Mr. Bienkowski's Classroom

Lesson Plans

7th grade History/Geography

Tuesday August 22nd:  Introduce classroom expectations and begin with 5 concepts of Social Studies 

Wednesday August 23rd:  2/7pds work to complete concepts and introduce vocabulary and 4square vocabulary.  3pd finish concepts of SS.

Thursday August 24th:  2/7pds continue to finish 4square and vocabulary notebooks.  3pd introduce vocabulary practice.

Friday August 25th:  2/7pds as a class review vocabulary and introduce PA theme maps with concepts of Social Studies.  3pd continue working to complete vocabulary 4square and notebooks.

Monday August 28th:  2/7pds together we completed the Government concept and the students were set free to complete a second concept of their choice.  We then reviewed those and moved onto a third map concept.  3pd finished vocabulary and 4square.

Tuesday August 29th:  2/7pds continued together to finish PA maps in preparation for 3rd person writing.  3pd reviewed vocabulary and introduced concepts application with PA maps.

Wednesday August 30th:  2/7pds based on details from PA maps students are going to begin work on trip stories through PA.  3pd begin outline detailing the 5 concepts of SS in PA.

Thursday August 31st:  2/7pds class time to finish PA 3rd person Point of View stories detailing the 5 concepts of SS.  3pd together finish outlines and begin writing stories.

Friday September 1st:  2/7pds vocabulary notebooks due.  Also, vocabulary sentence quiz and finish writing PA stories.  3pd continue together with introduction paragraph and first body paragraph.  Students continue on body paragraphs individually.

Tuesday September 5th:  2/7pds Introduce Latitude and Longitude vocabulary and begin steps to find Latitude.  3pd finish body paragraphs and go through setting up conclusion paragraphs.

Wednesday September 6th:  2/7pds finish Latitude steps and diagram and introduce Longitude steps with diagram.  Begin practice problems.  3pd finish PA trip story and complete Ch.1 vocabulary.

Thursday September 7th:  2/7pds practice Lat and Long problems using both styles of giving coordinates and giving locations.  3pd vocabulary notebooks and sentence quiz.  Introduce Latitude and Longitude concepts.

Friday September 8th:  2/7pds Latitude and Longitude quiz.  3pd contined with steps for finding Lat and Long

Monday September 11th:  2/7pds introduce culture topics and begin vocabulary pertaining to both our culture and an outside culture.  3pd practice Lat/Long problems.

Tuesday September 12th:  2/7pds work on more vocabulary pertaining to culture and outside cultures.  Introduce culture speech set up and noting the traits that will be a part of it.  3pd practice Latitude and Longitude problems.

Wednesday September 13th:  2/7pds work to finish traits of culture notes and back and forth speech writing.  Time permitting, we'll finish vocabulary.  3pd Latitude and Longitude quiz

Thursday September 14th:  2/7 finish traits of culture notes and back and forth speech writing.  Time permitting, we'll finish vocabulary.  3pd finish/edit Latitude and Longitude quiz

Friday September 15th:  2/7pds finish second half of Culture speech content and work on greeting and ending.  3pd begin vocabulary dealing with culture (Ch.3)

Monday September 18th:  2/7pds first half finalize speech and 2nd half introduce population impact on culture.  3pd finish vocabulary and introduce basic traits for upcoming speech.

Tuesday September 19th:  2/7pds begin Culture trait speeches.  3pd continue introducing the various traits and begin preparing speech information

Wednesday September 20th:  Current Events article and ELA style questions

Thursday September 21st:  2/7pds continue performing culture speeches.  3pd finish up 8 traits paragraphs and begin choosing components for speeches.

Friday September 22nd:  2/7pds continue performing culture speeches. 3pd chose componets for speeches and finalized preparations for Monday's speeches.

Monday September 25th:  2/7pds finish speeches and vocabulary dealing with culture.  3pd begin speeches

Tuesday September 26th:  2/7pds introduce population patterns vocabulary with application sentences.  3pd continued speeches

Wednesday September 27th:  2/7pds begin calculating population denisty statistics from various locations around the world.  3pd begin vocabulary with sentence application.

Thursday September 28th:  2/7pds finish population calculations with mean, median, and mode and begin graph construction.  3pd begin calculating population density with statistics.

Friday September 29th:  2/7pds finish graph construction with bar graphs detailing all of the population stats.  3pd continue calculating population stats.

Monday October 2nd:  2/7pds using bar graphs begin working on answering questions by showing work.  3pd continue with population graphs.

Tuesday October 3rd:  2/7pds continue working on questions and essay from bar graphs.  3pd break away from population information and work on current events article.

Wednesday October 4th:  2/7pds finish questions and essay and turn in.  3pd begin graph construction for upcoming questions.

Thursday October 5th:  2/7pds begin work on resources in culture, both renewable and nonrenewable with vocabulary application.  3pd finish graphs and begin work on questions.

Friday October 6th:  2/7pds begin economic system with resources project.  Student groups must utilize both renewable and nonrenewable resources to invent a product and market it with an assigned economic system.  3pd finish population questions.

Tuesday October 10th:  2/7pds final in-class day to work on economic system project.  3pd used some time to finish population essay and introduce resources vocabulary.

Wednesday October 11th:  2/7pds present economic systems assignments and complete resources wksht showing either renewable or nonrenewable.  3pd continue introducing vocabulary with examples of student lives.

Thursday October 12th:  2/7pds finish resources wksht and introduce technology vocabulary.  3pd begin with renewable and nonrenewable resource writing pertaining to own lives.

Friday October 13th:  2/7pds t chart detailing students' rights and responsiblities with technology and own lives.  3pd continue writing piece dealing with resources.

Monday October 16th:  2/7pds together read and outline changes and improvements in both transportation and communication technologies.  Begin work on Ch.3 study guide for upcoming test.  3pd students work on resources wksht.

Tuesday October 17th:  2/7pds finish work on study guide, review as a class.  3pd continue with technology rights/responsibilities tchart.

Wednesday October 18th:  2/7pds Ch.3 test and vocabulary notebooks.  3pd read and note changes and improvements in technologies.

Thursday October 19th:  2/7pds finish Ch.3 test and introduce Ch.4 USA with vocabulary and edHelper.  3pd work on study guide for tomorrow's test.

Friday October 20th:  2/7pds review completed test and continue with USA introduction using book and packet with regions.  3pd Ch.3 test

Monday October 23rd:  2/7pds introduce RAP-ON reading where students are to label their papers based on the pages and paragraphs number pertaining to US regions.  Students Read Analyze Paraphrase the text reading.  3pd day 2 of Ch.3 test.

Tuesday October 24th:  2/7pds finish RAP with the text.  3pd Introduce Ch.4 vocabulary and begin introducing RAP-ON reading and writing.

