using a collage of pictures and facts about that culture.  You should have at least three pictures and three facts.  The facts should be complete sentences.  Don’t forget to add a title!


This will count as extra credit if you turn it in by Wednesday of next week!



