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9th Grade USPA History

Week of 5/21

Monday: Students will complete a review puzzle.

Tuesday: Students will play a review game.

Wednesday: Students will take a test on chapter 27.

Thursday: Students will receive their tests back and turn in their textbooks.

Week of 5/14

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 27-4.

Tuesday-Wednesday: Students will watch the History Channel show The Story of Us about World War II.

Thursday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Week of 5/7

Chapter 27 Notes: ch 27--WWII.pdf

Monday: Students will watch a documentary about the concentation camp at Auschwitz.

Tuesday & Wednesday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the 8 stages of Genocide according to the United Nations.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 27-3.

Friday: Students will complete a review assignment for chapter 27-3.

Week of 4/30

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 27-1.

Tuesday: Students will complete a Cloze reading about the Battle of Guadalcanal.

Wednesday-Thursday: Students will watch anti-German/Japanese cartoons and WWII-era educational films as well as taking notes on chapter 27-2.

Friday: Students will complete a review sheet for chapter 27-1 & 27-2.

Week of 4/23

Monday: Students will finish watching the Pearl Harbor documentary and complete a review sheet for chapter 26-4.

Tuesday: Students will complete a review puzzle for chapter 26.

Wednesday: Students will play a review game.

Thursday: Students will take a test on chapter 26.

Friday: Students will play "The Pit."

Week of 4/16

Chapter 26 Notes: ch 26.pdf

Monday: Students will watch a documentary on the life of Adolf Hitler.

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 26-3.

Wednesday: Students will complete a review packet for chapters 26-1 & 26-3.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 26-4.

Friday: Students will watch a documentary on the Pearl Harbor attack.

Week of 4/9

Chapter 25 Notes: ch 25--USPA.pdf

Monday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the Social Security Act from FDR's New Deal.

Tuesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 25 quiz.

Wednesday: Students will take a quiz on chapter 25.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 26-1.

Friday: Students will watch a documentary on the life of Adolf Hitler.

Week of 4/2

Monday-Tuesday: No School

Wednesday: Students will take notes on and discuss chapter 25-1.

Thursday: Students will complete a review packet for chapter 25-1.

Friday: Students will take notes on and discuss chapter 25-2.

Week of 3/26

Chapter 24 Notes: ch 24--USPA.pdf

Monday: Studetns will complete review puzzle for chapter 24.

Tuesday: Students will play a review game for their chapter 24 test.

Wednesday: Students will take a test on chapter 24.

Thursday-Friday: No School

Week of 3/19

Monday: Students will finish watching the video "America: The Story of Us."  They will also receive an assignment requiring them to create a biography of Great Depression era figures.

Tuesday & Wednesday: Students complete their biography assignment.

Thursday: Students will complete a statistical and map analysis concerning the Great Depression.

Friday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 24-3.

Week of 3/12

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 24-1.

Tuesday: Students will complete a review sheet for chapter 24-1.

Wedneday: Students will present their chapter 23/1920s culture presentations in class.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 24-2.

Friday: Students will watch the show "America: The Story of Us" about the Great Depression.

Week of 3/5

Monday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 22 test.

Tuesday: Students will take a test on chapter 22.

Wednesday-Friday: Students will research and create presentations on American culture in the 1920s.

Week of 2/26

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 22-2.

Tuesday: Students will complete a review sheet on chapter 22-2.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 22-3.

Thursday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 22 test.

Friday: Students will play a review game.

Week of 2/19

Chapter 22 Notes: ch 22--USPA.pdf

Monday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 21 test.

Tuesday: Students will take a test on chapter 21.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 22-1.

Thursday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the murder trials of Italian immigrants Sacco & Vanzetti.

Friday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 22-2.

Week of 2/12

Monday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the Paris Peace Conference.

Tuesday: Students will fill in a map of Europe after World War I.

Wednesday: Students will complete a review puzzle for chapter 21.

Thursday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 21 test.

Friday: Students will take a test on chapter 21.

Week of 2/5

Monday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the Spanish Flu.

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 21-3.

Wednesday: Students will complete a review sheet on chapter 21-3.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 21-4.

Friday: Students will complete a map activity requiring them to identify countries and boundary changes in Europe after World War I.

Week of 1/29

Monday-Wednesday: Students will research and create PowerPoint presentations about assigned weapons, individuals, and battles of World War I.

Thursday: Students will present their PowerPoints to their classmates.

Friday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the Spanish Flu.

Week of 1/22

Monday-Thursday: Students will watch the film "All Quiet on the Western Front" and complete a comprehension assignment.

Friday: Students will begin creating a research PowerPoint where they must research and create a presentation illustrating the use of a weapon during World War I.

Week of 1/15

Chapter 21 Notes: ch 21.pdf

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 21-1.

Wednesday: Students will complete a map outline of Europe before World War I.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 21-2.

Friday: Students will watch the film "All Quiet on the Western Front."

Week of 1/8

Chapter 20 Notes: ch 20--USPA.pdf

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 20-4.

Tuesday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 20 test.

Wednesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 20 test.

Thursday: Students will take a test on chapter 20.

Friday: Students will complete a current events reading summary.

Week of 1/1

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 20-3.

Wednesday: Students will watch a documentary on the Panama Canal.