Wednesday October 25th:  2/7pds introduce labeling of US states to shade with regions of the US.  Begin edHelper reading and questions.  3pd continue with RAP reading.

Thursday October 26th:  2/7pds finished shading and identifying regions of the US and finished answering questions from passage.  3pd finished RAP reading of US Geography section.

Friday October 27th:  2/7pds introduce Economic regions of US based on Geography regions.  Complete vocabulary and time permitting begin work on regions song/poem.  3pd introduce edHelper passage and questions.

Monday October 30th:  2/7pds practice map items list and label for US map test.  3pd finish answering questions from the passage and postal code abbreviations for US states.

Tuesday October 31st:  2/7pds complete US economic vocablary and application.  Continue with US Econ regions notes.  3pd based on regions passage students shade the map into 4 colors of 4 regions; Northeast, Midwest, South, and West.

Wednesday November 1st: 2/7pds Finish US Econ regions reading and notes comparing Physical regions with Econ regions.  3pd start and finish US Econ vocabuary with US application.

Thursday November 2nd:  2/7pds begin song/poem writing detailing student choice of US regions.  Students must incorporate details about chosen region in their song or poem.  3pd begin detailing US Econ regions and comparing the impact of physical regions.

Friday November 3rd:  2/7pds Sheppard Software to review the eastern half of the US for upcoming map test.  Finished song/poem detailing one of the four US regions.  3pd part I map items for practice map.

Monday November 6th:  2/7pds practice map test and finish up song/poem presentations for US regions.  3pd continue work on Econ regions of US and begin annotated maps showing what each region does economically in the US.

Tuesday November 7th:  2/7pds song/poem presentation and Sheppard Software review for US map test.  3pd finish Econ regions and annotated maps detailing with the US for future writing assignment.

Wednesday November 8th:  2/7pds Begin US map test.  3pd review for Part I map test and finish annotated maps for tomorrow's writing piece.

Thursday November 9th:  2/7pds finish US map test and time permitting introduce annotating maps.  3pd part I US map test and begin writing assignment.

Friday November 10th:  No school   Parent / Teacher conferences

Monday November 13th:  2/7pds mark up maps with economic activities from out notes to complete writing piece.  3pd part II US map test items and begin writing piece with time permitting.

Tuesday November 14th:  2/7pds begin writing 3rd person POV story about US Econ regions.  3pd begin writing piece of US regions.

Wednesday November 15th:  All classes write their 3rd person stories detailing the US Econ regions.

Thursday November 16th:  2/7pds begin US Hist and Govt vocabuary with US examples.  3pd US map test part II practice test and continue writing stories.

Friday November 17th:  2/7pds review US Hist and Govt vocabulary and introduce timeline exercise.  3pd finish US Econ regions story and practice test.

Monday November 20th:  2/7pds continue working to complete annotated timeline detailing US Hist and Govt and expansion.  3pd part II US map test and begin work on practice map for part III US map test.

Tuesday November 21st:  2/7pds Finish timeline and review together as a class.  Introduce note taking pertaining to 3 branches of US Govt.  3pd finish part III practice map items and finish Ch.4-Sec.3 vocabulary.

Wednesday November 22nd:  2/7pds introduce TAG Text Anticipation Guide pertaining to US Govt.  3pd introduce sequential order timeline assignment.

Tuesday November 28th:  2/7pds work to complete TAG pertaining to sec.3 providing evidence to support text answers.  3pd practice US map test part III and introduce Text Anticipation Guide.

Wednesday November 29th:  2/7pds work to finish study guide, review as a class for upcoming test.  3pd part III US map test and continue with US TAG

Thursday November 30th:  2/7pds Ch.4 test and vocabulary notebooks.  3pd work to complete TAG and time permitting introduce study guides.

Friday December 1st:  2/7pds go over test and compare with study guide.  3pd finish US TAG due at the end of the period.

Monday December 4th:  2/7pds finish map items for Canada and introduce new vocabulary.  3pd begin work on study guide for Wednesday's test.

Tuesday December 5th:  2/7pds finish vocabulary and introduce RAP ON reading with economic regions of Canada.  3pd finish study guide and review for Wed. test.

Wednesday December 6th:  2/7pds finish the Econ regions RAP reading and then begin Geography and how both concepts are impacted by one another.  3pd Ch.4 test and vocabulary notebook

Thursday December 7th:  2/7pds we started together to complete Geog of Canada and students finished on their own.  RAP due Friday.  3pd begin Ch.5 vocabulary.

Friday December 8th:  2/7pds practice Canada map and begin writing assignment comparing and contrasting US/Can Geog and Econ.  3pd finish vocabulary and introduce edHelper reading passage.

Monday December 11th:  2/7pds work to complete compare/contrast essay begin Sec.2 vocabulary.  3pd begin work on edHelper reading to identify main idea and supporting details.

Tuesday December 12th:  2/7pds Canada map tests followed by finish essays and vocabulary.  3pd working to complete ideas and details and begin answering passage questions.

Wednesday December 13th:  2/7pds introduce PSSA question passage pertaining to main idea and details.  We did an example together followed by students completing one on their own.  Introduce QAR questioning examples.  3pd began work on passage questions with paragraph and sentence numbers to support their answer.

Thursday December 14th:  2/7pds as a class we went through each type of QAR answering each one using a supplemental text passage.  Then, students set up their RAP papers to read and note sec.2 of Ch.5 with example QAR questions.  3pd context clues using terms from packet.

Friday December 15th:  2/7pds complete both RAP and QAR questioning.  3pd Canada map test and continue with writing piece pertaining to Canada.

Monday December 18th:  2/7pds as a class we'll go through students' main ideas/supporting details and QAR questioning.  Time permitting, we'll begin CLOZE reading using key words and phrases.  3pd finish edHelper information and begin into Canadian culture.

Tuesday December 19th:  2/7pds together we worked to finish Cloze reading.  3pd begin and finish vocabulary and writing prompt pertaining to Canada.

Wednesday December 20th:  All classes Family History project requirements with questions

Thursday December 21st:  2/7pds Ch.5 test and vocabulary notebook

Friday December 22nd:  Read and answer question pertaining to Current Event article

Tuesday January 2nd:  Introduce Ch.6 vocabulary with content/personal examples to show application

Wednesday January 3rd:  Begin work with Ch.6 information with graphic organizer, either spider diagram or outline format.  Students will use pre-write to help them write their short stories.  1 of 5 concepts of Social Studies should be complete.

Thursday January 4th:  Continue with graphic organizers based on regions of Mexico and concepts of Social Studies

Monday January 8th:  Begin application of vocabulary using Google Earth for short story and finish vocabulary.

