Sara Telesz

Shawnee and March Elementary

Enrichment/ Gifted Support

Telesz Like it is...What's Happening in Enrichment?

Welcome Back!!!

I am so excited to begin the 2011-2012 school year!  Prepare your self for in-depth studies on topics that spark your curiosity and imagination.  Students will engage in self-directed learning, focusing on the  various multiple intelligences and learning styles.  Through the use of menus, each individual student will work toward his/her goals and will have a choice of topics to study as well as projects to create.  I will continue to incorporate technology into the curriculum through the use of keynote, garageband, comic life and various other software programs. Throughout the school year, we will take a more in-depth look at the grade level curriculum standards.  Teachers will differentiate the classroom lessons and provide extension so that all student needs are met.  Get ready for an amazing year!!!


What to expect from Enrichment:

Cluster Grouping with Extension Opportunities in the Regular Classroom
Pull-out Program/Push-in Enrichment for Reading, Math & Science
Independent Learning Contracts
Self-Directed Research Projects
Stories with Holes/Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Journaling/Writing Prompts/Literature Circles
Critical  & Creative Thinking Activities (Bloom’s)
Poetry & Writing Exhibition Opportunities                                                                                                                                                                                           Curriculum extensions tied to units of study in content areas; reading and writing extensions
Creative problem solving & critical thinking activities
Foundation Skills: research, reliability of sources, information gathering & documentation, time-management (daily log) and presentation choices
Independent study with access to technology
Leadership & Community



News & Announcements
