NWLSD Technology Links
Guidance Resources
In general, these websites offer good resources to consider when planning guidance lessons:
Discovery Education Includes United Streaming videos on a wide range of topics, searchable by subject, grade level, and type of content. Some include teacher guides and blackline masters.
Good Character K-12 teaching guides and resources for character education.
Educators for Social Responsibility Searchable by grade level and topic, this site provides lessons and activities on topics such as conflict resolution, building community, and making a difference.
Lee Summit School District Broad in scope, this site provides a plethora of links to sites for online activities for students on topics such as feelings, careers, dealing with divorce, career and college, conflict resolution, and many, many, more. Included is a "PowerPoint for Counselors" section. This is a fantastic resource.
Internet 4 Classrooms High-quality lesson plans provided by organizations such as the Red Cross.
Jefferson County Schools (TN) Lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations prepared by counselors in this school district. Includes links to fantastic resources.
Princeton Review Career Quiz Students can sign up for free to take this interest/aptitude assessment.
Career Exploration Web Guide Straightforward career selection tool that links to scholarships and schools providing education and training. Lots of links to resources here, too. Sponsored by the Vocational Information Center.
Jobs for Kids Who Like: Click on your area of interest, and then you can read all about the responsibilities, training, pay, and other information associated with jobs in your area of interest. For upper elementary and middle school students.
Career Exploration Guides for Kids Lots of resources, activities, coloring pages, and information. Links are grouped for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Kids Work Explore a virtual community...go inside a hospital, a TV studio, and more!
The Fun Works for Careers You Never Knew Existed! This career information site is for students in upper elementary or middle school. Take a quick interest inventory, and this site recommends careers for you to explore. Brief information is given on each type of career, including expected salary.