Tuesday January 9th:  Students will use ALL of their classroom resources; RAPs, outlines or graphic organizers, vocabulary, and US regions notes to develop ELA standards of plot, setting, and characters.

Wednesday January 10th:  2/7pds as a class we'll go over the rubric and explain the requirements of the short story.  Students will begin their story, time permitting.  3pd begin work on Mexican vocabulary paper-slides.

Thursday January 11th:  2/7pds Continue with short stories.  3pd continue with vocabulary paper-slides.

Friday January 12th:  2/7pds last full work day for Short Story.  Students who finish begin proofread and begin checklist of rubric requirements.  3pd finish paper-slides and introduce reading questions.

Monday January 15th:  No School   Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday

Tuesday January 16th:  Family History projects returned and 2/7pds last work day for short stories. 3pd finish sec.2 vocabulary and introduce reading exercise.

Wednesday January 17th:  2/7pds based on completed short story students will complete story checklist of all rubric items and complete QAR with their stories.  3pd continue with reading and identifying text and main ideas and details.

Thursday January 18th:  2/7pds completed Title page for short stories and handed them in.  Next, began work on Latin America maps.  3pd continued work on reading and identifying text and main ideas.

Friday January 19th:  Finish Latin America maps and introduce reading exercise with Mexico.  3pd move on to Cloze reading with identifying key words.

Monday January 22nd:  Complete reading questions pertaining to Mexico.  Time permitting complete 3-2-1 reading pertaining to Mexico.

Tuesday January 23rd:  2/7pds introduce comic/cartoon illustration showing ancient contributions and how we've adapted them to today.  3pd finish Cloze reading questions.

Wednesday January 24th: All classes set up Google Classroom accounts.  Time permitting,  2/7pds continue working on illustration detailing ancient contributions.  3pd Latin America map items

Thursday January 25th:  2/7pds final time to work on comic or cartoons.  3pd finished Latin America map

Friday January 26th:  2/7pds Latin America map test.  3pd together work through Mexico content with short answers explaining responses.

Monday January 29th:  2/7pds introduce Central America with before reading TAG.  Students complete #2-#6.  3pd from vocabulary students create short story showing plot, and setting.

Tuesday January 30th:  2/7pds as a class we reviewed 2-6 and went though correct and why.  Students then began work on finishing 7-12 utilizing key words.  3pd last day to complete short story.

Wednesday January 31st:  2/7pds finish TAG and work to complete Central America vocabulary.  3pd introduce reading and note taking key points for CA countries and concepts of Social Studies

Thursday February 1st:  2/7pds finished C Amer vocabulary and watch brief Panama Canal videos and island formations.  3pd Latin America map test.

Friday February 2nd:  2/7pds begin Caribbean Island nation study with 5 concepts of SS detailed virtual trip.  3pd finish outline of C Amer nations pertaining to concepts.

Monday February 5th:  2/7pds in the computer lab working on Caribbean Island virtual visit.  3pd together review outline and begin compare and contrast essay dealing with C Amer.

Tuesday February 6th:  2/7pds Virtual Caribbean Islands visit.  3pd finish compare/contrast essay.

Wednesday February 7th:  No school Snow Day

Thursday February 8th:  2/7pds Last work day for virtual vistit to the Caribbean Islands.  3pd Central America TAG with reading and providing text evidence.

Monday February 12th:  2/7pds begin Ch.7 Essay test with pre-write and at the conclusion of it begin work on essay #1.  3pd introduce Virtual trip to a Caribbean nation assignment via Google Classroom.

Tuesday February 13th:  2/7pds finish essay #1 and begin pre-write for essay #2.  3pd Continue work on Caribbean nation trip.

Wednesday February 14th:  2/7pds begin and finish essay #2 and turn in essay test.  3pd Continue work on trip.

Thursday February 15th:  2/7pds introduce South America map items.  3pd last class day to work on trip.

Friday February 16th:  2/7 pds introduce Brazil vocabulary and Sheppard Software review of S. Amer map  3pd last work day for Caribbean nation assignment

Monday February 19th: 2/7pds Brazil PSSA-style packet reading questions.  3pd begin work on Ch.7 short answer test.

Tuesday February 20th:  2/7pds practice S Amer map test and continue together working with PSSA packet reading questions.  3pd Continue with short answer reading questions.

Wednesday February 21st:  2/7pds continue moving through PSSA-packet as a class identifying ideas and details.  3pd last day for short answer test questions.

Thursday February 22nd:  2/7pds finish PSSA packet identifying details and begin work on writing prompt relating to Brazil.  3pd introduce vocabulary pertaining to Brazil.

Friday February 23rd:  2/7pds continue work to finish writing prompt.  3pd edHelper reading comprehension questions.

Monday February 26th:  2/7pds edHelper reading comprehsion with compare and contrast to the US.  3pd continue with PSSA packet questions and ideas and details

Tuesday February 27th:  2/7pds finish Brazil History edHelper and correct questions.  3pd continue with PSSA packet questions.

Wednesday February 28th:  2/7pds work on Brazil Culture and Traditions reading passage with questions.  Introduce Historical Fiction concepts.  3pd finish PSSA packet and writing prompt response

Thursday March 1st:  Continue with notes pertaining to Historical Fiction.  Begin outline of how students will use each component in their HF story.  3pd Begin edHelper reading and questions on Brazil's History.

Friday March 2nd:  No 2nd pd (2 hr delay)  7pd reviewed Geography using Sheppard Software.  3pd Finish edHelper packet with History and Culture.

Monday March 5th:  2/7pds finish checklist pre-write for Historical Fiction story about Brazil.  Begin writing story.  3pd finish edHelper packet and begin Critically Thinking questions.

Tuesday March 6th:  2/7pds last class day to work on Historical Fiction story.  3pd introduce Historical Fiction with chosen topic and begin checklist

Wednesday March 7th:  2/7pds Historical Fiction stories due and begin writing surrounding S Amer nations vocabulary and introduce key concepts questions for surrounding nations.  3pd Continuing to write Historical Fiction stories.

Thursday March 8th:  2/7pds work to finish key concepts questions and begin work on Historical Fiction story that comes with questions.  3pd begin work on key concepts questions.

Friday March 9th:  2/7pds finish reading story for the Masked Women of Kabul story.  3pd finish questions.

Monday March 12th:  2/7pds answer the PSSA-style questions that go with the story.  3pd introduce the Masked Women of Kabul story.

Tuesday March 13th:  2/7pds work to complete study guide for upcoming test and go over it.  3pd begin answering questions pertaining to the story.

Wednesday March 14th:  2/7pds Ch.8 test and vocabulary notebook.  3pd finish story questions and begin work on S. Amer study guide

Thursday March 15th:  2/7pds begin work on Ancient Roman history and culture.  Students work to complete analogies with researched explanations.  3pd Work to complete study guide for upcoming test.

