Mrs. Highschool's Website



Student taking a test
How many of you have noticed a group of teachers circled around the copy machine with scissors, glue sticks, and old copies of the state assessments?  They are there to build review sheets for their students - to get them used to the questioning style of those tests. 

The SAS portal has taken that time-honored process to a whole new level!  We've digitized it, so now you can search for questions based on a number of criteria.  Once the questions are selected, our Assessment Creator will compile those questions into PDF documents that can be saved in your ePortfolio, as well as to the computer that you are working on. 

Below are some samples that I created - the process is so simple - you can create and save an answer key too!


So far I have shown you a lot of ways for you to share information with your students and families.... how about looking at some instructional resources?  When you are done looking at the assessments, click on Materials & Resources in the navigation menu.


 Student Version.pdf

Teacher Version.pdf 

Ecology and Environment

Student Version.pdf    

Teacher Version.pdf



