
Marine Science/Oceanography

Course Description:  

This is a one-semester science course offered to juniors and seniors. This course will introduce the student to topics in historical oceanography, geological oceanography, chemical and physical oceanography, and biological oceanography. Dissections and working with preserved marine organisms is a major component of lab when studying biological oceanography.

Computer access is required to watch online lectures and to complete electronic assignments. Students must sign up for the course with the current marine science teacher; 25 seats are available.

Prerequisite: Students must have taken and passed biology with a 80 average or higher and must currently be enrolled or have successfully passed chemistry.


Marine Science/Oceanography Lectures' Link:


Class Web Links:

Class Forms/Documents:

Course Syllabus marscisyllabus2014.pdf

Chapter Resources

Notes for Final exam....Print for study use MarSciFinal.pdf