Friday March 16th:  2/7pds continue working on completing analogies.  3pd Ch.8 test and notebook

Monday March 19th:  2/7pds continue with Ancient Roman analogies.  3pd introduce analogy assignment.

Tuesday March 20th:  2/7pds finish analogies.  3pd continue work on analogies.

Wednesday March 21st:  2/7pds introduce Ancient Rome research with images and videos significant to the past.  3pd finish analogy assignment and introduce collage requirements.

Thursday March 22nd:  2/7pds continue work on research and timeline.  3pd continue working on collage.

Friday March 23rd:  All classes finish Ancient Rome assignments.

Monday March 26th:  2/7pds begin work on Ancient Greek analogies.  3pd finish Ancient Roman collage

Tuesday March 27th:  2/7pds continue work on Greek analogies.  3pd begin work on Ancient Greek analogies

Wednesday March 28th:  2pd begin work on Historical Fiction short story using Ancient Greece/Rome work.  3pd work to complete Greek analogies.

Thursday March 29th-Tuesday April 3  No School Easter vacation

Wednesday April 4th:  2/7pds Continue short stories.  3pd complete Greek analogies

Thursday April 5th:  2/7pds Work to complete stories and briefly introduce Google My Maps Europe test assignment.  3pd finish Greek analogies and begin work on stories.

Friday April 6th:  2/7pds work to complete Google My Maps Europe test items.  3pd Continue to finish short stories.

Monday April 9th:  2/7pds continue working with Google My maps.  3pd working to finish short stories to move onto MyMaps.

Tuesday April 10th - Thursday April 12th:  ELA PSSA-testing missing some periods but all classes complete analogies, stories, and my maps.

Friday April 13th:  Introduce Medieval Europe webquest

Monday April 16th:  2/7pds continue working on Medieval Europe.  3pd finalize Europe map items with My Maps

Tuesday April 17th:  PSSA testing.  All classes working to finish Medieval Europe

Wednesday April 18th:  Finish Medieval Europe and practive map test for upcoming Europe map test

Thursday April 19th:  2/7pds Europe map test  3pd continue work with Medieval Europe webquest

Friday April 20th:  2/7pds finish Europe map test and medieval Europe webquest.  Time permitting, introduce collaborative English/Social Studies Europe project.  3pd last work day to finish up.

Monday April 23rd:  2/7pds introduce Coat of Arms relating to Medieval Europe.  3pd turn in stories and webquests

Tuesday April 24th:  2/7 pds continue working on Coat of Arms.  3pd last day on webquest

Wednesday April 25th:  2/7pds Introduce script piece for Paper slides that goes with the Coat of Arms assignment.  3pd begin work on introducing The Renaissance with edHelper.

Thursday April 26th:  2/7pds Finish Coat of Arms and script for Paper slides.  3pd continue with edHelper and The Renaissance questions

Friday April 27th:  2/7pds turn in Coat of Arms and script.  Finish webquests and edHelper Renaissance.  3pd finish Renaissance questions and webquests

Monday April 30th - Wednesday May 2nd:  All 7th grade classes begin English/Social Studies Collaborative Europe research project.  CHOMP notes in the library

Thursday May 3rd - Upon completion:  Work collaboratively in the classroom to produce final product.

Friday May 4th-Friday May 11th:  Work time in preparation for final presentation

Monday May 14th:  Based on finished Google Sites, students generate a script to use for their presentation

Tuesday May 15th - Thursday May 17th:  Collaborative presentations begin and also begin final vocabulary and map tests

Friday May 18th:  Awards Day / Fun Day

USPA History

Tuesday August 22nd:  Introduce classroom expectations and begin pretest dealing with race relations and the Civil War.  Introduce Reconstruction and vocabulary template.

Wednesday August 23rd:  Read and detail list of Freedmen's wants post 13th amendment.  From the list develop a speech rallying other freed slaves.

Thursday August 24th:  Together note the Reconstruction plans of the end of Civil War, together Presidential and solo Congressional.  Reinforce with video "Hugs and Slugs" of Reconstruction.

Friday August 25th:  Finish Hugs and Slugs video clip and begin dialogue with one plan against the other. Students should see both perspectives

Monday August 28th:  Finish Pres and Cong dialogue pertaiing to the Reconstruction plans.  Introduce vocabulary pertaining to plans.

Tuesday August 29th:  Work to finish vocabulary and review as a class.  Introduce Pres Johnson's impeachment context with emphasis on what impeachment really is

Wednesday August 30th:  As a class work through with notes the various reasons why the House of Reps voted to impeach Pres Johnson and why the Senate voted to acquit him.  Begin Reconstruction in the South reading guide.

Thursday August 31st:  finish reading guides for Reconstruction in the South and go over as a class.  Move to introduce sharecropping and the feelings AA had with it.  Begin protest signs.

Friday September 1st:  Sharecropping explanation and comparison to slavery.  Protest signs detailing sharecropping.

Tuesday September 5th:  Finish and present protest signs.  Students must have detailed explanations on the back.

Wednesday September 6th:  Protest signs are due and introduce Segregation and Plessey vs Ferguson case

Thursday September 7th:  Based on reading pages topics, students outlined the highlights of Af Amer rights.

Friday September 8th:  Ch.13 test

Monday September 11th:  Introduce US Government and Native American relations vocabulary.  Students define and create era-specific sentences.

Tuesday September 12th:  Finished vocabulary with sentences and introduced US Govt/Native Am major sources of conflict for upcoming Peace Treaties.

Wednesday September 13th:  In partners, students will use the list of conflicts to make "realistic' peace treaties.

Thursday September 14th:  Peace treaties are due.  As a class, we'll continue with notes outline detailing Natives and Whites relationship

Friday September 15th:  Begin notes dealing with Reservations and Indian Affairs as well as brief writing comparing and contrasting Modern-day event(s) with disagreements between groups.

Monday September 18th:  Introduce 2nd Industrial Revolution notes guide pertaining to steel, oil, transportation, and communication

Tuesday September 19th:  Continue with Transportation and Communication impacts of the new Revolution.  Begin significant individuals.

Wednesday September 20th:  Watch episode 1 of The Men Who Built America "A New War Begins"

Thursday September 21st:  As a class, review video components with class content.  Introduce 3 transportation innovations and into conversation

Friday September 22nd:  Transportation innovation conversations

Monday September 25th:  Transportation innovation conversations performed and then begin work on communication writing.

Tuesday September 26th:  Finish conversations and introduce communication writing.

Wednesday September 27th:  Thomas Edison article and extended writing detailing the inventions of the time period.

Thursday September 28th:  Episode Two of The Men Who Built America "Oil Strike" with guided questions and vocabulary.

