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What is Fluency?

Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly.  Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression.  Their reading sounds natural, as if they were speaking. Fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension.


Strategies to Improve Fluency

  • Choral Reading: read aloud together having your child match his voice to yours.
  • Repeated Readings: readers practice the same story. Set a timer for 1 minute and have your child start reading. Count the number of words read correctly in that minute. Have your child practice that same selection 4 more times. Then set the timer again. The number of correct words should increase. Remember, the selection must be read with phrasing and expression.
  • Echo Reading: read one or two sentences aloud with proper phrasing and expression. Then have your child imitate this oral reading model.
  • Predictable Language: choose a book that contains a predictable pattern. Read it aloud to your child. During the second reading, have your child join in. Continue with further readings until your child is able to read the book on his own.
  • Taped Readings: Use books on tapes and have your child read along.

Fluency Rates

Grade 1
Unit 1 no target
Unit 2 no target
Unit 3 Weeks (1-3) 20-33 wcpm
         Weeks (4-6) 25-35 wcpm
Unit 4 Weeks (1-3) 30-40 wcpm
         Weeks (4-6) 35-45 wcpm
Unit 5 Weeks (1-3) 40-50 wcpm
         Weeks (4-6) 45-55 wcpm
End of year goal: 60wcpm

Grade 2
Unit 1: 50-60 wcpm
Unit 2: 58-68 wcpm
Unit 3: 66-76 wcpm
Unit 4: 74-84 wcpm
Unit 5: 82-92 wcpm
Unit 6: 90-100 wcpm
End of year goal: 90 wcpm

Grade 3
Unit 1: 80-90 wcpm
Unit 2: 85-95 wcpm
Unit 3: 90-100 wcpm
Unit 4: 95-105 wcpm
Unit 5: 102-112 wcpm
Unit 6: 110-120 wcpm
End of year goal: 120 wcpm

Grade 4
Unit 1: 95-105 wcpm
Unit 2: 100-110 wcpm
Unit 3: 105-115 wcpm
Unit 4: 110-120 wcpm
Unit 5: 115-125 wcpm
Unit 6: 120-130 wcpm
End of Year Goal: 130 wcpm

Grade 5
Unit 1: 105-110 wcpm
Unit 2: 110-116 wcpm
Unit 3: 105-115 wcpm
Unit 4: 120-128 wcpm
Unit 5: 125-134 wcpm
Unit 6: 130-140 wcpm
End of Year Goal: 140 wcpm
