Ms. Andrews
Palmerton Area High School



Unit Outline & Objectives

Chapter 4


Chapter Synopsis

The primary concern of this chapter is to explore the organization of cells into tissues.  The origin, structure, function, and location of each of the principal types of tissues are examined.  Throughout, the relationship of structure to function is emphasized.  Attention is also given to extracellular materials, cell junctions, exocrine glands, and mucous, serous, and synovial membranes.  Medical studies of tissues, Marfan syndrome, and adhesions are described as Clinical Applications related to tissues.  Tissue repair is discussed as a homeostatic mechanism.  The chapter concludes with a discussion of autoimmune diseases as homeostatic disorders of tissue.


Chapter Outline and Objectives


  1. Define the relation of the cellular level to the major structures of tissues that endow tissues with distinct properties.
  2. Describe how the tissue level of organization is utilized by pathologists when examining organ biopsies.


  1. Classify the tissues of the body into four major types.
  2. Describe the type of tissues derived from the three embryonic germ layers.
  3. Describe the use of biopsy to remove living material for microscopic examination.


  1. Describe the three functions of cell junctions.
  2. Describe the five most important kinds of cell junctions.


  1. List the general features of epithelial tissue and give examples of functions in organs in which theyare found.
  2. Mention that epithelial tissue is divided into two types: covering and lining epithelium and by glandular epithelium.

Covering and Lining Epithelium

  1. Note that the tissue structure is directly related to the job it has in an organ.
  2. Define the terminology that indicates the types of cell layering.
  3. Relate the terms for the variety of cell shapes with their appearance and general character.
  4. Considering the layers and cell shapes in combination, outline the classification of covering and lining epithelium.

Simple Epithelium

  1. Illustrate the structure of the different simple epithelial tissues in addition to showing histological representations and examples of organs that contain them.

Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

  1. Illustrate the structures of the different pseudostratified epithelial tissues in addition to showing histological representations and examples of organs that contain them.
  2. Discuss the value of Pap smears.

Stratified Epithelium

  1. Illustrate the structures of the different stratified and transition epithelial tissues in addition to showing histological representations and examples of organs that contain them.

Glandular Epithelium

  1. Define a gland and distinguish between exocrine and endocrine glands.

Structural Classification of Exocrine Glands

  1. Indicate how structural classification is based on numbers of associated cells and describe the single type of unicellular gland.

Functional Classification of Exocrine Glands

  1. Show how functional classification is related to the mode used by the cells to deliver their secretory products.


  1. Describe the important and prominent characteristics of connective tissue.

General Features of Connective Tissue

  1. Describe the three basic elements of connective tissue.

Connective Tissue Cells

  1. Discuss the cells that compose connective tissue in terms of origin, function, and mobility.

Connective Tissue Matrix

  1. Describe the factors of a connective tissue matrix that give the specific properties required in the various organs.

            Ground Substance

  1. Name the chemical components of ground substance and how each is responsible for differing physical consistencies of connective tissues.


  1. Identify the different constituents of collage, elastic, and reticular fibers, as well as the alternate structures and mechanical properties of each used in specific organs.
  2. Discuss Marfan syndrome and the abnormal development of elastic fibers.

Classification of Connective Tissue

  1. Describe the features used to classify the range of connective tissues and the major classifications.
  2. Note the origins and unique nature of some embryonic connective tissues.

Types Of Mature Connective Tissue

  1. Discuss the three features of mature connective tissue.

Loose Connective Tissue

  1. List the structure, function, and location of loose connective tissue.
  2. Discuss liposuction in terms of the connective tissue involved, locations, and possible complications.

Dense Connective Tissue

  1. List the structure, function, and location of dense connective tissue.


  1. List the structure, function, and location of cartilage connective tissue.
  2. Discuss cartilage growth and repair.
  3. Explain how tissue engineering has allowed scientists to grow new tissues in the laboratory for replacement of damaged tissues in the body.

Bone Tissue

  1. List the structure, function, and location of bone connective tissue.

Blood Tissue

  1. List the structure, function, and location of blood connective tissue.


  1. List the structure, function, and location of lymph tissue.


  1. Describe an epithelial membrane general structure.
  2. Distinguish between an epithelial and a synovial membrane.

Epithelial Membranes

Mucous Membranes

  1. List the location and function of mucous membranes.

Serous Membranes

  1. List the location and function of serous membranes
    Cutaneous Membranes
  2. List the location and functions of cutaneous membranes.

Synovial Membranes

  1. List the location and function of synovial membranes.


  1. Contrast the three types of muscle tissue with regard to external appearance and internal structure, organs of location, modes of control, nature of contraction, and function.


  1. Describe the general structural features and functions of the two types of cells in nervous tissues.
  2. Discuss the new technology called tissue engineering.


  1. Explain how muscle fibers and neurons are able to produce action potentials.


  1. Examine the cellular requirements of tissue repair and distinguish between tissues which are and are not capable of regeneration.
  2. Compare the different processes that occur between repair of minor versus serious tissue damage.

Conditions Affecting Repair

  1. Discuss the factors of nutrition, blood circulation, and age in the tissue repair processes.


  1. Describe the formation of adhesions.


  1. Discuss the effect of aging on tissues.


  1. Describe disorders of epithelial and connective tissues.

Sjogren’s Syndrome

  1. Discuss the symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  1. Discuss the signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.


  1. Define medical terminology associated with tissues.