Friday September 29th:  Finish episode and current events.  Finish Thomas Edison obituary 

Monday October 2nd:  Edison obituaries due.  Journal writing dealing with capitalism.  Introduce new materials and inventions that changed America.

Tuesday October 3rd:  Battle at Wounded Knee primary source reading with questions pertaining to American Indian and US governement relations.

Wednesday October 4th:  Begin study of various men and their inventions/innovations and how different ones impact others. 

Thursday October 5th:  From differences, students begin comic strips detailing how and why one helped or hurt the other.  Cause and Effect

Friday October 6th:  Students last class time to complete comic strips.  Begin capitalism vocabulary

Tuesday October 10th:  Present comic strips and complete terms pertainignt to capitalism.

Wednesday October 11th:  Go over terms from yesterday and begin the next episode of The Men Who Built America.

Thursday October 12th:  Finish episode of video and review guided terms and questions.  Introduce Communism and Capitalism from an economic point of view.

Friday October 13th:  Based on student choices, they will write detailing the system of their choice then and now.

Monday October 16th:  System of economy writing detailing then and now.  Introduce types of integration in industry.

Tuesday October 17th:  Provide mass marketing examples then and now involved with types of integration.  Introduce product marketing exercise involving logos and current medium of advertisements.

Wednesday October 18th:  Finish work on business model and present to the class.

Thursday October 19th:  Introduce journal entry of trusts and read/note Labor Unions

Friday October 20th:  Current events and Ch.15 study guide

Monday October 23rd:  Ch.15 test and journal entries due

Tuesday October 24th:  Introduce Ch.16 Immigratoin Struggles with vocabulary.

Wednesday October 25th:  Finish and go over vocabulary.  Introduce immigrant struggles to entering the US with guided class notes.

Thursday October 26th:  As a class review details of immigrant struggles followed by journal entry "on my journey" comparing the struggles of today with the struggles of the late 1800s.  Begin episode 4 of The Men Who Built America with guided questions.

Friday October 27th:  Finish episode 4 and questions and time permitting current event articles.

Monday October 30th:  Finish journal entry writing and review video questions.  Begin note taking pertaining to US helping Immigrants adapt to US.

Tuesday October 31st:  Continue to finish US aiding immigrants.  Begin work on travel brochure showing how immigrants to the US were assisted by locals.

Wednesday November 1st:  Continue work on immigration urban America travel brochures in the computer lab

Thursday November 2nd:  Finish immigration travel brochure and work on email pertaining to the Nativist disagreeement with immigrants to the US

Friday November 3rd:  Current event articles from students.  Everyone work on read and answer Trump's Wall current event article provided by me.

Monday November 6th:  Introduce class system in urban America.  Outline each Rich, Middle Class, and Poor dealing with jobs, homes, and lifestyles, circa 1900.

Tuesday November 7th:  Finish with introductory vocabulary as a class and continuing notetaking outline of Urban class system.

Wednesday November 8th & Thursday November 9th:  In computer lab based on Class system outlines, students produced an online magazine with three articles detailing each of the three main social classes of Urban America, circa 1900.

Friday November 10th:  No School    Parent / Teacher conferences

Monday November 13th:  Current events due.  Introduce urban Daily Life with passage questions pertaining to Entertainment, Sports/Leisure, Education, and Literature.

Tuesday November 14th:  Begin work on vocabulary pertaining to urban Daily Life.

Wednesday November 15th:  Finish reading questions pertaining to daily life topics of Monday's class.

Thursday November 16th:  Review vocabulary and reading passage questions pertaining to Daily Life.  Begin episode, "A New Rival Emerges" of the Men Who Built America.

Friday November 17th:  Finish episode of The Men Who Built America.  Current event articles.  Hand out study guides

Monday November 20th:  Work on study guide for upcoming test and review vocabulary and study guide items.

Tuesday November 21st:  Ch.16 test and journal entry due

Wednesday November 22nd:  Current event articles

Tuesday November 28th:  Review Ch.16 test and introduce Progressive Era vocabulary with information leading up to scene structure.

Wednesday November 29th:  Finish vocabulary and begin work on the background notes of those Progressives trying to change US.

Thursday November 30th:  Modern-day Progressive journal entry and begin vocabulary scene structure.

Friday December 1st:  Current events articles provided by students and as a class Amazon Co current event article.

Monday December 4th:  Introduce Progressive Era webquest pertaining to Conservation, Journalism, Women, and Alcohol.

Tuesday December 5th:  Finish Progressive Era webquest with major topics and questions/answers.  

Wednesday December 6th:  Based on the previous day's students will use modern-day topics to create a webquest.

Thursday December 7th:  Finish modern-day webquest with 4 topics and 3 questions each topic.

Friday December 8th:  Using the sites students will answer questions pertaining to modern-day.

Monday December 11th:  Journal entry / speech on modern-day Progressive topic comparing how society wants to move forward now just like the original movement.

Tuesday December 12th:  Finish hearing journal entry/speech followed by short video clip of Progressive Era and then introduce new vocabulary.

Wednesday December 13th:  Finish vocabulary and begin work on city reforms.  Together we listed them and students will detail them.

Thursday December 14th:  Based on listed City Reform notes, students read to complete Why, What, and How of each of the seven reforms.  From the reforms students selected one and made a protest banner to detail what people were unhappy about.

Friday December 15th:  Work to complete banners from previous day.

Monday December 18th:  As a class go over banners and outline pages 552-557 for tomorrow's test.

Tuesday December 19th:  Ch.18 test and journal entries due

Wednesday and Thursday December 20th and 21st:  Begin mid-term preparation with student-generated questions.

Friday December 22nd:  The Men Who Built America:  Owning it All episode

Tuesday January 2nd:  Last day for Part I questions objective-style from 9 content subtopics for mid term.

Wednesday January 3rd:  Student-generated extended response questions to prepare for part II (essay) of mid-term

Thursday January 4th:  Students will have the opportunity to develop pre-writes for part II extended response questions

Monday January 8th:  Outline pages for upcoming mid term

Tuesday January 9th and Wednesday January 10th:  Mid-term testing parts I and II

Thursday January 11th:  Introduce Square Deal and Teddy Roosevelt's impact on changes to the U.S.

Friday January 12th:  Students review vocabulary and begin work on 5Ws of Square Deal and United Mine Workers' Strike

Monday January 15th:  No School   Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday

Tuesday January 16th:  Square deal vocabulary quiz and review 5 Ws and how of Square Deal and Mine Workers' strike.  Begin watching the epidose of The Men Who Built America relating to T. Roosevelt's impact on big business in the presidency.

Wednesday January 17th:  Finish episode of the video and introduce T. Roosevelt's impact on National Parks and requirements for upcoming research project.