Thursday: Students will finish watching the documentary on the Panama Canal.  Students will also complete a review sheet about chapters 20-2 & 20-3.

Friday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 20-4.

Week of 12/19

Monday: Students will read and take notes on chapter 20-1.

Tuesday: Students will review and answer questions from Mr. Clark to review main ideas from chapter 20-1.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 20-2

Thursday: Students will create propaganda posters encouraging Americans to support the Spanish-American War.

Friday: Students will play a current events/trivia game.

Week of 12/11

Monday: Students will be given a period to work on back assignments they have not completed.

Tuesday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 19 test.

Wednesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 19 test.

Thursday: Students will take a test on chapter 19.

Friday: Students will complete a current events article review.


Chapter 19 Notes: ch 19--USPA.pdf
Week of 12/4

Monday: Students will finish working on their National Park flyer.

Tuesday: Students will complete a writing prompt about Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" speech.

Wednesday: Students will take notes on chapter 19-3.

Thursday: Students will complete a review sheet on chapters 19-2 & 19-3.

Friday: Students will take a short weekly quiz & take notes on chapter 19-4.

Week of 11/27

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 19-1.

Wednesday: Students will complete a review worksheet/textbook reading assignment on chapter 19-1.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 19-2.

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz.  Also, they will begin work on a promotional flyer assignment in which they must advertise one of the National Parks that Teddy Roosevelt was responsible for creating.

Week of 11/20

Monday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 18 test.

Tuesday: Students will take a test on chapter 18.

Wednesday: Students will play a current events/trivia game.

Thursday-Friday: No School.

Week of 11/13

Chapter 18 Notes: Ch. 18 USPA.pdf

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 18-2.

Tuesday: Students will complete a main idea/review sheet for chapter 18-2.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 18-3.

Thursday: Students will complete a reading assignment about Prohibition.

Friday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 18 test.

Week of 11/6

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 18-1.

Tuesday-Wednesday: Students will create cartoons to illustrate what Progressivism of the 1890s and early 1900s looked like.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 18-2.  They will also take a weekly quiz.

Friday: No school.

Week of 10/30

Monday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 17-3.

Tuesday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 17 test.

Wednesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 17 test.

Thursday: Students will take a test on chapter 17.

Friday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 18-1.  They will also take their weekly quiz.

Week of 10/23

Chapter 17 Notes: ch 17 USPA.pdf

Monday: Students will take a test on chapter 16.

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 17-1.

Wednesday: Students will complete a review sheet on chapter 17-1.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 17-2.

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz.  Afterwards they will play a current events/trivia game.

Week of 10/16

Monday-Wednesday: Students will create and present PowerPoints on some component of American culture during the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Thursday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 16 test.

Friday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 16 test.

Week of 10/9

Chapter 16 Notes: ch 16--urbanization.pdf

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will finish taking notes on chapter 16-1 and complete a review sheet for the section.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 16-2.

Thursday-Friday: Students will research and create informational PowerPoints on American culture during the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz on chapter 16.

Week of 10/2

Monday: Students will complete a review puzzle to prepare for their chapter 15 test.

Tuesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 15 test.

Wednesday: Students will take a test on chapter 3.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 16-1.

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz and complete a review sheet on chapter 16-1.

Week of 9/25

Monday-Tuesday: Students will create short commercials selling an invention of Thomas Edison.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 15-2.

Thursday: Students will watch their commercials and complete a review sheet about chapter 15-2.

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz and take notes on chapter 15-3.

Week of 9/18

Monday: Students will play a review game.

Tuesday: Students will take a test on chapter 14.

Wednesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 15-1.

Thursday: Students will complete an activity in which they must use and decipher morse code.

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz and take notes on chapter 15-2.

Week of 9/11

Chapter 14 Notes: chapter 14 updated 9-13.pdf

Monday: Students will take notes on 14-2 (Western Farmers).

Tuesday: Students will complete a reading assignment about the Homesteaders moving west in the 1800s.

Wednesday: Students will take notes on 14-3 & 14-4 (The Cattle Boom and The Mining Boom).

Thursday: Students will read a current events article and share their issues with their classmates.

Friday: Students will complete a crossword puzzle to review for their chapter 14 tests.

Week of 9/4

Monday: Labor Day--No School

Tuesday: Students will play a review game to prepare for their chapter 13 test.

Wednesday: Students will take a test on chapter 13.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 14-1 (War in the West).

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz and play a current events/trivia game.

Week of 8/28

Monday: Students will complete reading assignments on Reconstruction & the 15th Amendment.

Tuesday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 13-3 (Reconstruction in the South).

Wednesday: Students will complete a Main Idea review activity concerning chapter 13-3.

Thursday: Students will take notes and discuss chapter 13-4 (The New South).

Friday: Students will take a short quiz & complete a map activity about sharecropping in the South.

Week of 8/21

Chapter 13 Notes: Ch. 13--USPA.pdf

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Students will take notes on chapter 13-1 (Reconstruction).  Students will have a review quiz to complete for homework.

Wednesday: Students will complete a reading assignment on Reconstruction after the Civil War.

Thursday: Students will take notes on chapter 13-2 (Congressional Reconstruction).

Friday: Students will take a weekly quiz and complete a current event article summary.
