Mrs. DeBiase High School Nurse

Mrs. DeBiase's Home Page

6th and 11th grade private physical examiniations are now due in the health office.  7th grade dentals are also due in the health office. Please stop in to see the school nurse if you need a dental or physical form.

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Welcome Parents & Students!


My name is Mrs. DeBiase and I am the school nurse for grades 6-12. Please remember that 6th and 11th grade physicals are due in the health office as soon as possible. If your child will require medication during the school day you must have our district form signed by the prescribing physician and also a parent signature. The medication needs to be delivered in the original container , and brought to the office by the parent. As well as any over the counter medications need to have a district form signed and completed by your personal care physician.  If you need a medication form please visit our district web site where they can be accessed.  At the start of each new school year it is required that you submit a new medication order, allergy action plan and asthma care plan.  


Please feel free to call me at (814) - 479-2324 or you can email me at:


Health Forms:


Asthma Action Plan English
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Medication form for parents and physician signature
Private Dental Form 23-24.pdf
Private Physical Form
What are Head Lice brochure