Thursday January 18th and Friday January 19th:  Begin and finish on National Park assignments in the computer lab

Monday January 22nd:  Journal prompt pertaining to T. Roosevelt being a reform president.  Writing assingment detailing a Roosevelt supporter.  Speech should include his thoughts on big business, food and drug, environment, etc

Tuesday January 23rd:  Finish speech supporting at least 3 of Roosevelt's biggest impacts.  Introduce tariffs 

Wednesday January 24th:  Based on Wilson's Tariff reforms, students chose modern-day personal topics to develop a campaign for to reform

Thursday January 25th:  Finish personal reforms based on Wilson's.  

Friday January 26th:  Begin with Google Classroom current events and comments. Introduce Child Labor with Primary Source reading and questions

Monday January 29th:  Students work to complete Child Labor primary source questions.

Tuesday January 30th:  Womens Suffrage questions and reading pertaining to laws and groups working for womens rights.  

Wednesday January 31st:  Based on kep concepts students noted for pages 570-586 for upcoming test

Thursday February 1st:  Ch.19 test and journal entry

Friday February 2nd:  Introduce American Imperialism through Google Classroom

Monday February 5th:  Last research day for Imperialism cooperative assignment.

Tuesday February 6th:  Cooperative groups put together their Google Slides depicting each of the locations affiliated with American Imperialism

Wednesday February 7th:  No school Snow Day

Thursday February 8th:  Groups continuing to put together their research.

Monday February 12th:  Last in class time to put together US Imperialism guide with 4 main questions

Tuesday February 13th:  Groups present their US Imperialism assignment and present 4 questions and the pertinent material.

Wednesday February 14th:  Introduce Causes of WWI with political cartoon assignment.

Thursday February 15th:  Finish causes with cartoons and move into the beginning of WWI with battles.

Friday February 16th:  Google My Maps assignment researching a major battle of WWI

Monday February 19th:  Work on Google My Maps assignment for WWI battle.

Tuesday February 20th:  Last day for Google My Maps battle plans.

Wednesday February 21st:  Introduce US entry into WWI with article and notes/questions

Thursday February 22nd:  Begin work using various links to work through major concepts of WWI.

Friday February 23rd:  using previous day's links to work through sections and concepts of WWI.

Monday February 26th:  Last work day to complete webquest and timeline questions pertaining to WWI.

Tuesday February 27th:  Introduce the ending of WWI with vocabulary and journal prompt pertaining to Germany's reparations from WWI.

Wednesday February 28th:  Review and check vocabulary and introduce Pres Wilson's 14 Points of Peace with student interpretation. 

Thursday March 1st:  Review 14 points and begin reading of pages for upcoming test

Friday March 2nd:  Ch.21 test and journal entry

Monday March 5th:  Finish Ch.21 test

Tuesday March 6th-Friday March 9th:  All Quiet on the Western Front film reiterating points from our WWI studies.

Monday March 12th:  Introduce the Roaring Twenties video requirements with sample video and the begin working with the links of the decade and questions.

Tuesday March 13th:  Continue following the links to answer questions for various topics of the 1920s.

Wednesday March 14t:  Last day on the 1920s webquest.

Thursday March 15th:  Introduce collaborative English/Social Studies research.  Cornell notes

Friday March 16th:  Research assignment

Monday March 19th:  Begin library research aspect with general source and library book source.  Begin work on source evaluation.

Tuesday March 20th:  Continue library research and work to complete source evaluation.

Wednesday March 21st:  Finish cornell notes or note cards with sources.

Thursday March 22nd and Friday March 23rd:  Meet with Mrs Line to conference and begin work on thesis statement and rough draft outline.

Monday March 26th:  Finish up Thesis and Notes outline based on conference.  

Tuesday March 27th and Wednesday March 28th:  Begin work on Rough draft due April 5th.

Thursday March 29th - Tuesday April 3rd:  No School Easter Vacation

Wednesday April 4th:  Finish up Rough draft with works cited page

Thursday April 5th and Friday April 6th:  Begin work on preparing presentation of research paper.  Presentations Monday April 9th.

Monday April 9th - Wednesday April 11th:  Presentations of research papers

Thursday April 12th:  Plan and prepare Roaring 1920s assignment and introduce Great Depression video

Friday April 13th:  Finish America: The Story of US epidose "Bust"

Monday April 16th:  Final draft Research papers due.  Introduce the Great Depression with link to major causes.  Using the link, students generate their own level of importance to those causes.

Tuesday April 17th:  In student groups, begin constructing their choice of either a puzzle, dominos, or a house rating the parts of each as they do the importance of the causes.

Wednesday April 18th:  Continue constructing Great Depression assignment.

Thursday April 19th:  Great Depression construction assignment presentations

Friday April 20th:  Finish Great Depression presentations followed by viewing of Roaring Twenties videos 

Monday April 23rd:  Answer the writing prompt to Roaring 20s and Great Depression.  Read and construct a 1 page essay to article dealing with average Great Depression family.

Tuesday April 24th:  Finish up Great Depression article reading and essay construction.

Wednesday April 25th:  Introduce the New Deal.  Explain the three "Rs" and describe the requirements for each New Deal program and how it impacted our country.

Thursday April 26th:  Working with the New Deal programs and its impact on the US

Friday April 27th:  New Deal programs and the impact

Monday April 30th:  Last workd day on New Deal programs.  Upon completion, begin questions pertaining to New Deal programs.

Tuesday May 1st:  Based on New Deal programs, produce questions pertaining to each of their programs.

Wednesday May 2nd:  Finish questions

Thursday May 3rd:  New Deal assessment

Friday May 4th:  Introduction to WWII with America: The Story of Us episode

Monday May 7th:  Introduction on Time Magazine images.  Students provide responses to images from WWII.

Tuesday May 8th:  Provide link to the major causes of WWII.  Students use the link to summarize and sequential sort the causes with cause and effect relationships.

Wednesday May 9th - Monday May 14th:  Research assigned WWII topic.

Monday May 14th:  From finished Google Slides students create a Who, What, When outline to share with peers.

Tuesday May 15th:  Together, class share each of their outlines with the other students.

Wednesday May 16th:  Begin work on essays from shared information on WWII.

Thursday May 17th:  Finsh essays and introduce We Didn't Start the Fire lyrics pertaining to the Cold War

Friday May 18th:  Awards Day / Fun Day

Sociology I

Tuesday August 22nd:  Introduce classroom expecations and course outline.  Begin discussion on "What is Sociology?"  Begin classroom reading

Wednesday August 23rd:  Finish class topics of How a Sociologist works.  From that group students into pairs to develop a different topic of how a Sociologist works.

Thursday August 24th:  Groups share Sociologists at work material.  Introduce Social Sciences and begin outline of Family, Labor practices, crime, and juvenile deliquency as they pertain to each of the (6) Social Sciences

Friday August 25th:  As a class we continue with Social Sciences relating to topics.  Together we did Family Relationships and kids in pairs work to complete the others.  

