Mrs. Lupold - 5th Grade


Adaptation Resources

Here are some great resources to learn about various animal species:

KidZone: A very comprehensive resource. Animals are organized by their classification (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, arthropods).

National Geographic for Kids: A comprehensive resource with animals organized by their classification.

National Wildlife Federation: Scroll down the page a bit. Click on the animal classification, then look deeper for your species.

San Diego Zoo: This is a very kid friendly website. Animals are organized alphabetically.

Wild Kratts, Creaturepedia: Stick to the Creaturepedia to search for your animal.

Animal Fact Guide: Check it out! Maybe your animal is there?

Science Kids: 'Lots of animals here. Be sure to scroll down the entire page. 

SoftSchools: A loaded resource, be sure to skim through it.



Camo Challenge!



Camo...I  like this one:)

Camo. Intro.

Deceptive Coloration


Camouflage: National Geographic



Brainpop: Natural Selection

Crash Course Biology:Natural Selection I suggest viewing up to the time 6:00 min.

Nowhere to Hide

Peppered Moth

Simply Stated: Natural Selection (a bit challenging) I suggest starting at the time 2:23.

 Darwin's Theories

Charles Darwin

Galapagos Islands via Nat. Geo for Kids


Animal Adaptations in general:

Study Jams

Physical and Behavioral Adaptations

Nature Works

*Structural vs. Behavioral Adaptations 

 *NOTE: The words structural and physical are synonyms, they refer to the same type of adaptation.



These links may help as you design your animal for your project:

Biomes of the World

Study Jams: Biomes



Need a break, try the games on this page!

Hidden Animal Games
