Mrs. Bishel: French and Science 7

French II

Bienvenue à Français II! 

We are continuing our study of the French language, increasing our vocabulary to be able to express our likes and dislikes.  You'll be able to talk (and write) about what you plan on doing in the future, as well as learning how to describe what you've done in the past.  Our cultural studies will take us all around France itself, including Paris and Provence, as well as visiting Côte d’Ivoire.

This year we will enjoy the food culture of France, culminating in our French Dinner - yum!

Nous allons passer une très bonne année en Français II!

Mme Bishel

Please remember, participation is a weekly grade. The rubric for our Interpersonal Communication is here: Interpersonal Communication Rubric.docx


To see the lesson plans for each week, please click here: French 2 Lesson Plans

NOTE: These lesson plans are subject to change.


8-24 to 8-26-22: La Rentrée


Our first week+ back, we will focus on our listening skills and work on a quick review packet!