Monday August 28th:  As a class e finished the 6 Social Sciences as they pertained to the above mentioned topics.  Prepared for upcoming quiz and reviewed writing requirement.

Tuesday August 29th:  Social Sciences quiz and introduce Ch.2 dealing with variations of culture and ethnocentrism/cultural relativism 

Wednesday August 30th:  Review quiz results and introduce ethnocentrism and cultural relativism with YouTube video showing various examples of it in our school.

Thursday August 31st:  Remind students of Bonus video opportunity.  Introduce coming up with own culture using terms from the section.

Friday September 1st:  In class work time to finish culture creation.  Due Tuesday.

Tuesday/Wednesday September 5/6th:  Create a culture presentations

Thursday September 7th:  Finish culture presentations and introduce culture curriculum dealing with universals and world/US events.

Friday/Monday September 8th/11th:  In the computer lab, begin research on Ethnocentrism US/world events and how cultural relativism could've changed it.

Tuesday September 12th:  Introduce American Values with class reading and note taking with examples.  From that students began ranking those values to put together a recipe of their choice.

Wednesday September 13th:  Continue working to put together a recipe of how students rank the American Values.  Time permitting, practice quiz for upcoming quiz.

Thursday September 14th:  Recipe assignment dealing with American Values is due and begin practice for tomorrow's application quiz

Friday September 15th:  American Values assessment

Monday September 18th:  Independent assignment due pertaining to an outside culture.  Introduce sanctions

Tuesday September 19th:  Based on sanctions student write a 1 page essay pertaining to their lives.

Wednesday September 20th: Review school assignment of faculty and staff with sanctions by producing applicable questions

Thursday September 21st:  Class notes dealing with sources of social change.  From 6 changes students begin developing mock tv commercials.

Friday September 22nd:  Review Sanctions from teachers.  Introduce mock news program using social change

Monday September 25th:  Work to complete mock news programs as they're due Tuesday.

Tuesday September 26th:  Mock News programs shown with videos or live in class.  Review test set up.

Wednesday September 27th:  Ch.3 test

Thursday September 28th:  Introduce Roles and Status with vocabulary and self-application

Friday September 29th:  Continue with role related terms and self papers.  Watch short video so students can detail various statuses and roles.

Monday October 2nd:  Students use their own choice of book, movie, or tv show to define statuses and roles.

Tuesday October 3rd:  Continue working with students choice of media to complete statuses and roles.

Wednesday October 4th:  Last day to complete media structure. 

Thursday October 5th:  Introduce notes outline detailing Social Interactions.

Friday October 6th:  Based on Social Interaction, students are to effectively detail their own lives applying the major forms of interaction with an essay.

Tuesday October 10th:  Groups activity pertaining to contenious questions of trying to get unanimous decision.

Wednesday October 11th:  Introduce grouping terms and collage assignment.

Thursday October 12th:  Finish in computer lab with collage assignments.

Friday October 13th:  Students detail terms and assign group functions to a group of students choice.

Monday October 16th:  Group functions based on student interest.  Begin work on Ch.4 study guide

Tuesday October 17th:  Complete study guide and review as a class.

Wednesday October 18th:  Ch.4 test

Thursday October 19th:  Introduce the individual in Society with notes guide.

Friday October 20th:  Based on personality traits, students make 2 different ones and have peers answer them using the characteristics from the notes guide.

Monday October 23rd:  Personality traits homework due and class will tally the opinions of the people they interviewed from their homework.  In conclusion, students write detailing their own lives of how nature and nurture have impacted them.

Tuesday October 24th:  Introduce Socialization Theories with students detailing what's important to them versus what other see as important.

Wednesday October 25th:  Based on personal lives and Socialization Theories students begin work on comic strips and written explanations to verbally share with the class.

Thursday October 26th:  Last class time to complete comic strips and explanations.

Friday October 27th:  Present comics with explanations and Nature vs Nurture reading and questions in class.

Monday October 30th:  Together, note agents of Socialization and apply to students' lives.  Introduce impact mass media has on teenage socialization magazine articles.

Tuesday October 31st:  Mass media impacts on teenage socialization magazine articles in the computer lab.

Wednesday November 1st:  Continue with both articles and advertisements based on teenagers being impact by Mass Media

Thursday November 2nd:  Continue with mass media assignment in the lab

Friday November 3rd:  Final day in the lab working on Mass Media assignment.  Due Monday at the beginning of class.

Monday November 6th:  Mass media assignments due.  Short answer quiz pertaining to Ch.4.  Begin work on study guide for Wednesday's test.

Tuesday November 7th:  Study guide Ch.5 for tomorrow's test.

Wednesday November 8th:  Ch. 5 test

Thursday November 9th:  Review Ch.5 test and introduce next vocabulary pertaining to Adolescence.

Friday November 10th:  No School   Parent / Teacher conferences

Monday November 13th:  Introduce Adolescene with basic terms and Research methods.  Students responsible for all three but will only apply (1) of their choice pertaining to teenage topics in Adolescence.

Tuesday November 14th:  Work day involving Adolescent research methods.

Wednesday November 15th:  Introduce and note take the charactersitics of Adoles.

Thursday November 16th:  Rank each characteristic and why writing assignment.

Friday November 17th:  Tally characteristics of Adolescent based on student responses and introduce dating and courtship

Monday November 20th:  Teenage dating functions notes and in groups students create collective arguments for randomly assigned dating functions to be presented.

Tuesday November 21st:  Short stories entitled "My Perfect First Date" detailing the functions of dating in own lives.

Wednesday November 22nd:  Groups work to finish collective arguments for functions of dating.

Tuesday November 28th:  Introduce Teenage struggles in Adolescence with Suicide and Drug Use/Abuse.  Students read and summarized current articles on each topic.

Wednesday November 29th:  Introduce Adolescent research assignment.  Students utilize various resoruces and through software begin to develop a presentation.

Thursday November 30th:  Continue with presentation

Friday December 1st:  Last class day preparing presentation

Monday December 4th:  Begin teenage issue presentations

Tuesday December 5th:  Presentations

Wednesday December 6th: Presentations 

Thursday December 7th:  Last day of presentations

Friday December 8th:  Introduce stages of Adulthood with both males and females.

Monday December 11th:  As a class, review the stages of Adulthood in both males and females and finish reading.  

Tuesday December 12th:  Begin work on applying stages of Adulthood, video, skit, story, chapter book, or slide video

Wednesday December 13th:  Move to Late Adulthood stages detailed notes for students to use in their application.

Thursday December 14th:  Work day to complete application.

Friday December 15th:  Based on details and text/script, students complete a guided notes paper making sure they are covering all that needs to be covered.

Monday December 18th:  View videos from stages of Adulthood and introduce final terms that will go with the film.

Tuesday December 19th:  Students continue with Final exam terms for upcoming video.

Wednesday December 20th:  Continue with terms

Thursday December 21st:  Prep for Final

Friday December 22nd:  Prep for Final

Wednesday January 3rd - Friday January 5th:  Application of Sociology terminology as it appears in film.  This is the final.

Monday January 8th:  Last day of final with the film.

Sociology II

Thursday January 11th:  Introduce class and distribute textbooks.  Expain the breakdown of the semester and give students first notes guide pertaining to deviance

Friday January 12th:  Review Social Functions of Deviancee and Introduce Perspectives of Deviance and the theories that go with them.

Monday January 15th:  No School   Martin Luther King, Jr.  holiday

Tuesday January 16th:  Finish Deviance notes outline

Wednesday January 17th:  Based on deviance theories, students write a 1-pg position paper on their stance

Thursday January 18th:  Introduce Crime with notes outline

Friday January 19th:  Finish notes pertaining to types of Crime for upcoming multimedia assignment.

Monday January 22nd:  Introduce multimedia presentation pertaining to types of crime

Tuesday January 23rd:  Continue developing presentations

Wednesday January 24th:  Continue developing presentations 

Thursday January 27th:  Last day to prepare

Friday January 26th:  Present types of Crime and begin work on study guide

Monday January 29th:  Study guide work for upcoming test

Tuesday January 30th:  Ch.8 test Crime and Deviance

Wednesday January 31st:  Introduce Social Stratification notes guide

Thursday February 1st:  Begin work on completing presentation for caste system in India

Friday February 2nd:  Continue work on Caste systems of India

Monday February 5th:  Last work day on Caste system

Tuesday February 6th:  India's Caste System presentations 

Wednesday February 7th:  No school Snow Day

Thursday February 8th:  Last day of presentations 

Monday February 12th:  Student generated quiz based on Caste system.  Begin Google Classroom assignment on US Social Stratification with video and posting comments.

Tuesday February 13th:  Finish video and posting comments and begin work on developing lesson for one of six US social classes.

Wednesday February 14th: Continue developing lesson for US Social Classes with multimedia

Thursday February 15th:  Continue with US Social classes

Friday February 16th:  Last work day

Monday February 19th:  Students instruct others on US class system

Tuesday February 20th:  Continue with students instructing of class system

Wednesday February 21st: Introduce Poverty with NY Times article and students identify factors that lead to poverty. (race, gender, age)

Thursday February 22nd:  Students use the article to work to complete the summary and factors identification.

Friday February 23rd:  Begin work and research on what the US government had done to defeat poverty in the USA.

Monday February 26th:  Government assistance with poverty in the US.  Provide statistics and data to support what the govt has done to help poverty.

Tuesday February 27th:  Last work day for Govt assistance to US poverty.  

Wednesday February 28th:  Study guide work for upcoming test

Thursday March 1st:  Ch.9 test

Friday March 2nd:  Introduce Sociological Institutions Google Doc with student application

Monday March 5th:  Continue notes pertaining to Institutions of Sociology with statistical research

Tuesday March 6th:  Last class day for Sociological Institutions

Wednesday March 7th:  Writing prompt detailing students' least and most applicable institutions of Sociology.

Thursday March 8th:  Introduce Ch.10 notes outline pertaining to Race, Ethnicity, and the Social Structure.

Friday March 9th:  Review notes as a class and introduce puzzle assignment.

Monday March 12th:  Finish crossword puzzle assignment and begin work on American Civil Rights research pertaining to discrimination and race.

Tuesday March 13th:  Crossword puzzle quiz dealing with notes from Race and minority groups.  Continue research.

Wednesday March 14th:  US Civil Rights research in pairs to annotate timelines 

Thursday March 15th:  Continue working on US Civil Rights assignments

Friday March 16th:  Complete research component and begin work on tieing into discrimination and prejudice.

Monday March 19th:  Collaboration aspect with identifying stereotyping with US Civil Rights 1960s

Tuesday March 20th:  Minority Muslim NY Times article.  Students read and summarize and offer own opinion.

Wednesday March 21st:  Introduce minority group patterns of struggle with Quizizz game pre-test.  Begin work on specific Historical events relating to Minority group struggles.

Thursday March 22nd:  Continue work on relevance of events to struggle 

Friday March 23rd:  Finish work on presentation relating event to minority groups.

Monday March 26th:  Extra work day to complete event with minority group treatment.

Tuesday March 27th:  Begin research on US Government policies towards Minority groups

Wednesday March 28th:  Continue work from yesterday

Wednesday April 4th:  Last day to work on Minority group treatment with Govt.

Thursday April 5th:  Presentations

Friday April 6th:  Introduce new unit on Gender roles.  Students manipulate Google Doc with explanations.

Monday April 9th:  Google Doc work with explanations assigned to terms with Gender roles

Tuesday April 10th:  Finish Google Doc gender roles notes and scenarios

Wednesday April 11th:  Introduce Life Story requiement based on gender roles terms

Thursday April 12th:  Finish life stories

Friday April 13th:  Introduce Ageism and life span concepts and assignment

Monday April 16th:  Students begin work on choosing any 5 life topics they want and assign them to 4 age ranges Teenage, young Adulthood, middle Adulthood, and Elderly.  

Tuesday April 17th:  Continue work on Age bias

Wednesday April 18th:  Continue work on Age bias

Thursday April 19th:  Continue work on Age bias

Friday April 20th:  Finish Age bias assignment and complete the writing prompt for assessment.

Monday April 23rd:  Complete the writing prompt pertaining to most superior age of each student topic.

Tuesday April 24th:  Introduce Cross-cultural terminology with definitions and applications.

Wednesday April 25th:  Finish terminology 

Thursday April 26th:  Begin work on Marriage patterns.  Students begin creating mock web pages

Friday April 27th:  Marriage patterns creating web pages

Monday April 30th:  Last work day with partners creating mock web pages.  Upon completion, begin preparing presentation

Tuesday May 1st:  Begin presentations of  Marriage Partner patterns

Wednesday May 2nd:  Introduce population birth rate, death rate, and growth rate with country picked by students

Thursday May 3rd:  Continued work

Friday May 4th:  Last work day on population patterns and reasons for population change

Monday May 7th:  Based on population theories students use data from assignment to support which theory they feel is more impactful.

Tuesday May 8 - until completion:  Students use one of their country's to develop a board game with game pieces, game board, rules to play including ways urbanization impacted population.

Wednesday May 16th - Thursday May 17:  Based on finish game boards, students play the game and note population shifts

Friday May 18th:  Awards Day / Fun Day

